Draconic NEO

@Draconic NEO@lemmy.world
0 Post – 403 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lemmy.World Mascot emoji would be cool

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This graph is actually wrong, lemmy.ml doesn't have open sign ups, it just appears to because the Lemmy software doesn't accurately distinguish between open and closed registrations, it only distinguishes between open registrations and application-based registrations. If registrations are closed it'll look just like they are open, but we'll just give an error message when you try to sign up which is incredibly deceiving.

I filed an issue to fix this discrepancy on their GitHub.

Another issue with this graph is that it shows lemmy.world as American but it's actually hosted in Finland.

Refusing to wear a sweater, jacket, hat, or gloves when it's bitterly cold out. They claimed that "real men endure the cold" and tried to say that wearing warm clothes to stay warm makes you "Womanly".

Nothing more manly than hypothermia and frostbite am I right guys? /s

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Well you see, since Lemmy.world is a large instance, the vast majority of the Lemmy network actually. Such decisions ultimately affect everyone else because they slash your engagement severely in all affected communities.

So even on other instances the decisions of a behemoth like lemmy.world can still affect users there, in way more indirect and annoying ways.

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Btw you are also free to block any instance yourself.

Not how the instance blocking feature works. it's a common misconception because people don't read the docs and just assume it does what they think it does. From the News Section on Join-Lemmy:

Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

It's not an alternative or replacement to defederation, not even close. I'm really surprised this misconception still persists even after widespread adoption of 0.19.x across the Lemmy network.

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This is such a stupid argument, while you might be able to make the argument about sexual dimorphism in physical sports there's literally no good reason why a woman shouldn't be allowed to play chess against a man, or play chess against another woman if they are trans.

Chess is a game based on intelligence and strategy, it's not based on strength. It seems that this decision was made primarily on the basis of sexism, either because they think that chess is ""manly"" or because they think that men are smarter than women or that women are stupid. Either way not logical, purely sexist.

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I guess in that case I should probably seek out the counterfeit versions of it since they're now apparently better than the originals.

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Unfortunate but very much necessary to stop the spread of their hatred. This is why it's important to have a team of admins, so that it's less likely that the person running the server doesn't just disappear one day and they can continue maintaining it even if the main person isn't there. Maybe if you're an individual instance you can't afford to hire a team of people, but you could get a group of friends together and have all of you work together to run it, think of it like a group passion project it's important to make sure that something like this doesn't end up abandoned otherwise it can cause problems for others if people start abusing it.

I know a lot of people are in doubt about how bad it is, but I went there and I looked at it and it's honestly terrible worse than the Donald on Reddit (if anyone can remember that) we don't want to rehost that kind of stuff on this server, we don't want to be associated with those kinds of people, it's not worth it. They can still have their free speech on their platform, just not on our server and we don't have to put up with it.

Didn't he unban and stick up for somebody who posted CSAM to the site? (I'll try and find the article with it, if anybody else knows what it is feel free to reply with it).

Edit: Here it is

Non-Paywall version

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I do wonder why we didn't defederate from them long ago, it's not like they recently started showing signs of who and what they really are, they've been very transparent about their motives since day 1. Still though good it was done now before they started spamming things here (not sure if they do that or if it's just hexbear that spams).

DDoS isn't a high skill attack by any means, they could have also hired somebody else to do it for them (there are some really big losers out there who will waste money on something like that).

Probably one of if not the biggest reasons people had poor experiences on Lemmy before was because they signed up on Lemmy.ml

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IntelME is an embedded Microcontroller in the Intel Chipset (in the south-bridge chip) which depending on variations in generation, has a multitude of different features such as Active Management Technology used in IT department, clock controls and a few more things.

Because it is closed source there are security concerns about possible vulnerabilities in it which could possibly be exploited, as well as several conspiracy theories about it. Due to that hobbyists as well as certain OEMs have found out ways to disable it in attempt to mitigate these issues.

