10 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Anything a chiropractor can do that will actually help, a PT can do better. They'll also teach you what exercises to do to prevent needing to see them again.

A chiropractor will just tell you to come to them more often, and take more of your money over time.

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Imagine having to get a judge to signoff on any other medical procedure, and it really highlights the absurdity.

...this feels a lot like the death panels a certain sect was screeching about back in 2008/2009

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I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.

She should have been able to mourn her loss in private with her loved ones. Not on the national stage as an example. She should not be at risk of prosecution because of this unfortunate situation.

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Ah yes, Woody Allen - the paragon for appropriate relationships with women. We should certainly listen to him about what is and isn't acceptable behavior.

/s if that wasn't clear.

If all else fails, just tell the interviewers something along the lines of

"I was so excited about this opportunity that I wasn't able to sleep last night. I apologize for not being 100%."

Most people have experienced being too anxious/excited to get a good night's sleep, so if you are up front about it, they will probably be more forgiving than if you just try to power through and fail.

If nothing else, she is an incredible business woman.

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Asking where you are from is pretty normal conversation, especially if you have a noticeable accent. Asking where your parents/grandparents/etc are from is less common. Are you by chance not-white? Sometimes these sorts of questions have a race element to them

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How high are you OP?

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I’ve been to places that had free municipal wifi, mostly at libraries and bus stops. It seems like a small service that is generally helpful to people without access to their own wifi. I think the better solution is to have more places with free wifi at night so people don’t have to congregate in the one small area.

There aren’t many places the unhoused are allowed to exist in public and cutting them off from essential services only makes it harder for them to better their situation.

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I prefer smaller cars. Every once in a while I browse what's available in new cars. Every time there are fewer and fewer options in the compact/sub compact category. I guess I'm just going to hope nothing ever happens to my Civic (which is honestly larger than I'd wish) because I don't know what I'd replace it with.

Of course giant vehicles as a share of sales is going to increase, when that's 75%+ of what is available to buy.

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2 days. I'll memorize the Powerball winning numbers to win something like $500M, since I know there were no other winners.

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All of the above.

In some areas, I'm very smart. Others I am a massive idiot. I think I probably average out to a solid average intelligence.

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I once knew someone who refused to tell anyone the name they chose before the baby was born (absolutely valid choice, IMO). The grandpa-to-be chose to exclusively refer to the fetus as Beelzebub.

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It's ok. English is my first language and I don't understand what OP means by "cold camera shoe."

Cuteness has nothing to do with sexual attraction. Loads of things are cute. Kittens, puppies, red pandas, baby ducks are some examples of cute things. Basically anything that makes you go "aww" is cute.

If he was asking if you thought he was hot as a kid, that would be weird and you would be right to feel like that is inappropriate.

Chandler was the best character by a landslide.

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Oatmeal. Pour in bowl with water/milk and nuke it for 3-4 min. Or you can do the whole overnight oats thing and have it ready with no prep in the morning.

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“He put himself squarely in the middle of the conspiracy,” Kading said of Davis and the Shakur killing. “He had acquired the gun, he had given the gun to the shooter and he had been present in the vehicle when they hunted down and located both Tupac and Suge [Knight]”

Kading noted that Davis is the last living person among the four people who were in the vehicle from which shots were fired at Shakur and Knight. Others were Anderson, Terrence “Bubble Up” Brown and DeAndre “Freaky” Smith.

“It’s a concerted effort of conspirators,” Kading said, adding that he believed that because the killing was premeditated Davis could face a first-degree murder charge.

“All the other direct conspirators or participants are all dead,” Kading said. “Keefe D is the last man standing among the individuals that conspired to kill Tupac.”

Daily Caller

About us

Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson

Yeah, that seems like a totally legit, unbiased news source to me...

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This reminded me of my first year at uni when a guy decided to speak in a fake British accent, I guess to sound cooler. Unfortunately for him, we could all tell it was fake and that made him decidedly uncool (and the butt of a lot of jokes). I think he gave it up after a couple of weeks.

The fact is, the coolest thing you can do is be confident in yourself (including how you sound when speaking naturally).

Acknowledge them. Allow yourself to feel them, knowing they are only temporary. The more you try to suppress them, the longer it will take to work through them.

