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If you're generating UUIDs from different languages, libraries, etc. you want to be sure there doing it the same way.

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You're not kidding.

I think this is a bit of a backwards way to look at it. If there is a good reason to learn a language then people will.

Not that this platform is necessarily that reason.

This is the only one I seriously doubt.

Really? Almost all of it is wrong.

Go home Mr Stallman.

Optimize your brain and body with daily essential supplements in convenient packets.

May be a grifter? He's a quack.

Put your reverse proxy in a DMZ, so that only it is directly facing the intergoogles

So what? I can still access your application through the rproxy. You're not protecting the application by doing that.

Install a single wildcard cert and easily cover any subdomains you set up

This is a way to do it but not a necessary way to do it. The rproxy has not improved security here. It's just convenient to have a single SSL endpoint.

There’s even nginx configuration files out there that will block URL’s based on regex pattern matches for suspicious strings. All of this (probably a lot more I’m missing) adds some level of layered security.

If you do that, sure. But that's not the advice given in this forum is it? It's "install an rproxy!" as though that alone has done anything useful.

For the most part people in this form seem to think that "direct access to my server" is unsafe but if you simply put a second hop in the chain that now you can sleep easily at night. And bonus points if that rproxy is a VPS or in a separate subnet!

The web browser doesn't care if the application is behind one, two or three rproxies. If I can still get to your application and guess your password or exploit a known vulnerability in your application then it's game over.

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My reverse proxy setup allows me to map hostnames to those services and expose only 80/443 to the web,

The mapping is helpful but not a security benefit. The latter can be done with a firewall.

Paraphrasing - there is a bunch of stuff you can also do with a reverse proxy

Yes. But that's no longer just a reverse proxy. The reverse proxy isn't itself a security tool.

I see a lot of vacuous security advice in this forum. "Install a firewall", "install a reverse proxy", etc. This is mostly useless advice. Yes, do those things but they do not add any protection to the service you are exposing.

A firewall only protects you from exposing services you didn't want to expose (e.g. NFS or some other service running on the same system), and the rproxy just allows for host based routing. In both cases your service is still exposed to the internet. Directly or indirectly makes no significant difference.

What we should be advising people to do is "use a valid ssl certificate, ensure you don't use any application default passwords, use very good passwords where you do use them, and keep your services and servers up-to-date".

A firewall allowing port 443 in and an rproxy happily forwarding traffic to a vulnerable server is of no help.

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They may offer some sort of WAF (web application firewall) that inspects traffic for potentially malicious intent. Things like SQL injection. That's more than just a proxy though.

Otherwise, they really don't.

I'm positive that F5's marketing department knows more than me about security and has not ulterior motive in making you think you're more secure.

Snark aside, they may do some sort of WAF in addition to being a proxy. Just "adding a proxy" does very little.

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HDDs don't do well when rotated

The original iPod had an HDD in it. You can rotate HDDs. Sharp impacts may be risky though, especially for a non-laptop drive.

No point talking to you then.

... You're joking right?

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Do NOT call prageru a "university".

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They noticed that some ssh sessions took 0.5 seconds too long under certain circumstances. 😲

Holy hell that's good QA.

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It's a weird thing to do. The lionization of the military is unhealthy for a democracy.

Thank a teacher, doctor, scientist or firefighter instead.

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Oracle is a law firm with a large IT department.

They've been giving us shit because they "see downloads from our IP addresses". It's an absolute shake-down operation. They let anybody download their poisoned jvm for free and then tell your company that they now owe them a fortune.

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This is a forum where people seek help. Of course you're going to see problems here. Nobody posts "hey it's been several years and I've had no problems."

Of course linux is stable. It runs like 80% of servers on the Internet.

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For not listing her prior name as a recent name change. She can use the name she wants.

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Do you have a better way of measuring it?

No better way of measuring doesn't mean this is a good way of measuring.

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But it's the size of a room and can only be charged twice?

Battery articles annoy me to no end. They're always overly optimistic about the new features and ignore the regressions.

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God it feels good to have somebody in authority say that.

The little brat needs to be told.

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Isn't this a browser vulnerability rather than a GPU one?

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Practically everything the GOP does these days is just retaliation. They wanted to impact Biden before he was in office ffs.

They may have been, things were far more trusting back then.

X servers, for example, would accept any connections. So we would often "export DISPLAY=friendscomputer:0.0" in the computer lab and then open windows of embarrassing content. Which at the time would likely be ASCII art....

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Mitch McConnell has had the lowest approval rating in Kentucky for decades. It doesn't matter.

Why do people operate under the assumption that the "town square" was anything other than crazy people shouting at each other? In the US in the 1600's we had witch hunts where people were killed over vague claims made by malicious people spreading lies. Why would people today be any better?

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I get why it's not reversible. But why the hell is it not keyed so that is obvious which orientation is correct? A small, cheap, notch would have worked wonders.

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Musk, the richest man in the world, said today that he will be 'holding his breath until everyone is nice to him'. The statement came as advertisers grew concerned about being associated with blatant antisemitism. A statement released by Apple claims that Musk is 'acting up for attention and needs a timeout and possibly a nap.' Musk responded with a post to X, formerly a semi-legitimate social media platform, that 'Apple is a big meanie who is in bed with the Jews. '

Górny took issue with everything from the energy consumption driven by AI

This has to be a joke. The team behind a distro that compiles everything from scratch all the time is concerned about wasting power now? The only distro for which I ever setup a compile cluster?

Give me a break. This is the new luddite movement.

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In this case, it decided that being helpful to the company was more important than its honesty.

It did no such thing. It doesn't know what those things are. "LLM AI" is not a conscious thinking being and treating it like it is will end badly. Giving an LLM any responsibility to act on your behalf automatically is a crazy stupid idea at this point in time. There needs to be a lot more testing and learning about how to properly train models for more reliable outcomes.

It's almost impressive how quickly humans seem to accept something as "human" just because it can form coherent sentences.

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Hmmm. Entering a school under false pretenses, sneaking around in the dark.

Sounds pretty pedophileish to me.

Man I would be requesting a new nickname daily...

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These are people who believe in generational punishment. You should be punished for what your parents did.

Remember, we're all paying for what Adam and Eve did.

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"free-speech absolutist"

The “CIA’s leadership is committed to being as open with the public as possible”

[pause for laughter]

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... says the woman seeking a retaliatory impeachment of Biden...

I don't know why people think that this behavior would ever be restricted to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.?

There's one common element in all these systems...

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"Hey guys, it's your boy chazz, here's a fun challenge you can do with your friends. Rob a bank."

Let me save you from reading this.

Why I left nobara: because I did... Then scattered rambling that goes nowhere and certainly doesn't end with a twist.