For more detailed information on it I would highly recommend this video by CCC on the subject, it covers what IntelME does and how it was able to be disabled.

34C3 - Intel ME: Myths and reality (Youtube)

34C3 - Intel ME: Myths and reality (media.ccc.de)

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@bouh@lemmy.world Lol look at you seething away, came here just to randomly attack people in a defederation thread.

I know what triggers these types of responses to defederation, many people believe that the Fediverse was some grand user choice and free speech haven. Which is an incorrect assumption, by a long shot. The fediverse since it's beginning has never been a free speech platform, and also like all other top down servers prioritizes admins, the people who pay the bills and are liable for what happens on their server. So when servers violate these rules and all other options have been exhausted or it is clear that they will continue causing issues persistently, servers are defederated to maintain the peace and safety of their server. One thing to make clear is that all users have the choice of signing up to a different server that does federate, and if they are the victim of one of these compromised/bad-faith servers, they really should consider doing that.

That’s quite open minded and tolerant! Paradox of Tolerance

It's not your fault, these people attacked and we don't have the proper moderation tools to defend ourselves yet. Hopefully in the future this will change though. As it stands you did the best that you could.

I don't think it's accurate and actually a bit disingenuous to lump WordPress and Flipboard together with Facebook/Threads, because these entities behave drastically differently, Flipboard and Wordpress are sharing their content with others on the Fediverse (plus wordpress is hosted software, people can run their own versions of it independently) without trying to compromise and manipulate users, Facebook is trying to recruit Fediverse users onto their platforms, that's why they're doing one-way Federation and banning Keywords related to Fediverse related platforms. To say "iT'S All cOrPOrATe" is ignoring these key facts, which is why I say it seems disingenuous.

Bad instances are going to be a struggle always, that's just the nature of a federated network, there will always be bad actors, compromised nodes, and malicious users that we have to deal with, that's never going to end no matter what happens. Even if it becomes infrequent it'll still always happen.

As somebody who goes through the extremely hot August summer heat where I live I will tell you that no you don't get used to the heat if you're exposed to too much heat you'll develop heat exhaustion, and if you keep going you'll get heat stroke which can kill you.

What I'm wondering though is did Washington compost actually say this, or was it just made for the meme? Honestly if they did I would not be surprised in the slightest.

It did, legacy versions of it had almost full extension support and also even allowed you to install them from storage as xpi files and poke around about:config, then they took away both of those things completely in fenix (only allowing about:config in debug versions and blocking XPI install altogether).

An old Asus Chromebox CN60, I bought it because it was dirt cheap, as should probably be expected EOL ChromeOS device.

It seems like something that would be completely and utterly useless but once I put Linux on it I was able to use it as a handy little Server. I guess I didn't really think that it was stupid, but other people thought that it was stupid that I bought it.

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Trying to avoid people seeing it because they'll get more backlash and probably lose donators and rightfully so. These types of knee-jerk reactions combined with the refusal to address feedback are very concerning.

It seems to be available actually. I suppose they could use it if they wanted but I'm not sure how much it costs.

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And also to frustrate people who use anonimization techniques including use of the Tor Network to get them to turn off their protections to be more easily fingerprinted.

Often they delete all images during the time frame of a CSAM attack, as that has been the only real feasible way to ensure images weren't left behind. Though I think a few images have started using AI detection methods to remove images like that automatically (read up on that here and here), also Pict-rs now has a Log linking uploaded images to the user, so now images can be purged with the users.

I find it strange that many people here are against this when the alternative is a surgical treatment that often can't be easily reversed, and even when it is, often lowers the likelihood they will have a kid.

Chemical solutions are way better in that regard because if they are done right they don't damage any tissue and their affects are temporary.

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It's because of bots, in the past there was enough moderation to deal with them plus a larger amount of natural engagement.

Now after the exodus there is significantly less real engagement and much poorer moderation. Those combined allow bots and low effort posting to thrive.

