Watching TV shows or movies that display Russia as a military superpower is almost surreal nowadays. to – 584 points –

Was just watching Jack Ryan Season 3 and seeing the display of force and their movements causes some interesting dissonance given what we know now.


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Modern Warfare 2/3 where Russia not only manages to successfully invade the US, but brings it to it's knees.

Even if you set aside the fact that the US has the world's most powerful military and a heavily armed civilian population, geographically it would be virtually impossible to invade from another continent.

But fiction is fiction. And the Modern warfare trilogy was outstanding.

I think the Swiss population might be more heavily armed in the sense of "percent of people with a military-grade weapon"

"Number of military-grade weapons per person" is almost certainly the US, but guns being primarily fetish items / personality markers in the US means the distribution is very top heavy.

Getting into a random house and found guns to loot was the most realistic part of the Russian invasion plot in MW2.