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Joined 12 months ago

At some point we have to fight back on all the lies, why not here I guess.

For at least 30 years middle Georgia (USA) has asked for rail commute to Atlanta and Savannah.

Now see.....this rail used to be a passenger rail. Somehow this ended and we can't get it back.

With the abysmal traffic in Atlanta, this would seemingly call for enthusiasm. Somehow the issue always dies quietly after a poll is given.

Living in Savannah, I'd really just like the old passenger schedule to re open.

Not gonna happen anytime soon.

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Two other instances come to mind as well, him looking lost in white rubber boots last year when Biden gave federal money for hurricane recovery, and just last week DeSantis was booed so loudly you couldn't hear his voice. He may wish to stay out of black communities after making it illegal to teach crt, among other past tells.

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This was what they found in other schools too. One specific location ( I can't remember where) the dads formed a group to a) keep kids peaceful and b) because they were being sent to jail for schoolyard bs. It was a largely black school. If you want to look it up with the sad details my brain is providing. Sry

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I went to join Planet Fitness, they insist on an app. They watched me leave. Kroger charged more than advertised, ooooh it was a digital coupon only available through the app. I left the item with the cashier. Order out? Only on an app? I guess I didn't want to eat that so much anyway.

Edit to add: I don't know how we are going to deal with apps that are forced upon you, that feels really gross especially if you are younger, like at your school. Forced commodification should be illegal.

Not going to do it, it feels controlling and abusive and I've worked too damn hard to let that shit go on.

From what I can see as of a couple hours ago, they've been bombing the south and refugee camps. So far they use this messaging as a way to corral and murder.

Aye, I left when they started up their bs in Canada. I will very grudgingly turn it on once Three Body Problem is out and then turn it right back off. Or even, if I can buy TBP from another streamer or DVD , I'll wait and do that. This greedy crap from Netflix is personal to me. So sick of greed.

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One of my mothers boomer quotes , "I'm going to spend my kids inheritance". She did too. She is now 84 and needs to sell and borrow. Good thing I believed her when she started saying this in 1988.

I love you lemmy, this is why I'm here tkutkutku

I can't be the only person who wondered "what's his real motive" when he volunteered these for free, knowing much of what he is known for. I guess people he's visited in DC have benefitted as well, because surely they knew this wouldn't go well, right?

Wow, I'd never heard of this . Just now playing the video. This is indeed a terrifying decision to protect a very corrupt man, and a system that allowed him to do these things.

Don't bother responding, this is a form of propaganda meant to cause non action .

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This will be helpful in so many ways, humility and work ethic will be encouraged by not inflating ego with suits. If a suit is your style, great and fine, have at! If you are wearing it to feel important and you are working with others who are dressed differently, you are reminded that the job is at hand and not ego.

GOP is grasping at straws in Tennessee too, for all to see. Justin Pearson, previously censured, posts reels of every nefarious act they try. It bears watching and supporting.

Don't forget rhe scummy leftists, antifa, and all of ilk. This us his round up of his opposition.

I feel pretty certain they'd detain women, they are trying to force procreation atm.

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I thank you sincerely as a woman in a red state with some blue dots. I'm past raising kids and have a good job, I truly feel I am of more use here for the time being. I'm the only one makng sure several people know that there are differing view points from theirs. With all the cognative dissonance I can stand and a kind delivery, they get a chance to understand what "all these crazy libruls" are on about. I have an Aunt and cousins that live in mtg district, but they've been beyond my scope since Obama. I've decided on my qualifiers for when I'd leave but I have people here that would need me and that I want to be here for. I guess we'll all just see right? Cheers

I'm sure I've missed something, maybe in the news? When has Sweden , or Brussels actively worked against Islam ? I haven't heard about any hate from them toward Islam?

If that message is correct, he is saying

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Idk , I mean.... unsustainable growth , to me, that's the same thing as greed.

This misuse of language has irritated me for years in both media and personal life. "It" didn't do a damn thing!

I keep thinking about the 1960s and the feds. Florida has to he breaking federal laws.

