4 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

While a few of these points are misleading sexist, or wrong, I can personally attest to the longer thicker hair part. I've watched my beard grow in hundreds of times and with only a month on HRT the peach fuzz between my cheekbones and beard became long enough to pinch and tug at.

Do not call up your local Pizza Hut and social engineer a means to get the manager's name. For example, don't say "Hey I have some questions for the hiring manager, are they in? I don't mean to be awkward, but what should I call you so I'm not saying manager for this whole conversation."

Don't order the curse of flames pizza from the local Domino's to the Local Pizza Hut under the Pizza Hut manager's name. The curse of flames pizza is a large well-done thin pizza with no sauce or cheese, only spinach.

Again, don't do any of this. If the Domino's doesn't instantly refund your hypothetical order to the manager of the Pizza hut, an underpaid worker will scoop the embers of the curse of flames pizza out of the oven and put it on a stack of pizza boxes where the embers will catch fire.

Then the Domino's manager will have to use the fire extinguisher and they'll mistakenly sue the manager of the Pizza Hut for property damage.

Again don't do it because once they figure out it was you and not their competitor, they'll come after you for property damage instead. The legal fees on both sides might put the struggling franchise owners at a loss for a bit, and shut down either restaurant for everyone else.

That's why you don't order the Curse of Flames Pizza from Dominos to the manager of the Pizza Hut.

In the Bible, God sent bears to kill kids for making fun of a bald guy. Jesus cursed a fig tree for not being ripe. The two are certainly cut from the same cloth, and yet Jesus would still be mortified.

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Don't give them ideas. They'll have everyone and their mothers working in a private prison factory by winter!

I'll be awake on my fifth cup of coffee and over 24 hours awake. I'll just assume it's another hallucination from staying up and exhaustion and go back to my game.

I don't think HRT actually makes one's hips wider past a certain age, and if a cis man took estrogen it would probably tank his mood, and most mannerisms don't change because of HRT, they change because a person actively changes them. I sure hope there's some bone growth and genetic influence left in me at 25 to widen my hips now that I'm on E, but I doubt it.

The problem with the simplified meme format is that it only shows the good, not the bad or neutral stuff. It doesn't tell anyone that some of the meds can cause blood clots for example.

There's no glory in suffering, but there's stubbornness in my heart.

I'd swap some of the first clay documents around until I ended up with a timeline where we live modern life with a gift economy rather than a money economy. We'd all have a lot more options to pay off our debt rather than the streamlined ridgid money system.

Too hard to sterilize to be safe. I'd recommend silicon or steel toys instead. Lubricant eye drops work as lube, but you still have to keep your stuff clean.

A pair of legs with knees in her back.

One where everything is alright

I feel bad for whichever nursing home she ends up flapping her gums in.

Everything has a lifespan, YouTube remaining free is probably in the middle of its lifespan by my guess.

The cat and mouse game will go on for a bit before YouTube asks for donations, then starts requiring paid memberships across the board. Nobody wants to pirate a few dozen 30 second videos of cats, and that's when YouTube's competition will rise.

As YouTube dies, new things will pop up to fill the niche. Most of us are hoping that new thing comes sooner rather than later. One day Peertube, Odyssey, and Grayjay will be better competition than little old YouTube.

You asked this on Lemmy, which is a niche being filled in by the enshitification of Reddit. You're part of the progress away from pdependency on the big few corporate sites. That's a bigger deal than most people know.

Is is really odd. Roblox literally breaks the law, but it's Microsoft and Epic being sued.

Damn, grew up, donned a dress, and liked it. Good for her.

I've mostly 100% smut games. Mostly because their simple puzzles.

I feel kinda silly about not using browser containers before.

Do you recommended any specific VPNs?

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If you really want to jump through hoops, do it in VRchat. Their biggest worlds are movie worlds. I've spent a 1000 hours in that game just watching movies for free with friends.

While this doesn't help, I am interested.

I've already cut as much online shopping out of my life as I can, but there are some things I can't buy in store anymore.


The worst she can say is "911 this guy is harassing me."

Even if he's innocent, he's going to court and getting a stain on his reputation.

Which one's do you recommend?

Trained monkeys at the zoo. It's repetition that they dance to. Trained monkeys at the zoo. They don't know what else they can do.

I'm exhausted, and politics will make me emotionally exhausted on top of being physically exhausted and mentally drained. There's no time for strikes or riots because I'm barely going to feed myself tomorrow if I don't work today.

Humans evolved to live in small groups of about 150. Now we fall trap to systems that we don't know how to deal with. We don't die to physical predators anymore, we fall victim to cults and concepts.