3 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

On one hand, this has got to be public trolling. On the other, it’s still a bill calling for a classification of people to be removed from society. If it weren’t so scary it would be funny.

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This is what happens right before the major money holders abandon ship. There’s no way they don’t know this is business-suicide. I bet they got a big payday from some companies that paid Glassdoor to shoot itself in the face!

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Eating cat food to own the Libs? Meeee-ow!

I think a law verifying your age over the internet inherently breaks the idea of a free internet, of which we are already seeing degradation of by Google and DRM/web integrity anyways.

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And we must hold Biden responsible.

But are you suggesting that Trump would approach Israel any differently? The US response is deeply rooted in morally evil international interests, I don’t think any president could respond much differently without severe internal consequences to themselves. It would be the right thing to do, though it would be political suicide thanks to said evil interests.

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Why does Xi think he gets any say? He’s showing his full hand already, and it’s actually pathetic. Already saying that it will have to be taken by force. So he’s admitting that the people of Taiwan, if given a choice, may not choose to join China. Let’s give everyone a vote guaranteed by international overwatch, none of those mainland representatives.

This is just another dictator having a whiny shitstorm threatening to take territory by force just because they want their historical empire.

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Chipotle is telling you they don’t want your money

YouTube did it when Google bought them and changed everyone’s unique username to their Google account (real) name

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I’ve been watching this game from the sidelines for like 10 years.

See you all in another 10.

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Almost everyone I talk to about this has the same idea: “I’m not gonna pay that, they proved they don’t need the money, it’s inflated anyways etc”

I agree with them

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What gets me is that there WAS fraud… Trump has a criminal court case in Georgia to prove it! He’s just pissy because he couldn’t commit MORE fraud

The remake was originally going to feature a Chinese invasion, but they wanted it to still release and sell in China, so they made North Korea the bad guy instead.

It never did release in China.

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The article shows that the lists are made via birth date, not chronological age

Kinda like how I was let into Kindergarten (5+) at age 4, though we didn’t have any old-lady races :(

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I miss the old Black Mirror…

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I have already commented on a couple 2-4 year old posts by accident

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How do you know if someone is a part of Mensa?

Don’t worry, they’ll let you know. Repeatedly.

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Well now you can update your list to include censorship

Yeah, it’s honestly horrifying to see the lack of reaction around the world. If you live anywhere near the coast, you better get the fuck out or tell your kids to.

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Yes, because they fully believe that 40% of the nation would exonerate him. So they want jury trials to be stacked with loyalists. There is also the possibility that they want to know who will make the decision so they can be coerced.

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Make America Goth Again

This makes me anxious. Now way will she be able to get all of those eggs off before some burn!

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Just because you can post anything doesn’t mean you should. 5 stars, would come again.

More job areas would have cafeterias, and I think we would see a lot of 24 hour employees

Most military networks are closed circuit by design. I’m not sure how this could be implemented without also allowing back doors to be exploited. You wouldn’t want someone to be able to turn off your defenses as they begin an attack, for example.

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My hypothesis: Getting out of the pool let’s the surface tension of the water pull most of it off of you as you exit the pool, while a shower coats you evenly in thousands of individual droplets that cannot connect with each other to become heavier

“Bombies”: the smaller explosive ordinance involved in cluster bombing with up to a 30% dud rate.

We (the US) dropped a plane-load of bombs on Laos every 8 minutes for a decade straight.

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Thanks China, without your censorship I wouldn’t have learned this absolutely humiliating story of your past. You are so weak because your pilots cook rice in eggs! Now the secret is out!

More West = Less Fallen?

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This is my take. Ashton takes his job very seriously, but if he wanted to remain neutral on this he should have just shut the fuck up and accepted the court rulings like the rest of us.

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I was sent to the IT office with the principal once because I kept searching for the “default gateway ip” in command prompt. I was honestly just testing all kinds of different commands for the fun of it, no malicious intent.

Later in highschool, I did write a command in notepad that would open the CD tray every 30 seconds, and put it on a few friends’ workstations. That was hardly anything advanced, though.

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Then your assumptions are incorrect.

I would prefer not to re-elect Biden. I however am not in control of the Democratic Party, and so the best I can do is vote in elections leading up to the national election. When the day comes next year for a national election, it will be Biden VS. Whomever the republicans pick. Those are my two choices, whether I like it or not.

I am already politically active in demanding Biden be held accountable. I am still active in demanding Bush be held accountable for war crimes. I will still remain active in the future to ensure Biden answers for them as well.

As a law abiding citizen, I am protesting and voting. So do you suggest I commit violence instead? That is the only next step, seeing as I am not in control of who the Democrat party elects.

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All those bottom ads are crazy, too.

“Age 23: (sleep?) your way through the phone book. Twice.”

“Age 40: have a midlife crises for your 40 year old with two 20’s (in a hot tub)”

Age 100 something about spending your time reading books. Like the Kama Sutra

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We must revive the German Empire to preserve the integrity of our screws and bolts!

And misogyny, don’t forget the misogyny!

A for ease of access.

Long, looong, maaaaaannn

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I always see jokes about the Dead Internet Theory, but it’s seriously true. The only question is what percentage of the internet is still human-content?

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I’ll think of you next time I masturbate <3

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In their honor, let’s get DOOM to run in the comments

Yahoo has been on the front supplying amazing journalism during this entire war actually