Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while to – 869 points –
Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while

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I find it strange that many people here are against this when the alternative is a surgical treatment that often can't be easily reversed, and even when it is, often lowers the likelihood they will have a kid.

Chemical solutions are way better in that regard because if they are done right they don't damage any tissue and their affects are temporary.

I'm not against it but you'd have to be crazy to trust a guy who doesn't want to use a condom because he swears he's on the pill. It seems like it opens up a wild new avenue for sexual assault.

The reality is that the consequences of sex are asymmetric. I suppose this is an interesting option for couples in a relationship though.


Like you've ever trusted a woman that has said "It's okay, I'm on the pill" first time you hit the sheets?

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