Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump to politics – 61 points –
Biden's debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump

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How is it that the general response to this debate is "Trump rambled nonsensically and told conflicting lies and wants to undermine democracy, but Biden was recovering from a cold, so he's unfit."

Like in what world are these issues comparable?

Like in what world are these issues comparable?

Everyone who already knows that Trump is a moron can't actually develop a lower opinion of him.

Anyone who doesn't know that Trump is a moron is too dense to parse anything more complex than a ten-second Fox News soundbite.

Thus, Biden giving a mediocre performance hurts Biden much more than Trump doing his normal word-salad oral diarrhea hurts Trump.

It's not fair or logical, but it's the way things work at the moment.

He was recovering from a cold? Is this really the excuse Democrats are gonna go with?

The point isn't the "excuse", it's the criticism over him not having full power behind his voice during the debate being irrelevant.

Which is incidentally the only real criticism I could see this morning, beyond people falsely claiming he was incoherent. Which he absolutely was not.

Oh right, his just going mid-sentence from abortion to illegal immigration is textbook coherency, amirite?

Like PSA said, "new strategy to pivot from your strongest to your weakest issue!"

Tell me you didn't watch the debate without telling me.

The new pro-Biden platform is that it was all about a cold making his voice soft. Of course they are going to ignore the actual issues. A real primary would have made things much more obvious, when you had him on stage with some 40 and 50 year old folks.

but Biden was recovering from a cold, so he’s unfit.”

Literally haven't seen that excuse yet...

Has he been recovering from a cold the last decade?

The biggest thing people are complaining about was Biden was a little hoarse against Trump's booming nonsensical rambling.

I don't care if Biden was hoarse. At Trump's best, he made no sense, and at his worst, he was pushing terrible ideologies

It seemed a lot worse than being a little hoarse. He was conflating issues, mid sentence. And getting confused regularly in addition to seeming really feeble and not being able to answer what is asked of him. Listen if this was the first i was seeing this from the president, then i might buy this is just him mid fever. But it’s not and is expected from a man at his age. Still voting for him, but i am thinking Kamala Harris is going to have to take over the presidency before long.

In all honesty I think negotiating with Kamala for her to step into the AG role and open up the VP slot for Newsome or Buttigieg would be the game changer.

I don’t see our current trajectory as being successful, so this seems the only winning play. Not changing things risks everything for no good reason

I hardly saw any mentions of him being hoarse reading through the megathread comments last night.

Stuff like, winning the war against Medicaid, on the other hand, as well as his general just got out of bed demeanor, is absolutely going to erode confidence in him and quite potentially cost progressives the election if they don't pick a different horse.

The biggest thing people are complaining about was Biden was a little hoarse

Who is saying that?

It's not in the article you're commenting on, and I haven't seen a single complaint about his voice being "hoarse".

Can you link what you're talking about where the main complaint about Biden was he seemed hoarse?