Feel upset, probably extreme body dysphoria.

I'd probably have to go through the long process of transitioning back as well as all the financial, legal, and medical problems associated with it, which would probably include immigration to a place where it's easier.

At the very least I am androgynous so it probably wouldn't take as long for me to get back to at least close to how I am but it would still suck.

That's an optimistic outlook by the way, I'm not going to discuss pessimistic/realistic because it's sad, unpleasant, and may trigger people.

Probably by some ground against the Fediverse or lemmy specifically.

People will deny this but this is the only real reason for doing that. The other reason is copying apple, which isn't really another reason as apple removed it for the first reason. Fairphone just went the extra mile to claim that headphones are wasteful, in essence they're making an excuse to cover up their reason why and also trying to force others to do it as well.

I will say that as it is 0.19 isn't going to be the holy Grail people think it is because the instance level blocking only affects communities hosted on those instances it does not hide users from those instances. So for instance is that are still Federated to hexbear it's not going to remove the hexbear user spam and it likely won't help in cases like this either.

It'll mainly help in cases where the communities on the instance and not the users are the problem. Things like the NSFW instance.

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They also manipulated the modlog on their site to not differentiate between removed by mod and removed by admin. So even When something is removed by Dessalines or Nutomic it'll still show as moderator and not admin in the mod log.

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I don't think you can put an LED bulb in an oven, well I mean I guess you could try but good luck with that, I don't imagine it would last very long at all.

You can put an LED bulb in a fridge though, I put LEDs in mine. I don't really need to worry that much about my oven though because it's a small oven and doesn't have a light in there to begin with.

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When Tumblr came out about the idea of opening up and using activity pub people were in favor of that idea. It's not just hating companies, Facebook really has a bad track record when it comes to abusive practices and also extremely poor content moderation (you can find right wing hate speech on Facebook despite them having policies against it, people report it and nothing happens).

Yep growth doesn't come all at once it goes up and it goes down, just like stocks. Social media platforms experience increases in users but also decreases in users. Though looking at the graph it just seems that people are less engaged, rather than leaving, the sharp dip is an engagement, not such a sharp dip in overall user count though.

Was Reddit really ever well respected? From what I've seen even before the current drama it was recognized as "the neck beard platform" or something along those lines.

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In my opinion absolutely not but the gaming community tends to give a lot of leeway towards companies rolling out so called "anti-cheat" solutions, even if they are downright scary i.e. asking users to install always on rootkits, or in this case, anti-consumer by forcing people to buy first or second party controllers.

I've even heard people in other situations suggest that anti-cheat systems should have surveillance systems like the ones done on remote exams, which would be downright dystopian and would be a privacy and security nightmare, all for a fucking video game WTF?

At least until the spambot onslaught begins and they start to find it incredibly difficult if not impossible to keep up with the endless flow of spam due to their lack of assistance tools and beneficial third party apps.

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It makes it so that downvotes just won't be accepted on that Federated server. You can still downvote the content from servers that do but it won't count on the original servers.

Also to answer your question no they can't downvote your content from the other servers, on instances that have downvotes disabled downvotes won't be able to go through because they are disabled across that instance and therefore can't be used by users of that instance.

Psst You don't need to be a girl to enjoy Skirt go spinny. Everyone can enjoy it regardless of gender or sex.

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Yeah it's a very common misconception, I find it weird that people are still having it though when 0.19 is widely available.

Maybe they're just saying it as a way to be dismissive of the issue, this kind of stuff happens often when people report or call to attention malicious instances or malicious users.

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They manipulated the modlog on their version to show all actions as coming from mod and not from admin, likely in attempt to hide how much is by admins as opposed to mods.

Edit: also appears they're manipulating the data itself because actions from lemmy.world's mods and admins are showing up under Nutomic's page so definitely something screwy going on there.

ModId field isn't enabled on these instances, it needs to be specifically enabled for these searches to work properly, thanks @Rooki@lemmy.world

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