Rufus Q. Bodine III

@Rufus Q. Bodine
1 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refusnik.

Yes the article is junk. Yet it feeds my confirmation bias in a pleasing way.

We had a good run. Good luck to the next species to dominate the earth. May you avoid religious dogma, find an economic system that respects your natural environment, and a political system that respects the right to live a clean and healthy world.

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LOL. How in the world did this legislation get passed? In Florida, of all places.

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"Did any user in the world want a user-tracking and ad platform baked directly into their browser? Probably not, but this is Google, and they control Chrome, and this probably still won't make people switch to Firefox."

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Sick of this GOP bullshit, using congress to white wash conspiracies.

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Its super important that Government info NOT be hidden behind paywalls, forced log-ins or even CloudFlare puzzles. People need to be able to freely click through to the official information.

He should be refunded for 30 years of back taxes.

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No small businesses want to mess with this shit. Just give everyone health insurance, all the time, without the interference of corporate greed. Doing so would reap a huge savings of scale efficiency. Get rid of the middle man.

Pathetic, to abuse national guardsmen like this. Its a big disruption to their family and their employers to send them on an idiotic,grandstanding boondoggle like this.

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At least he died on the correct side of history.

"Hellonen, Coomer and Abate pleaded guilty earlier this year to parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building, a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum of six months behind bars. Hundreds of Capitol rioters have pleaded guilty to the same charge, which is akin to trespassing." They got off way too easy for violating their oath.

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Let band together with Canada and Europe to negotiate prices. Maybe they can cut a better deal if they negotiate with leading industrial economies. Seriously, fuck big pharma.

Thought this title was going to lead to an Onion article. I should know better by now.

Damn, I've been doing it wrong! I thought X was pronounced TEN.

#twitter sucks.

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I am sure there's a Russian bank out there that will give him amazing terms on a "loan".

Truth. Trump is more dangerous to American democracy than ever.

Let's just all post our nudes and get it over with. You go first.

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How can I switch to the GOOD universe?

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#Republicons can't govern or legislate. fuck em all.

Hanging with my wife, killing time till next week when we learn if her biopsy is cancerous.

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Reddit bots and AI have returned Reddit traffic to Normal. They don't need no stinkin' human users causing problems.

Lying on my bed, my new dog will keep me warm on cool winter nights.

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I so cannot wait to vote against the tRump/Putin ticket next year.

I've just run out of adjectives to describe #ElonMusk.
Does human history have an equivalent of someone so rich who is so publicly and so very infantile, fragil and immature (I will spot you Trump).

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I always "know" the time to within 5 minutes accuracy, and usually am right on. I'm a walking clock.

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The joint pain.

You made me snort into my whiskey glass

My over-the-air tv antenna saves me $60/mo.

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Marginally Tailored Grebe got hair like hay bail twine.

I got mine. I married my best friend.

Best thing I ever did.

...says Bloomberg the billionaire.

What kind of diverse subjects are you searching for? Maybe you can help bring that diversity. If you build it they will come.

This is the truth

All those pop ups have done is enshittify the internet. They accomplish nothing.

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I once vomited on a plane like I was Linda Blair. This news finally made me feel better. At least I didn't make the plane turn around.

That'll buy a lot of soap and toothpaste from the prison commissary!

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Wouldnt it a take a month to download a Linux ISO over i2p?

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I thought this was a joke until I went to

Twitter is absolutely and irredeemably dead.

My biggest problem with CloudFlare is that very often they don't play nicely with VPN.