0 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

My dude, if you don't know that Doritos are ultra processed food, this is living proof that the government needs to step in and provide warnings to people..

Maybe now she'll retire?

17 more...

And let me guess...there are a bunch of Redditors on Reddit posting on Reddit about how awful Reddit is. And they are giving each other gold stars and slaps on the back for how great their Reddit posts are on Reddit on how bad Reddit is.

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Wonderful. This is what the American electorate is talking about. Not climate change, healthcare, guns, income inequality, or a billionaire tax.

No, the biggest drama is whether a candidate is wearing lifts.

We deserve the politicians we get.

23 more...

I don’t feel safe. I might not respond but please come get me

My God, I would have an absolute panic attack if my kid ever texted me this. I would be shaking with fear and rage the entire drive over.

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I wish these assholes would just come out and tell the truth: they need you in the office to justify their multi-decade office leases that they can't get out of.

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I cannot imagine a customer base that's so ecstatic with Netflix's service that they're willing to give the company even more money by buying overpriced ultra-processed meals and branded coffee cups. Why people continue to sell their souls and open their wallets to these companies is beyond me.

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"We are absolutely appalled at this behavior!" [Buys more stock in Tesla] "I mean really, this has gone too far!" [Collects dividends] "He needs to resign, this is disgusting!" [Watches stock price climb] "this antisemitism must stop or else!" [Buys more stock]

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It was a dense and difficult article to read, so it's likely you missed the subject and the overall point that was being made. The article was not about how this woman should write a eulogy, or whether it's preferred to write a eulogy using one of a variety of media, including a laptop, pen and paper, or dictation. Nor was it about why one may need to order a laptop even though one may already have access to the Internet and word processing software through other electronic devices. Rather, the article was about the laptop she ordered through Amazon being stolen by the person making the delivery. In other words, no matter what the reason was for buying the laptop, the laptop would have still been stolen. Does that help? I sure hope it does.

Why not, if you keep paying?

That is exceptionally thin skin. And it's amazing to me that the CEO of HBO has so much time on his hands.

...nah, I take that back. Pretty much confirms what I assume CEOs are doing all day.

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I guess "we downloaded Stable Diffusion and ran some free NSFW checkpoints" isn't exciting enough research to get you published.

Nestlé, PepsiCo, Mars, and Kraft Heinz

These are some serious, evil, greedy motherfuckers that will never allow UPFs to be regulated in the U.S. It's vitally important that people take personal responsibility to learn about the dangers of UPFs and eliminate them from their diet.

And if you believe in our mission and want to help us build a better internet where privacy is the default, you can sign up for a paid plan to get access to even more premium features.

Translation: don't give those other guys money, give us your money!

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Kinda strange reading all these comments about how people dislike their house and where they live, but can't imagine giving up their mortgage rate.

The almighty mortgage handcuffs, the true American dream.

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What's so amusing, in a sickening, depressing way, is how West Virginia markets itself as a vast and beautiful natural utopian playground for the rich retirees out of northern Virginia and DC. Go just a bit deeper west and south into that state and it looks like the hellish barren embodiment of greed and evil.

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It's ridiculous how much John Yoo's name comes up in media interviews. It's as infuriating as seeing Newt Gingrich or Grover Norquist's name crop up in every other article in the Washington Post, who scrambles to get their opinions on all things political. It's all one big circle-jerk of mainstream media, greedy politicians, and billionaires.

She might look great in that dress but she walks like a dude who just hopped out of his truck after a 6-hour drive and needs to stretch his legs.

Rent or mortgage plus daycare will easily take up 3/4 of that.

Fuck your 401k, I can invest myself, thanks

You can't match your own contributions, though.

9 more...

I'm not's just okay. I've put maybe 25 hours into it and it's not grabbing me like I hoped it would. Fast traveling everywhere is boring, inventory management is a nightmare, and the UI is frustrating. The last straw for me was during the " Rook Meets Queen" mission >!where I'm supposed to be deep undercover in the Crimson Fleet yet I can't progress until I pay them 45,000 credits because there's a bounty on my head. Seriously? Either I'm undercover or I'm not. !< So I put it down to revisit Cyberpunk, and I'm hoping once I get through that the kinks will be ironed out and the mod tools with MO2 support will be ready. I still have more fun playing a heavily modded Skyrim.

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Judging by the amount of their nonsense posted on Lemmy, I imagine programmers sitting around all day creating memes about how hard their job is.

Seriously, this is the most Lemmy-ish post I have ever seen. "I see there are people not in programming discussing non-programming topics...what question can I ask to steer the question back to programming?"

You're not playing Lemmy correctly. The highest rated post must always be a half-hearted pessimistic lazy criticism of whatever new technology is being described.

Yea I loved gum right up until the recent study clearly linking microplastics in the body and chewing gum.

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The good news is that people have been saying this for decades.

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The conspiracy theories are strong in this thread. Nobody wants to believe that random acts of violence can happen. There always has to be some deeper conspiracy to try and make sense of it, and to feel like there is some semblance of control in our lives.

12 more...

The reason Biden did it is because his donors wanted it..

Well said. There's a reason why pride is one of the seven deadly sins.

Also chiming in for the same reason...adopt a rescue, or better yet, adopt siblings from a rescued litter.

I put it down after 25 hours a couple months ago and keep forgetting about it. The thought of moving inventory between my pack, the ship, and that box in the ...what's that building called where the group you joined live? I can't even remember what I was doing, or who that group was. I just can't inventory anymore.

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And then someone saying something about Linux

I like how everyone is just ignoring this part:

However, Ctesias's credibility is questionable due to his reputation for fanciful and exaggerated narratives.

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Someday kids will understand when the baby boomers were actually born.

Or, I guess OP is a middle-aged person complaining about his elderly parents being on a phone app.

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That sounds like an AI bot summarizing an average Lemmy user's rant about FLOSS and Linux.

I have to admit I've never heard anyone read a high attrition rate and then put the blame on the workers. I really, really, hope this person isn't in any position to make decisions in an organization.

A good rule of thumb is to never, ever burn bridges with past managers. Keep your dignity and remain professional. You never know when you'll need them as a reference.

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But first a message from our sponsors.

I swore off Frontier long before this triple-chinned douche bag started bitching about unproductivity. The reason his company is making less money is not because his employees work from home, it's because Frontier charges fees on fees on fees. Passengers are sick of it. This is the company that charges you $25 to talk to a fucking counter representative at the airport. You have to pay for everything--seat assignment, overhead bag, carry-on, water, snacks. The only thing they don't suck out of your wallet is a fee for a stroller and a car seat, and that's only because law prohibits it. Fuck this guy and his asshole company.

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C'mon, if you're an independent contractor you're not "job hopping." Why did your original comment call them hops? You've just got new and different clients.