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One way leads to perversion and moral decay the likes of which mankind has not seen since the days of Soddom and Gomorrah, to a place ruled by greed and populated by the sickest specimens of the human race. The other is a porn site.

She will still be running for reelection, though.

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Who could know that refusing to patch critical bugs or, for that matter, to put any effort at all into software while constantly raising product prices would piss off the customers? It’s a mistery!

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It ded

In Nazi Germany, the guy in the picture would have been put in a camp before he could even raise his arm.

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Russian asset doing russian asset things

Google became what it is because they had the best search results. Today, other like qwant and sometimes even bing are better. If it was not for Android, the reasons for remaining stuck with Google would have become sparse already. And I daresay Apple is now the less evil option.

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You may be right but I have been using Brave on iOS simply because you can’t just install Firefox and uBlock, and since I reconfigured the new tab page I haven’t seen any ads anywhere at all.

From now on, any browser that refuses to implement Google‘s evil shit should be worth a look.

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Maybe one day people will wake up and realize that it is somewhat odd to think you could own ideas. Intellectual property is a bullshit concept.

Among other things. I doubt that there would have been any tolerance for his teeth or his tattoos. Also, he would not have been able to convince anyone that he belongs to the same race. He would have been exterminated along with the people he detests.

Gotta make sure the kid ain’t gonna be no fuckn democrat, yknow?

They are good dogs, Bront.

I remember a time when bad things would have happened to traitors in America. Looks like being a traitor is ok now.

The problem was that all of the plane‘s windows, including the front ones, were welded shut to prevent defenestration.

Given equal numbers and technological prerequisites I would believe that old Nazis were more dangerous. Neo Nazis are just brutal lowlifes who usually turn to a hateful ideology in order to create the illusion of being basically valuable and good but held back or even oppressed by [INSERT MINORTITY]. Old Nazis were so invested in their collective psychopathic worldview that they could regard the extermination of others as something that may be pleasant or very hard or even sad but in any way just neccessary, so it had to be done.

Don’t not be evil

Wing Commander. It needed expensive hardware, like a 33MHz CPU, and some features were disabled when you had less than 1MB RAM but it was worth it. To me, there was never another one like this.

You will be the star of that prom!

Because this way, instead of two apps it’s just one and with better control over content blocking.

From the introduction of the article above: „Samsung blames the decline in smartphone shipments for its financial troubles. Samsung is hoping the launch of its foldables will help level out these losses for the second half of the year.“

What the new phones have? Security updates!

Umm, well actually, it’s Samsung, so please forget what I said.

I wonder what would happen if a national intelligence agency was tasked with eliminating a billionaire. Could private security, however sophisticated, really deflect assassination attempts from a state? That has nothing to do with Elon Musk, though. He is way too beloved and cherished to ever become a target.

Motion to declare Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin king of 9gag!

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Seeing MemriTV memes in the holy land of the Lemmy fills my heart with childlike joy!

Had to check which community this is cos I was lowkey expecting something along the lines of „testicular degloving“


You wouldn’t download a hooker!

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He was just receiving new commands from Russia.

I wonder if the average repooblican would be even confused if those traitors openly endorsed Stalin. They are further up Putin‘s ass than Prigozhin ever was.

And there is a difference?

Obviously not. Unless you have an extremely good download bandwidth.