6 Post – 481 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The kids under 35 have only known post-911 snooping, bigotry, military adventurism, the 2008 mortgage crash, housing and education costing multiples of what previous generations paid (in adjusted dollars), COVID insanity, a political system that is completely inaccessible to them and utterly uncaring about their needs, and, finally, a climate being actively accelerated to disaster.

The wonder here shouldn’t be at their lack of patriotism. It should be at the fact that they aren’t setting fire to everything, murdering politicians, billionaires, and their lackeys, and generally grinding everything to a halt.

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I remember watching an American 60 Minutes episode about commercial airlines buying fake plane parts, maybe 20+ years ago. Depressing to see it still happens.

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God bless Europe.

I’m wholeheartedly behind the WGA & SGA, but god bless Georgia for coming in clutch with content over the next year plus.

This is how you get nobility. Before Reagan, wealth typically dissipated by the third generation. We are heading toward the old European model, where families are rich for a millennium.

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I was top mod of a 25K sub that closely followed an IRL lolcow trying to become a public intellectual. It was thankless, the monthly user tempests in a teapot were annoying, and dealing with the occasional new junior mod turning out to be a chud was taxing. I did it for maybe six months and then peaced out.

I honestly don’t understand the psychological makeup and social model of the big top mods who do this shit, day in day out, year after year. I assume they’ve got to be making money somehow, or they maybe are bubble-boys.

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Smith has set up the cleanest legal shot possible against Trump, removing as much complexity as possible from all aspects of the prosecution. He is against cameras because they introduce unforeseeable complexity.

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This stuck with me: Years ago, someone on Reddit described their middle school in the ‘70s having to have an assembly to stop a potlatch/arms race between kids stacking Izod/Lacoste shirts. There were well-off kids wearing three or more stacked Lacoste shirts every day, and poorer kids wearing cheap generic polo shirts under real alligator shirts to try to keep up.

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This is PR.

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Here is a joke I heard in Moscow, in the early-‘90s:

Our Soviet computer sector was clearly the best. We built the largest chips in the world!

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."

FWIW, I have never met an intelligent cop or detective. I have met some remarkably unintelligent cops and detectives.

It’s rather shocking that the next step in the criminal justice system requires 7 years of education and the ability to pass a bar exam, but police officers range from dolt to average in intelligence, and are often loosed on the streets with months of training.

This is no way to run a criminal justice system.

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Wait, red pandas are called firefoxes?

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Esq does not have regulated usage in the U.S. Anyone can put Esq behind their name without being prosecuted for practicing law without a license.

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I’m not following. Can you elaborate a bit on how a private university banning TikTok is fascism?

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I have a lesbian relative who posts transphobic Bill Maher clips.

She also claims her wife has personally witnessed litterboxes in classrooms for furries, which she associates somehow with trans kids using bathrooms.

I love her, but it’s a challenge.

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None of that matters. I just like riding around town in one of Lara Croft’s breasts.

Fascism has such weird body issues.

Next Trump admin, look for Liver King stuffed into a Navy crackerjack suit.

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You’re not traveling in the wrong circles. Come to a VC fund dinner in September where junior VCs and 28-year-old “mortgage disrupter” CEOs brag about the air-conditioned plug-and-play camps they spent tens of thousands on, and play wink-wink with each other about all of the fun they had.

I’m a multiple-time BM vet, but it’s mostly an expensive, bureaucratized drug party for tourists now.

It’s perfectly fine to goof on it as it sinks into a physical and moral quagmire. Forgive a poorly scaled analogy, but your logic is the NRA’s logic when there’s a mass shooting: “Now, when everyone’s attention is focused, is not the time to highlight the underlying issues.”

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Now do San Francisco.

No way makes it to Q4.

In 7th grade, many years ago, my school had an excited young teacher who convinced management to let them teach a Logic class. I can’t even remember if the teacher was male or female, but I use the shit I learned in that class constantly, particularly the fallacies and biases we memorized (and then promptly weaponized against teachers, parents, and pastors).

