Trump fuels cognitive concerns with garbled ‘death penalty’ remark

theprogressivist to politics – 342 points –
Trump fuels cognitive concerns with garbled ‘death penalty’ remark

“Which is incapable of solvin’ even the sollest…smallest problem. The simplest of problems we can no longer solve. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on" - Trump

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It’s interesting that even MSNBC, stalwart bastion of resistance lib blather, never mentions that Donald’s father, Fred, developed Alzheimer’s.

It's not hereditary, so "to be fair", it shouldn't come up. Not that fairness or logic or science ever stopped the GOP blather.

Dude, Alzheimer's isn't hereditary like Huntington's disease where if you have the gene you have the disease, but there are risk factor genes that can contribute to getting Alzheimer's.

Statisticly you're more likely to develop Alzheimer's if your parents had it, but even with the risk factor genes its not guaranteed that you will develop it.

So talking about Trump's dad having it, and with him having at least his second mental acuity test recently its certainly something that should be considered when voting for THE FUCKING PRESIDENT!