
7 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Scott Mumford (Dad Mod from r/paulthomasanderson)

Many seem to have the attitude that if you never use them, the bulbs will never burn out. Problem solved.

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It's obviously not a competition, but this kind of reminds me of back in the day when you had to choose between Betamax or VHS. One seemed superior (kBin)--but "everyone" was adopting VHS (Lemmy).

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I've been spending so much time in the Fediverse for the last week, I had no idea there were so many apps that were going to adapt to the new API rules and keep going.

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I'm walking every street in my (very large) suburb (think Southern California) and picking up litter while doing so. I track my progress with an app and map it to a website (citystrides.com) that fills in each neighborhood as I go.

It started as something to do during Covid--although I took a year off in there, somewhere. I listen to podcasts while I go. So I'm out of the house (I'm retired now--that helps), get some "fresh" air (🤷‍♂️ )--all while listening to and from and about interesting people. As a bonus, the space I've passed thru that day is a little "better" for me having been there.

I apparently have a dose of "completeism"--a compulsion to 'complete' something thoroughly. There's something psychologically very satisfying about watching that map get filled in.


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I'm loving the transparency around here. 👍

We talk about what's important to us in the moment... It's part of how we mourn the loss we've just experienced.

No more calls; we have our winner.

Glasses frame is usually made of a type of copper called monel. Monel is a table metal and unreactive towards a lot of chemical. It is also skin friendly. The only downside is that it turns greenish when it gets rusty.

[edit] It's interesting that that article suggests a way to clean them--but the Costco optician just now said you can't really clean them. (They replaced them for no charge.)

Better than the really expensive cut of meat left in the detergent aisle. #HumansSuck

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Unfortunately, no new LWT episodes until the Writer's Strike is settled...

Been using RSS for 15, 20 years? 150-ish feeds? Feedly.com is my reader of choice.

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The older I get, the more I want to be honest with people (without being a dick about it) and have them be more honest with me (ditto, non-dickishness).

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Clean the touchable surfaces on your devices and device keyboards.

I didn't know this either.

"Google launched the WebP format as part of its mission to make loading times faster across the internet. WebP allows websites to display high-quality images — but with much smaller file sizes than traditional formats such as PNG and JPEG."

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I think about the "zero consequences" thing a lot. I help run the local farmers' market, and recently our city has stepped up parking enforcement. (As a "rule-follower", I celebrated the change.) Our customers are howling at the parking tickets they're getting. They come to the market Info Booth to complain to us--as if it were our responsibility somehow.

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Yeah, I'm gonna need to see the paperwork on that....

Just looked it up: 11 years.

I was very proud of "my" sub over there (sole active mod and most consistent poster). 11K+ subscribers and personally acknowledged by the author of a recent book on the subject of our sub.

Something died in me just before and during the blackout. I haven't posted anything over there since, and of the 11K subscribers, it's possible NONE of them followed my migration to the Fediverse where I set up an equivalent "official" sublemmy.

Once you know what you know (at least for some of us), it's just not the same participating in that space any longer.

I keep an eye on the place out of respect to...something. (I feel like I cleaned the place up nicely, and really raised the level of discourse.)

I guess I was naive in the extreme to think that at least a couple of hundred of the faithful would follow me over here? I don't do it for the numbers, but there is something gratifying watching your community grow.

At this writing, the new sub has double-digit followers! ;-P

Walking every street in my giant suburban section of L.A, picking up litter as I go. 3 years, and 1,200-ish miles so far. And probably thousands of pounds of trash.

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TIL why my nose pads turned green! Thank you, knowledgeable Lemmster! 🏆

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My sister and I got a Ouija board as teens because we were curious. We had a few interesting sessions, but things got dark one afternoon after school. Words were being misspelled that we both knew the correct spelling of. The messages were getting aggressive. At one point the message announced that both our parents had just died in a auto accident on the way home from work. (It was after 5 at that point.)

They both arrived safely, but a couple of hours later a friend came over who led a weekly class in metaphysics. (This was the late '60s.)

The instant he walked in the door, he froze. He announced with great concern that there was someone present to needed to be encouraged to move on.

At the beginning of that night's class, he held some kind of ceremony encouraging whatever that was to leave.

We put the Ouija board away and never used it again.

Another hand in the air for Feedly.

My favorite version of the large-group-stops-in-the-worst-spot is when they do that at the top (or bottom) of ESCALATORS. 🤦‍♂️

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This seems to be the part that relatively few people have read.

Wait, subtract one: I'm on both .world and .ee

I'd go straight to Google and look up "Dr. Manhattan".

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Holy Grail. Animal House.

I haven't posted any content to the reddit sub that I mod since the blackout--I've been putting all of it on the equivalent community in lemmy.world. I was astonished that apparently only 2 or 3 of the 11,000 subscribers followed me over (0.03%!).

I've actually really been enjoying it here. Testing out the various apps, checking out how lemmy and kbin are the same and different...finding interesting communities. The posts have been growing, and there's something gratifying about watching problems get resolved, and updates get applied.

I check in on the reddit sub occasionally--I haven't decided what to do yet about my mod position yet--but it's pretty dead over there for the last couple of weeks (I guess I was doing most of the posting?).


The amazing folks at lemmy.world--who have performed quite admirably these past couple of weeks under quite severe battle conditions--also handle mastodon.world. I've donated money to them to support their efforts, and joined their mastodon side with the assumption that it will be a good place to hang out.

Anyone know if things like uBlock Origin already handle this? 🤔

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The epitome of laziness. They had the strength to get it to this aisle--but somehow it's just too exhausting to walk it back to where they got it.

I've been trying them as well. It feels like each one (so far) has something problematic--quite understandable given their early development.

I'm really looking forward to trying Sync when it's ready.

A bathroom scale and a kitchen scale. Most people have no idea how much they weigh, nor how much food they're eating.

Whoa, wait. WefWef (now "Voyager") BUILT IN? How slick is that! (Voyager is one of my fav ways to lemmy...) 😎

Cool. I'm all three. 😏

Other than the ones we mod, you mean? 🤭


YOU'RE DOING GOD'S WORK, SON! Keep up the good work! 🏆

+1 for the heads-up about mlmym.org! 👍😎

It's the mannered, gentle patting I'm specifically asking about. When I see it in films it just feels so phony.

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I mod an 11K sub that is apparently one of the preeminent spaces on the web to follow the latest news on it's topic. I personally haven't posted anything new there since the blackout--it's all been posted here in the Fediverse instead--but I still check in to make sure they're behaving themselves.