1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine"

What makes the RDRE so revolutionary is that it makes use of a sustained detonation circling around a ring-shaped channel, fed by a mix of fuel and oxygen which is ignited by each passing explosion.
Crucially, the RDRE uses less propellant fuel than conventional rocket engines, and is simpler in terms of its machinery and mechanisms. That means going into space becomes cheaper, and traveling further distances becomes possible.

Saved you a click.

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People are really underestimating the bravery here: eating spaghetti and meatballs while wearing a head-to-toe pure white outfit is either extraordinarily bold or demonstrates a level of faith that's unbelievable even for the pope!

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I'm pretty sure the admin response to lack of search was "just use Google."

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tl;dr: “Listen to your body. If you see things like blood, if you feel pain in unusual places in your abdomen, your body, tell your family. Talk to your doctor. Have the examination.”

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I hope it enjoys its existential despair.

One thing Disney is known for is relentless legal pursuit of IP theft. Oh, and cartoon movies. Sometimes they do that too.

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I told my friend about all my problems, and he said, "Cheer up! Things could be worse!"
So, I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.

Approximately 29,819 pounds of the Fun Nuggets are impacted
The contaminated nuggets were made on Sept. 5

30,000 lbs is 1 day's worth of production?? Of 1 type of product? I'm not sure why, but I find that appalling.

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Microsoft IN SHAMBLES after being SLAMMED by Internet Article.

  • thumbnail of the MS logo with a red curvy arrow pointing to it and a stock photo of a kid crying

In a year or ten hence, the people that voted against this will turn their taps and get nothing but brown sludge, then howl "why isn't the government doing something about this?!?!?"

I seem to recall high end watches being a way to avoid carrying large amounts of cash across borders. Maybe even for money laundering (although that seems cumbersome).

People can carry tens or hundreds of thousands across borders in their luggage as personal wardrobe accessories. Once they arrive at their destination, find a dealer who will buy a watch for cash and they have loads of local currency without paying bank transaction fees or getting government haircuts.

Not that I think that's what's going on here, but it may be the media shining a spotlight on it for some reason.

Sometimes the scale of industrially-produced food is difficult to grasp.

Look at Inuit and other cultures that live in the Arctic. Humans can live (relatively) comfortably in extreme conditions without keeping their environment at a constant 22C.

I second oatmeal but I go with savory. 50g of oats, 250ml of broth/liquid.

Variation 1 is a spice mix that mimics a favorite rice pilaf recipe (maybe 1/2 tsp of Old Bay seasoning, some salt and pepper, a sprinkle of turmeric and coriander). Then add in protein, veg, cheese, whatever. That's my go-to most of the time.

Variation 2 is "pizza" style: a scoop of premade marinara, some broth to fill out the rest of the liquid, and a sprinkle of shredded mozz. Throw in some protein/veg that works (think pizza).

Variation 3 is "Mexican style," which I mostly do if I have some leftover carnitas or taco meat: change the spices to chili powder and cumin, cheese, of course.

Quick oats cook up in 2-2.5 minutes in the microwave. Total prep time is maybe 10-15 minutes.

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Bots will vote in the mods they want.

"Exactly how big of a bunker do I need to ride it out?"

"That's right, buddy! Show that turd who's boss!"

I'm with you OP. All of this controversy the last couple of months not only sent me to decentralized social media, but finally made me pull the trigger on FOSS hosting projects. Currently working on selfhosted cloud storage for photos and documents. I already have my phone's camera backing up to a RaspberryPi server in my living room, instead of to Google Photos.

The end goal is to decouple as completely as I can from Google - and the spider's web of interconnected and interdependent online services - to something that I own (or at least have a measure of control over).

The downside is that it's been a long time since I was in the server game. The learning curve is more like a vertical cliff face.

