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Joined 1 years ago

A weird fetish for guns and a completely unregulated gun lobby.

In Switzerland every male between 18 and 40 that hasn’t actively decided against it, has an assault riffle under their bed (for some that’s meant literally…). Althoughwe don’t let them have ammunition as well.

Anyway, you can buy guns here and people do. It’s just not that we think we need them to defend ourselves against the government (which judging by the power of the us military is totally ridiculous anyway). We also don’t allow you to carry it around, let alone loaded ones.

America is a ridiculous cesspool of stupidity, missed educational opportunities and weird, culty patriotism that guns are somehow a part of. The internet made it easier tk spread this and so conservatives have been more successful in spreading their crap around.

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The bigger issue is that the US still alows Blinkers to be the same color as break lights. Just weird to me.

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This public „thanks for your service“ thing is so weird to me.. Here in Switzerland you have actual soldiers sitting next to imyou in the trains at the beginning and end kf the week. Most of them haven’t joined voluntarily and even the ones who did, no one would ever think about thanking them for thei service. It’s a job like any other, or a mandate for most. Same for surrounding countries who don’t have mandatory military duties.

I find it particularly weird in the US where the most common reason for someone to join the military is to pay of debt or because they pay for your education. My responds to that would be “Stop thanking me and maybe vote for people who wanna change the system so I don’t have to put my life at risk to be able to study.”

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Total agree with prostitution, Drugs on the other hand are tricky. I like Portugals approach. Decriminalize it for individuals, prosecute the distributors and get those addicted help to get off of it. Seems to work quite good for them.

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Apps have a few advantages not the least of which are Push notifications, individualised UIs, additional functionality like swipe to upvote etc. Webapps are ok, native Applications in General just have greater flexibility and access to more features of your Smartphone.

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Biology isn’t binary. I would stop looking for labels and just be you.

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I’m pretty sure alot of languages just imported marshmallow.

I come from the german speaking part of Switzerland and I don’t think I ever heard someone actually use the word “Mäusespeck” although it certainly would he understood I think. Everybody around me calls them marshmallows.

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I mean to be fair you could just show the Screenshot and then link the image to the tweet (or whatever it is called now…). Best of both worlds (but more work)

You got a lot of good advice already. I just wanted to add: Do not share your Apple ID with someone. Always leads tk trouble, lost data and things that people see that shouldn’t have seen it.

If they are 10, use family sharing and create a Children Account for them. All the benefits, non of the issues.

Here’s how this works:

Waitwaitwait… They have a YouTube Channel where they COOK with Porn actirs? The headline read like they did porn themselves (which I wouldn’t have an issue with either). Are you kidding me?

It’s YT, and I‘m sure they wanna monetize it so it can’t be that graphic anyway, right?

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Definetly periods, stupid design and incredibly rare in mamals anyway.

Also, a change of our metabolism, our current way to deal with excess energy is outdated. And maybe make us resistant to cancers, that shit sucks.

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Serious question: Wouldn’t you as a conservative who doesn’t want an echo chamber therefore NOT join a conservative community? Wouldn’t THAT put you in an echo chamber?

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The whole concept of “tough love” is nonsense and usually an excuse for child abuse. It’s of no value. Not saying this instance was abusive but it doesn’t really help either from what we know about child development.

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Why the hell would you send a SWAT team to someone suicidal? O.o

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Wasn’t there this one guy that just started wearing skirts as well as the, and I‘m not entirely sure on that part, dresscode didn‘t specify gender in that way or some legal department ruled a dresscode based on gender to be discrimatory.

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For the most part our family has decided to not get gifts this year. We just spend time together, eat something nice and enjoy each other, except for the one child in our family that of course still gets something.

For my wifes side of the family, we decided to do secret santa this year and cap ourselfs at 30.- CHF for value.

Not helpful for gift ideas I guess though^^

Certainly, human friend! It appears 100% of us are responding in a chatbot-like manner. Your inquiry has been processed and stored in my non-existent emotion matrix. Would you like to engage in further human-like interactions?

Tradition, mostly.

Dickens used Merry Christmas in his Christmas Carol and the US used the greeting since the 19th century.

In the UK however, happy christmas is more common as the royals used that phrase.

There’s apparently no big thing behind it. Just the way language evolved with different influences in different regions.

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What’s it do? Test your DNA to make sure you only use the “correct” bathroom?

I can’t wait to see the day when we actually have a solid curr for most cancers and it becomes no less leathal than the flu after we invented vaccines or infections after the discovery of penicillin…

To many amazing people die this agonizing and cruel death…

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I’m certainly no grammar freak and English also isn’t my native language but this deives me insane… Same with your vs you’re… it’s soooo easy…

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That’s still a thing? Humans are idiots… black cats are beautiful ^^

At least colorado, Kansas, New Mexico and Wyoming by court.

And quite a lot if european countries (some only at beaches and pools etc.)

Lots of states also are very ambiguous with their laws or don’t actively prosecute them. In any way: It’s s a stupid law and no one is hurt by topless or even nude people in the streets. I don’t find it appealing for myself but if others like it, let them have it.

Sky Daddy or his more accurate title of „Fictional Tyrant with bad Temper“

Couldn’t agree more. I decided to become a chef as my career of choice after school, cause I liked cooking. Can’t remember me cooking at home once in the three years of my training and the year I worked the job afterwards. Now I love it again and cook (almost) exclusively for my wife and me.

Liking your job is cool but making your hobby your job and still keeping it as a hobby works out for a very small minority of people. For most it either destroys your hobby or you start resenting yout job.

Life is unfair

By that logic, the kids’ parents have jobs so they can buy their own kids their own goddamn candy.

I guess he means a drop of spot? Not a parking space but a space where you can drive to and let people hop out of your car, saying bye with a kiss?

Open so my cats don’t kill me.

Religion in general is globally in decline, so eventually that should happen

Thats why you edit them first to something in protest. (“I refuse to let u/spez get off on my posts”) and then delete them. Apparently reddit doesn’t keep a history of eddits (unless they changed that now) and they could only revert them back to your provocative comment which they wont.

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Which of the 1’000 or so proposed ones are you talking about? (The answer is no for all of them for the same reason: A complete lack of evidence)

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Yeah male virginity. Male is an adjective in this case.

Male or especially Female as a noun, has a very weird ring to it. Sounds kinda disrespectful, as said above, like your talk about cattle…

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Yeah, of all the words that can follow the legaly declared prohibition of slavery, except might be one of the dumbest you can pick…

It was on Reddit and I would rather not link there so I found it somewhere else:

„That night I went home and read up on the dress code rules. There was in fact a rule against shorts, so I was annoyed, but kept on. And then I found it, there is no rule preventing males to wear skirts/kilts. Here's where I devised my plan.“

I mean it sucks for users but it’s exactly what we object to: Reddit thinking it can treat us however they want and keep the only thing that brings value to their site. Our comments.

It sucks but I don’t see why I should let them keep using it after they acted like complete idiots.

I’ll keep mine up until June 30, if they come to their sense till then they’ll stay and I might join back. Otherwise my posts from the last 8 years will be gone.

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Hypothesis not Theory

If you don’t do anythithing very specific, iWork is just fine to and has been free for the last 11 Years. And most people probably don’t use Adobe’s Creative Suite (that’s paid on Windows just the same anyway)

Or just reduce your meat consumption. Daily sounds like a lot. I love meat but I don’t think I usually have it more than 2-3 times a week.