
1 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lemmy shouldn't have avatars, banners, or bios

Defying the Supreme Court would set an extraordinarily terrible precedent. This only works if the masses are doing the defying. And it's incredibly risky, as the Republicans would very quickly follow suit

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How is it that the general response to this debate is "Trump rambled nonsensically and told conflicting lies and wants to undermine democracy, but Biden was recovering from a cold, so he's unfit."

Like in what world are these issues comparable?

14 more...

The biggest thing people are complaining about was Biden was a little hoarse against Trump's booming nonsensical rambling.

I don't care if Biden was hoarse. At Trump's best, he made no sense, and at his worst, he was pushing terrible ideologies

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I could do without most of Oregon too

The point isn't the "excuse", it's the criticism over him not having full power behind his voice during the debate being irrelevant.

Which is incidentally the only real criticism I could see this morning, beyond people falsely claiming he was incoherent. Which he absolutely was not.

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I feel like I was watching a very different situation than the rest of you were.

First off, the antiwork subreddit didn't actually accomplish anything. It was mostly people complaining about bad/illegal practices at their jobs, and literally nothing changing.

Second, things didn't die after that mod appearance. It drew attention to many users that the mods had a different goal than they did, but that didn't change the atmosphere of the posts for very long. The work_reform sub did become more popular, and antiwork still kept getting just as many people complaining about bad practices.

And neither sub got people organized, neither sub changed attitudes, and neither sub made a difference.

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Not quite this, but I did have a validation team that didn't know when to quit.

The project was a Windows service, and they would be constantly opening bugs saying "program crashes when we deleted xxxxx.dll"

Like... Yeah. If you delete necessary libraries from the installation directory, the program won't run correctly.

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This was hashed out pretty thoroughly in that thread.

The initial concern over the password being stored in plaintext was shown to be a mistaken assumption, and it was made clear that this kind of email doesn't happen anymore, it's an outdated problem.

No need to keep the discussion going past that, is there? Much less spread it around?

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The mods that updated for the first update were already updated within 24 hours of the next one.

The only mods that are still broken now are mods that were made and maintained by people who have stopped playing the game some time ago.

And even most of those still work, if they didn't rely on the script extender

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Nobody wants to participate in a disconnected discussion. We have multiple instances with bots that do precisely what you're saying, and they just flood the feed with posts that people won't engage with.

Nobody wants to have a discussion about a reddit post. Nobody wants to have a discussion about a hackernews or slashdot post. If Lemmy just looks like a place to mirror Reddit content, people will see that and just go to Reddit and engage directly.

We need more people posting to Lemmy. If this is just a place for bots to have discussions with themselves, nobody will stay here very long.

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Wouldn't a private window allow exactly the specific thing you want to test?

I don't understand how you got that from the image.

Both monitors on the senior side of the image are showing coding environments

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I guess the main things would be:

  • As a beginner, don't bother trying to dual boot -- If you still need a Windows box, get some cheap hardware to do your Linux work on. It's too easy to screw up both systems otherwise.
  • Don't get too hung up on a specific distro, the better you are at dealing with different configurations, the better prepared you will be for whatever comes. Once you've gotten one set up, don't be afraid to just try a different one.
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You're excused. Anyone else?

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Well if the language is German, there's probably an 80% chance that you get the right word this way

While I didn't really want Biden in 2020, after his administration's record so far, I can honestly say I do want more of that. Not to say I wouldn't rather have someone much better and more left, but I'm pretty sure nobody better will be any more successful than Biden has been, given the Republican opposition in Congress.

What I really want is fewer Republicans in Congress, and short of moving to another district, there isn't much more I can do there. My district's congressmen are fantastic.

This is a very good time to pick up one or more Fallout game. The release of the show brings sales on the games on multiple platforms

I'm a programmer, which is in a pretty bad spot if you're looking for work right now.

I was laid off in January and had to start looking again. While it's important to be able to demonstrate your skills, the only way I got an interview for my new job was by being referred by an old colleague. Turns out maintaining relationships with people who can vouch for your work is a very big part of the process.

The big reason is not really justification to support Hamas, but Israel has absolutely not been the good guys in this situation. We all should support Palestine in the face of Israel treating them so badly.

Hamas is a Palestinian group that is fighting them, which is why the anti-Israel folks will often support that. Unfortunately with news like this (and this isn't the first or the last of it) it's hard to support either side.

For what it's worth, I think you can support Palestine without supporting Hamas. But it's pretty easy for us to make judgment when it's not our homes and families being harmed.

