How often do you clean your phone? to Ask – 91 points –

Probably two or three times a week, minimum, here.


You guys are cleaning your phones?

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never. never even considered it, actually. it's in my pocket most of the time I'm not using it and I dont let other people touch it.

Maybe once every 5 years when I get a new phone. My current one is about 4 years old. It doesn't seem particularly dirty.

Why would you clean a new phone??

By pealing off that nice plastic wrap. πŸ˜€

Every time I get home and I know I've been touching a lot of stuff (i.e. grocery shopping). I just wipe it down with a napkin and rubbing alcohol.

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Never, unless the screen gets too smudgy. Then I'll just lick it.

Physically clean it with like a cloth or clean it as in remove pics and apps and stuff?

The former is what I was specifically referencing...

You mean like open the case and clean the vents and stuff?

Practically every day. I take public transportation so when I get home I'll use a disinfectant wipe on it to kill any germs. It's a habit that's stuck with me since the pandemic and it's just nice to have a clean phone.

I wipe mine down every day. I don't use a case and I work in a hospital full of germs.

Honestly, once every 3-4 months I take the case out and give it a wipe with the help of isopropyl alcohol. I thought I was dirty, but I'm seeing that I'm one of the cleaner people.

At random times, honestly. Usually when I am bored and get the phone out of the case just to see how dirty the sides and back are. Along with that, I clean the display as well, though with only a fiber clothing.

Once every few days I close all apps but that's about it

Maybe twice a month I’ll get that ADD tick to take my case off and deep clean the entire phone, charging port included. That part specifically reminds me of picking belly-button lint.

There's something strangely satisfying about scraping out a huge ball of fuzz and being able to charge your phone again!

Somewhere around once a month and/or as needed before that.

If it’s dirty, I wipe it with a microfiber cloth. I don’t wash it or anything, after all I’m the only one touching it and I wash hands and keep regular hygiene. If I’d be working in a hospital or other place where increased hygiene would be necessary, I’d do it more often. When I still work in the kitchen, I just left my phone in my locker, washed my hands before my shift (and during of course) and it’s not realy a big deal.

People shouldn’t obsess over germs that much.

Every time it's been outside the house, or as needed (fingerprints etc). I use alcohol-based disinfectant on a piece of soft paper towel.

I just give mine a good lickdown before bed every night.

A couple of times a week with a tissue soaked in hydrogen peroxide

I use a microfibre cloth and wipe down the screen/camera lens every 2 days ish.

Maybe once a month I take off the case and give the full phone a wipe down

If it gets dirty from cooking while I'm reading a recipe I'll run it under the sink real quick. Gets the flour or whatever off it fast.

I just put it in my PhoneSoap when I shower and wipe fingerprint oil off when it's done. I'll clean the charging port and between the case every 2-3 months or if I notice a buildup around the camera cutouts.

Pretty much the same here, but ever since phones became waterproof, I started giving my phone (case and all) a washdown with dishwashing soap

I clean the screen with a microfibre cloth every day. Take it out of the case and clean it maybe once a week, if I remember to do it.

Yeah, mine comes out of the case maybe twice a month... Microfiber cloth and alcohol on the screen and back and sides of the case much more often.

I'll be significantly cleaner than average I expect... I don't like cases, but a long time ago, circa when shiny black plastic was making its way in to touch screen phone design for the first time, a friend and I discovered if you keep your phone in a microfiber bag (like some sunglasses come with, particularly Oakleys we bought together at the time) it effectively cleans itself in your pocket. I still do, and I cycle those out and clean the bag once a year or so, or if it falls on the ground or gets something spilled on it. I have more now from different sets of sunglasses, laser goggles, etc.

I also happen to work in a clean room where you're expected to wipe anything you bring in, including phone, laptop, etc., with isopropanol-soaked wipes before entering so that's like disinfecting and taking off the oil every day or every other day.

No one else I know ever cleans their phone beyond wiping it with a shirt or something when the oil & smudges becomes too noticeable.

Every time after the gym, since I've been touching nasty dumbbells. Just rub hand sanitizer on it.

Water resistance makes it so easy these days to just use soap and water. I should do it more often than I do now though (about once a month)

A few times a month with a Clorox wipe. Should honestly do that daily seeing as though I use it in the shitter. Also using it while in public, germy hands then touching the phone - yea, would probably be wise if I Clorox wiped it daily. Oh well!

Once every 1-2 months. I use a clear case so it makes a big difference when I clean it