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Joined 12 months ago

I'm 62, which is embarrassingly old to be effing around on the fediverse.

But I just want to say these octogenarians can't possibly represent me.

It's partly their age.

But to me wealth is the more corrupting factor. Some of these people have never had a real job, or at least in decades.

I'm both hoping to work until I'm 70 or die sooner.

These rich assholes can't represent anyone except other rich assholes.

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A black, democrat, elected official.

No agenda here.

And people will be dismembered if they fail to comply.

I really like the part about thanking your previous manager.

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That would be nice.

I have cancer, and you really get fucked hard for that.

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I'm 62 years old, which probably makes me the Uncle Fester of the fediverse. Even so, this piece of shit does not represent me.

I work for a living -- this motherfucker has never worked in his life.

Moreover, this teint of the universe has the mental acuity of a rotten turnip.

What a fucking joke.

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Bullshit. This is a biased article.

As a other person commented, I won. No need for reddit at this point.

And user name checks out.

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What did this dumb shit expect?

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She wasn't the one twerking.

She was dancing behind the twerker.

If he thinks five grand is a big hospital bill, he's not living in the real world.

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I had something like this happen. A huge SWAT team -- six cars full of pigs -- invaded my house.

Turns out a neighbor with dementia and a crooked pig. -- later fired for stealing from a police fund -- falsified evidence to get a search warrant relating to a bank robbery I had nothing to do with.

Absolutely no trust for the pigs here.

Either way, it would have been tiny and malformed.

What a piece of shit.

Clearly dementia from untreated syphilis of the brain.

He knows. He practically invented it.

So he's probably really eating shit now he's getting charged under it.

Now where's my popcorn?

Oh. It's Texas.

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What a fucking dipshit.

Also partly responsible for an increase in pedestrian fatalities.

Trump. I have relevant experience.

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I feel the same way. On Reddit,, they used to joke that the best material was in the comments.

I've been using Sync and Thunder . There are lots of posts but often no comments at all.

Sometimes it feels like a big cave of silence.

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Well, actually this went from funny to tragic.

The company was called Need to Know, and it was initially in an old Victorian under a freeway overpass in San Francisco.

So I got the computer Friday and ran into this 23 line fail that evening. I called around 8:00 pm, expecting to get an answering machine. Instead I got, " Hey come on over!"

So I drive back to SF and get there around 9:00 pm. Somebody immediately puts a drink in my hand. People are just partying in a low key way. There are computer parts all over the place, but people are just partying.

So one of the guys took my machine apart, diagnosed the CPU failure, and replaced it with parts on hand.

I'm back in Berkeley by maybe 11:00 pm with a fully functional computer.

Here's where it gets ugly. I did business with them into the late 1980s. During that time , some psycho took on a grudge against them and literally burned their place of business down.

Several places of businesses, burned down sequentially. Fucking tragic.

I lost track of them by 1990. I don't know if they went further underground or what.

But they gave me a really human intro to computing. I can only hope they are well , wherever they are.

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I hate these things. I took one out to an abandoned reservoir and blew it to pieces with a .12 gauge shotgun. Very therapeutic.

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This moron is terrifying.

You might be too right.

My wife lives in another county and is only around on the weekends.

She is a huge turtle nut and has several stuffed turtle toys on the bed. I'm in finance journalism and sometimes talk to the turtles about convertible bond transactions and other boring stuff.

It helps me work through things. Probably headed for an institution in the future.

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He did that once before, when he demanded the death penalty for the Central Park Five, who were wrongfully convicted.

He is a racist piece of shit.

Around 1983 I got a Morrow Microdecision with two floppies.

No hard drive or mouse. It did come with COBOL.

It failed after 23 lines of text entry. Turned out the CPU was defective.

People kept asking me, "Dude, what do you need a computer for?"

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What a complete fucking moron.

What a fucking joke.

Well he can go fuck himself.

I learned to drive when I was about 16. My parents never had any food in the house, plus two extremely aggressive dobermans in the kitchen, so I couldn't go in there anyway.

So sometimes I would sneak out right before MacDs close and eat a burger in the parking lot.

I'm a lot older now, but occasionally I still eat fast food in the darkness of the Walmart parking lot

I find it calming for some reason.

Bonus hilarity:

At Xmas in 1979 I had an Xmas tree lot with a slave driver boss -- 12 to 18 hours a day. (He did partially pay me with a shopping bag full of wed.)

On night I got off around midnight and headed off to the local Mcds, order my food, and visit the restroom to take a piss -- and somehow managed to drop my car keys in the piss water.

Not my favorite day ever.

Then I get home and find that they had released the dogs in the whole house and I had to yell and pound on the door to get my mother to lock them up.


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If this dumb ass actually gets into it with a real major power, the entire country will be turned into a lake of fire.

I feel very bad for the citizens.They do not want or deserve any of this.

I'm glad to see a young person taking these pieces of shit on.

I'm 62 and I've never voted for one of these RepubliKKKlan motherfuckers in my life.

It's not hard to see why young people could be disaffected. Wages have been low and housing costs are through the roof.

It's great to see a young guy taking them on And the repuplicnlown reaction: clutch pearls in terror.

Yeah and pollute it with fascist content.

Be careful -- have a doctor do it.

I was finishing a tile backsplash. The last thing is using a sponge the size of a brick that has water in in it to wipe off the grout glaze .

I had recently put nice copper knobs on the cabinets.

The wires from the wall outlets were pulled out, and being an idiot I didn't flip off the circuit breaker.

So I leaaned with the wet sponge and hit the wires with the sponge just as my head hit one of the copper knobs.

It felt like Zeus sent a lightning bolt up my ass and up out through my head.

Im a more cautious person now.

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What a pathetic asshole

What a fantastical waste of skin. Yet her cretin slaves vote for her.

Nothing is going to happen to any of these assholes.

There's a different set of rules for rich, white assholes.

Disclosure: white and broke here.

Fuck this imbecile.

This moron probably believes in Santa in addition to sky daddy. Complete waste of skin.