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Joined 11 months ago they just wanted to take the edge off.

I'll see myself out now.

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Unemployment numbers don't mean a damn thing when wages aren't enough to live on. The profit has spoken and it says that the working class can starve outside for all it cares.

It's never been about US workers having the skills. It's always been that we expect to be compensated for our labor. Paying real wages looks bad for their bottom line so they export the work and import the product at a fraction of the cost.

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Company propaganda. Definitely has all the ick

As a person who creates both visual arts and music, though admittedly for my own enjoyment alone, I can't bring myself to ever recognize any of the AI generated stuff as Art. None of it is any good if you look at it close. It's wrong in every way. The machines were supposed to come for our jobs, but that was supposed to mean factory production and construction and shit.

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Ok, I'm at the point where I really have to say 'so what?' about shit that aging, boomer rock stars of the cocaine fueled past say. Like really who gives a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks? He's always been a Gene Simmons level asshole main character personality type. He has only ever gotten attention by pissing someone off. This is easy. Let these people drift off into irrelevance. Stop allowing them to matter.

The type of person who wants to be a cop is the kind of person looking for excuses to kill people and get away with it. This is perfectly normal pig behavior.

I use the German word Gesundheit. It means health. I will offer it for most audible bodily functions, though, not just sneezes.

All cops are bastards is not just a leftist slogan, friend.

Where are these men of which you speak? I have seen neither them nor any evidence of the work you claim they have done.

He gonna break rocks for the rest of his natural life

It always was.

I'd rather eat billionaires

They're the same picture.

I'm a 45 year old leftist with a land line in a rural part of a southern state.

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Oh, I don't even really care about the copyright thing. I just hate for a fucking robot to lay around in it's pajamas drawing pictures while I trade 13 hours of every day to a factory for the privilege of sleeing under a roof with some food for my family and to get to lay around drawing pictures like an hour of my week. This is defined distopia.

Nooks and crannie help English muffins deliver butter to my mouth.

I ate one of those. It was hot. It was very hot. It did not however kill me.

By what metric?

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Do you expect us to start saying 'huperson' as well? Get off it. Not every use of 'man' is gendered.

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It needs to. What we've been doing sure isn't working.

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But famous is the thing he's kinda always been in my memory. I remember him on the TV for various reasons all the way back to the 80s and 90s. He always seemed to be a total dickhead. Nobody even pretended to like him. When he started edging into politics it was like you're kidding right? This guy? Turns out being the most full of shit is a recipe for success after all. The only surprise is just how bad he is, not that he is bad. No matter what he gets, he'll really never get what he deserves.

And a lot of them are not good at it

It's also like they can't even conceive the notion that most of the left and even a good few liberals are armed and train regularly and also live out in podunk.

Metroid! The sound track was so awesome a heavy metal band recorded it as an album.

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In the state of Georgia it is illegal to be the slow thing in the fast lane. You are required to move over for faster traffic.

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Holy paywall, Batman

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Maggie doesn't really understand what words mean. She's like a parrot that just repeats the words that seem to get some kind of response when she first hears them.

If I want Internet where I don't have to see people then I have to have a land line. It could be worse. I could have neighbors.

She needs to secede from corporeal existence.

Geocities didn't make it.

I said y'all'ld've more than once yesterday.

So clearly not SCA heavy weapons armor. What are you using it for?

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They're the same picture

It certainly isn't doing anything to get them taken seriously.

Ha, I drink way more coffee on the weekends than I do during the work week. It's definitely a recreational drug for me.

His best option would have been to raise the muzzle a bit

Iron Horse's bluegrass Metallica covers are also fantastic.

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Right on. Are you familiar with the SCA?

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