When billionaires attribute their success entirely to their own virtues, skills, or talents, and blame others or external circumstances for their failings, they are demonstrating a self-serving bias, a specific form of the fundamental attribution error. They fail to acknowledge external factors like market conditions, socio-economic advantages, or the efforts of their teams that may have contributed to their success. Conversely, they externalize blame for failures, ignoring any personal shortcomings or misjudgments.

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Never again. Twice I’ve been at fast-growing startups that went with Oracle, and both times it was the worst mistake the business made.

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We should be so lucky to have someone on the left in Congress with a political project they believed in so much that they would do something like this.

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It’s interesting that even MSNBC, stalwart bastion of resistance lib blather, never mentions that Donald’s father, Fred, developed Alzheimer’s.

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Oof. You’ve just said that you either have an inability to process a simple aphorism, or, worse, you think it’s fine to ally with Nazis, effectively proving the truth of the aphorism.

I like your take. Altman is a Valley hustler, albeit a talented one who ran YC. But, he’s not technologist or a theorist, and I suspect he’s not that interested in attempting to de-risk AGI anymore, particularly now that he’s experienced the market hype. The staff who want to be billionaires clotted to him; the staff who are committed to the original ethical vision stuck with Ilya.

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Salsa Ukraini!

Hope the victims' families find a way to secure some form of justice here.

FWIW, I have a pretty strong suspicion that the broader society is going to experience strong revulsion at the signs that are invariably going to start going up at red state businesses, stating that they do not serve LGBT patrons. Every shit head with a small business is going to start arguing that he exercises creativity in how he replaces a muffler and thus can not be forced to accommodate them.

It is one thing when the Supreme Court pre-rules for some Colorado dipshit who didn't even have standing; it's entirely another when people see the modern equivalent of "Whites Only" signs put up in the windows of local businesses in their area. There is something so fundamentally fascist about this kind of thing, I just don't believe that the bulk of Americans will put up with it.

I went ‘01, ‘03, ‘04.

The last year I went was the first time it seemed like LA people and startup CEOs were starting to show up in numbers, which was changing the vibe.

Also, there started to be a lot more photos and videos posted online. I wasn’t trying to have my employees find video of me four days into smoking crystal and candy-flipping, dancing at a rave camp.

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It was fascinating to watch the rideshare companies convince their San Francisco drivers to actively support and evangelize the bill in California that ruined their ability to get benefits and employment protections, then turn around and extract so much value away from those drivers in the period since that most of those drivers, who tended to be American-born and have relatively nice cars, have been replaced by recent immigrants driving fleet-owned older cars. I would also not be shocked to learn that the latter are being cheated by whoever signs them up and helps them navigate Lyft and Uber’s processes.

Hypothesis: He confused noted Trump fan and Lebaron driver, Jon Voigt, for Anthony Hopkins.

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IANAL, but Ineffective Assistance of Counsel is well known to be extremely difficult to pull off, and even more so in civil cases. And, as I understand it, Trump’s sole basis for asserting it would be that the paperwork to receive a jury trial wasn’t filed properly, which resulted in a bench trial. Given that the judge otherwise provided acceptable due process to Mr. Trump, and the case appears to have been decided on clearly established facts and relevant law, I find it hard to believe that an appeal would work here.

Flipping to a different angle: Lawyers constantly fuck up paperwork; if the system allowed paperwork goofs to trigger new trials, it would bog courts down and provide an attack vector for attorneys to take advantage of.

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I have tangentially followed these guys for several years, after seeing them get adopted by Qanon adherents, and, while I am happy they are eating some time, I agree that the father deserved much more time. IIRC, he also set up shop in a Latin American country and killed folks there too.

Is there no federal charge in the U.S. for death(s) and illnesses resulting from deliberately selling poison?

Are there state remedies?

More bots mean more engagement.


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Don’t hate; appreciate the deep magic.

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Previous poster is doing the modern equivalent of waving the tanks into Prague.

Anal sex.

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Tech Trump is doing great.