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I figure it has more to do with the fact that the ICE car comes with a lifetime of engine and other maintenance that the dealership is looking to cash in on long after the warranty is expired. Even within the warranty, EVs don't need oil changes. Just brakes and tires, which are done much less frequently. And after the warranty, it's a long list of minor repairs to engine components, not to mention supporting all the emission control stuff. It's a gravy train and they don't want to get off.

Can't even sign into AT&T to view/report the outage. You can (conveniently enough) sign in to pay your bill if you want. AFAIK, the 70k number is the number of reports at Downdetector. It's probably 100s of thousands affected, if not millions.

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Gee! Sorry! It's a pretty standard stunt, Homer.

"Drummer, beat, and piper, blow,
Harper, strike, and soldier, go.
Free the flame and sear the grasses
Till the dawning Red Star passes."

Didn't they blame tight pants for the 6 bending?

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Nobody ever considers the feelings of the poor corporations! It's all the fault of those mealy-mouthed... sneers ... humans! With their "I'm tired" and "I need to eat food" and "I need to go to the bathroom." How is that productive or efficient? How does that contribute to shareholder value?

I wouldn't buy another piece of Motorola/Lenovo garbage for any amount of money.

Stupid sexy tube.

Wait a minute.... what's that little pyramid all the way over there?!

So does this solely affect tax status? Or does it mean that they must also divest corporate assets (real estate, vehicles, investments, etc.)? What are the practical effects of this action?

Perhaps they should have read immanuel on how to concoct propaganda.

I always thought of the Culture as the Federation, but super-hardcore. In the Culture, individuals can just upload their mind to a new, undamaged body if they're sufficiently injured that repair isn't an option. Even just popping the head off is enough to revive someone if they don't have a backup and can catch it in time. If the repairs will take a while, they can drop into a simulated reality to do something else while they wait. Some individuals get tired of living and decide to just end it -- no backup. Others get tired of living and have themselves warehoused until something interesting happens somewhere down the line.

But if they made Trek like that, I don't think 80's television audiences could have handled it. I'm not certain 21st century TV audiences are ready for that.

Unfortunately, big tech has been expending millions (edit: more like billions, maybe trillions) in currency and talent to figure out how to make all-you-can-eat video and images turn a profit. Apparently, it just can't happen at a global scale even when it's lousy with ads and personal data collection.

So, get ready to open your wallet. We'll probably see more and more such services moving to paid-for subscriptions. (IMO)

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The original idea for Youtube was "make your own tv shows" so it wasn't really intended for highbrow entertainment, infotainment, etc. Then they started promoting videos that were longer format, so the "watch my sister go splat trying to jump in the pool" videos got replaced by how-tos, unboxing, and explainers. Then tiktok came along and Youtube is trying to turn itself into "watch my sister go splat in 60 seconds or less."

It's sad that with the concentration of developers and creatives at their disposal -- not to mention the financial resources -- they can't innovate something beyond tiktok. Instead of tagging along after a trend and wind up looking like an old geezer dressing up like a 16 year old.

Withings Scanwatch is cross-platform. No need for a branded device to use it, does all the usual tracking stuff plus afib detection. One of the reasons I chose it was that it looks like a watch and not a toy. Also, depending on how you use it, it can go for days between charges. Most of the similar "brand locked" devices seem to only go 1 or 2 days max.

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The singularity is the Rapture of the Nerds.

It took me a moment to get used to it, because I had the traditional upbringing with oatmeal = cinnamon, sugar, etc. But it's not that different from mashed potatoes, polenta, or rice. I already had the pilaf recipe that was a favorite "go with anything" side dish, so I tried that first and stuck with it.

Fringe ended weird though. I chalk it up to JJ Abrams getting bored (yet again) with his wildly successful project and letting it sputter to an end instead of letting it go out with a bang.

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It's on the to-do list. You don't need to remind them every six months!

How do we even know that they're not already running instances? Why would they start announcing it, especially after the response?

Where does Frasier live?

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Ep. 1 was a clip show.