My favorite from my time working in the news industry:

Neighbor puts toilets in their yard facing other neighbors house. That neighbor builds a fence so they don't have to look at the toilets. Original neighbor then hangs toilets from the tree so it is visible over the fence. Cue complaints to get toilets removed by city/county.

I believe the original dispute had to do with tearing out a shared bush and parking on lawn, but I don't recall the details.

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Lasik. Being able to wake up in the morning and just see things with zero effort was life changing.

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Misleading title is misleading. He was in an 18wheeler truck, not a dumpster.

"This is a tractor-trailer style (trailer). You know, you picture that 18-wheeler, this is what the trailer would look like. A box trailer is where he was located, right in the back of that," Sauschuck said. "Some of those trailers are locked. Some of those trailers aren't. He was found inside one of those boxes that was unlocked from the outside."

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This happened to a guy I went to high school with. He did the responsible thing after partying and got a ride home. Unfortunately his ride dropped him off on the wrong block and he got shot by the person who's home he was mistakenly left at.

This one is a little convoluted, but I just watched this prank video where they fed someone their own cooking in a restaurant. It may be the most wholesome prank I've ever seen.

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Go for daily walks in nature.

Do yoga

Play a recreational sport that interests you

Read (I guess that's still consumption)


Volunteer for a cause you care about

Thank you for your service

Do you have platonic friends? Humans need a community to be a part of, so if you don't have one you should start by finding one. Recognize that companionship comes in many different forms, not just romantically. Just because you have hit pause on pursuing romance, doesn't mean you should become a total hermit (unless that will make you happy, which it sounds like it wouldn't).

Find people with similar interests and hobbies you can connect over. Show up to places consistently so you can start to know the people who are doing the same things you are at the same time you do them.

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You have a false premise. Early humans did not eat primarily meat. It was a well balanced diet of about 65% animal products and 35% plant based. Source

Also, there was less specialization of roles, so people simply did more physical labor than people today, who sit at a desk 8hrs a day.

A quick Google showed me a $40 smartphone from Walmart. Granted it's probably pretty terrible, but it does go to show that they aren't all priced like luxury toys. If you want a luxury branded phone, you'll pay luxury prices.

I'm pretty sure this is the story you're talking about.

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Local library for entertainment - free ebooks, free streaming of movies, passes to museums/state parks etc.

Eat at home, cook in bulk and eat leftovers to save time/money.

Ad block for watching YouTube/network tv without annoying ad breaks

Bodyweight fitness, walking, and at home yoga for exercise - no need for a gym membership

Use Facebook marketplace to get free/cheap furniture

New Zealand is just happy to have been included for once

Seems like it is more than time to legalize it nationally

My childhood neighborhood got hit by a wildfire shortly after graduating college.

For evacuations, your best bet will be to stay with friends/family outside of the evacuation zone. I stayed at my boyfriend's (at the time) family's house. If you don't know anyone, usually there will be shelters set up in places like school gyms that you can go to. The problem with these is that there will be no privacy and you won't be able to take any pets.

I'm not sure who pays during the evacuation period, but if your home is uninhabitable, insurance should pay for any accomodations while you are waiting for your home to be fixed.

For smoke remediation, your insurance will evaluate what is necessary and should write a check to fix it. We got ~$4000 for carpet cleaning, special duct cleaning, some sort of ozone treatment for the attic and then these special sponges that absorbs soot from the walls. My parents were able to DIY a few of the things and put the money towards installing AC.

The thing no one prepared you for in this situation is the uncertainty. Pulling away from your house and seeing the fire barrelling towards it is awful. The next few days, you don't know if you'll be homeless or not. Your stuck in this state of wanting information, but the bureaucracy won't say anything (it also doesn't help in my situation the govt officials straight up lied to the media about it).

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Since it's for your job, I'd just stick to some generic platitude like "Sorry, I don't think I'm available that day."

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According to the article, boomers had ~20% of wealth when they were the same age as millennials. So even accounting for older generations having more, boomers were much better off in comparison.

Some guys were checking out Ken when they are rollerblading into the city.

So we should take away something that is necessary to someone helping themselves (have you tried to apply for a job or take a class without using the internet recently, it's required), just because some people don't care about living in squalor?

If all they are doing is "loitering" to use the internet, then they aren't doing anything wrong. It sounds like the problem is simply the number of people and the neighbors didn't approve. In that case, the truly win/win option is to provide greater access points to free wifi so people don't have to congregate in one small area. This outcome only hurts people.