I lost the ability to comment on insta bc I commented in my representatives page. He is not only an elected representative, he is pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atl. This is the pulpit MLK led hia movement from. So yes, I am extra mad that he has not even made a statement. I have already done the emails, they don't care. So I figured a public comment on his insta post would stir something up, it did. Meta told me I'd be stfu for a while.

So once I was able to comment again I stated that meta can fuck right off and I'll be signing up for telegram. At least journalists can post freely there.

This is the issue that's so hard to see until it is explicit like your example. The time wasted, not spent on things of value is where this type of trolling costs us the most. In world news there were well thought out answers to some asshole who was just giving low quality taunts

I've loved the thoughtful discourse on Lemmy, I've grown weary of seeing news about reddit in the feed. Reddit died long before this last bit, becoming a haven for a particular, ill informed, consensus seeking group.

Then tonight, I had a reddit moment here on Lemmy where some non socialized, rude, consensus seeking user wanted to snipe and sounded like an over protected , suburban, adolescent boy.

I haven't seen one of those here yet and they are the absolute plague of open discourse .

Please Lemmy, don't let it go on.

All my adult life, his books have been a refuge from (in order of era)

Conspicuous consumption

Boomer narcissism


Reaganomics .........

Fundamentalism , extreme Christianity

Class warfare

White supremacy


More recently he has laser focused on

Societal roles


Scalding the hell out of Trump and maggats

He's literally a moral and ethical compass for many and can reach us when we are young.

As he and I have aged, he's literally been a comfort in the way he writes about our actual ghosts snd what haunts us.

He's brilliant ,I'm a huge fan can you tell? Cheers

All the more reason we need to #stopcopcity

So nice to see public safety taken seriously. I don't fit into the letters but also know full well that if a state is that intolerant then I won't fare well either so I avoid said state. With the atmosphere some states are building , anyone can be caught up in their net of Others to be othered. Hell they can just make shit up as they are doing already, logic and reasoning are not a part of this whole scheme.

Very same here. I delivered pizza in Atlanta in 1988 and shared a two bedroom on Piedmont park for a total of 550.00 month. I was so worried about making it too lol. Now as a person 30 years in my field and making fair money , I am paycheck to paycheck with little ability to save. To be fair, I've started over a couple of times , divorce etc. Starting over is expensive and takes a long leveling off but this economy is adding a lot of time on it.

Aye, last year a poll worker started about my license not matching my voting address. I'd heard shenans were to be expected so I plopped my voter registration poll card down and she stfu. The result? I am now trained and going to work the polls. What did I learn in training? She was wrong wrong wrong wrong and what she did was harassment. But you know what? That's OK, bc now I'm showing up, maybe I'll get to sit next to her this year and turn her in.

I was shocked when he got a gov't contract after he admitted to all that fuckery in Ukraine. Wtf is happening in gov't???

Any one with a guess on how they arrived at this title?

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We need more well built homes. This is the hidden crisis inside the housing crisis. I have a friend who has actually paid for two homes but only owns one. It's been one thing after another in large and serious issues.
Shoddy and fast housing has been a problem, but now we are also here ,just after all this flip culture. Be careful and thorough, if we ever get the chance to buy that is.

This pissed me off too. They kept the violence but lost sex. What a winning strategy.

12 years but honestly, I am glad the kerfuffle led me to Lemmy as well as other places I didn't know about. It seems there are many excellent alternatives who take the culture if their place seriously, which reddit never did. I get much more of a coffee shop discussion feel here.

The kitchen disco requires really good headphones. You don't get ear covering sound without a jack.

Aye, Thank you! I'm not that sophisticated with this stuff but I'll snag that link!

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I need this so I downloaded if that's OK thankyou

I feel this, but more along the line of chosen ignorance rather than actual stupidity. Either a new topic us overwhelming or they worry\fear they'll get it "wrong". Also, being from the south, where so much has been politicized, they fear the tribal back lash of thinking for themselves. I don't know what's wrong with me, I was never the type to "go with it".

A show about engineering to solve water problems in Italy were both inspiring and heartbreaking to me ,being here in the usa. We really are so far behind ,and more than a little scrubby.

Capitalism and Reaganomics, Citizens United , was the beginning of our decline. It's all been fast food culture since. I hate not feeling proud of where I live.