I don't care for most memes (usually the joke itself is just that you referenced something well-known) because they are no longer clever after the first couple times. However I don't think the joke you posted is technically a meme.

Also, that joke was hilarious.

Bro aren't you on Lemmy.world?

You're already defederated from Hexbear, you don't have to ignore it

Right, and everyone agreed that wasn't the greatest practice. Two years ago.

This thread from two days ago was bringing attention to an issue that was fixed two years ago, and calling it out as if it was a different problem than it was.

It's good to have discussions about security best practices, but this thread is pointless. This problem is simply not there anymore.

I'd rather not have a recognizable persona online

This name is just the fewest a's i was allowed to register with

It's free, so when I need to ask about something in the news today, I'll use Bing. Granted I use a browser extension that lets me use Bing in Firefox.

These are useful tools, but not useful enough that I'm willing to pay for them when there's free options.

I was laid off this year. I'm a 25 year veteran programmer, and not to brag in the sea of tech folks we have here, but I am rather proud of my skills I have picked up over the years.

My first interview this year, they set up an online development environment and had me solve a fairly simple array sort problem, and I completely choked. Something about being watched and judged while I worked broke my brain.

I managed to ace my next interview, but they didn't bother with the programming exercise at all.

For me it's been the people trying to turn this into a carbon copy of their Reddit experience. I get the desire to fill the void after leaving Reddit, but this is a different place with a different group of people and a different social dynamic. We don't need copies of the subreddits we had on Reddit. We don't need separate communities for every type of meme or joke like we had over there (yet). Creating niche communities is a little premature when we don't even have the larger ones reading critical mass yet.

And to a much lesser degree, I would like to stop seeing people say "sublemmy." But at least I understand how we got there. "Community" is such a generic term, it's easy to not realize that's what they're called.

The mods that weren't backwards compatible were primarily the ones that depended on the script extender. This was an unsupported executable that expanded on the commands available to the scripts in the mods.

Not to say unsupported is bad, but everyone was well aware that if they depended on the script extender, they would break if the game updated at all. The biggest mods avoided that dependency for exactly this reason, and really didn't have any trouble. (Sim Settlements still worked the entire time, for example)

And like usual, the community stepped up and updated their unsupported extension quickly, ready for this outcome.

If you made a mod that depends on the script extender and then quit playing the game or supporting your mod, that was a choice you made as a modder. Meanwhile there's mods that haven't seen an update in 8 years that continue to work without issue.

24 more...

That's not even supported by the enterprise version. You're going to need a special agreement with the iseven people to support numbers like that

He's quitting to work on the Biden campaign, so he evidently sees it more important to keep Trump out of the Presidency.

At least that explanation makes sense to me

That quick brown fox is trying to jump over that lazy dog!

I'm fond of Go, which comes with its own auto formatter. It eliminates all arguments over style and format.

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Ah right, the "how about we compromise and just have a little genocide" option

I don't know, I think Thanos should have worn a suit

What are you worried about? A bishop on a white square can't touch a queen on a black square

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I get the impression that is just Bing's way of handling conflicts. I noticed if I correct it, ChatGPT will usually apologize and agree with what I say, while Bing will say it doesn't want to talk about it anymore and make you start a new conversation

I'm pretty sure regardless of anything else...

Help your son look for a new job. This is not an environment I would be fostering. Help him find a more suitable place to be.

The rest of it, you may still have trouble deciding what to do, but I don't think it matters nearly as much as helping to find or create a better environment for him to work in.

Last I heard, the rules were more strict on the redesign -- but old Reddit still let you sign up without email

I appreciate the illustration (and even warning) here. I predict things like this will just lead to more people having throwaway accounts. Now instead of just having throwaway accounts for posting shameful stories, you'll also find people with their "commenting" accounts separate from their "voting" accounts.

The more I see kbin users calling people out for downvoting them, the faster I expect the votes to just become gamed instead of natural. Anything that's used to draw attention to the way people vote will make this worse.

We're in the early stages, but as soon as we start seeing communities that ban users based on their voting records, people will just find other ways to obscure things, which will make it even harder for instance admins to address massive misuse of the voting system.

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What do you think people are not understanding?

I wanted an account on a Lemmy instance, and Lemmy.world is one. Since then, I've been pleased with most of what the admins are doing with it.

And they haven't gotten bored and abandoned the instance like a lot of the smaller ones have gone.

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Putting "Riker's Beard" on Deanna in the second panel implies they have a very different sort of marriage than they let on