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In Virginia, they are required to gather personal information and that’s weird. So its just not available here. But when you think of it, porn hub went to great lengths to minimize the problems with the industry. And these sort of regulations are doing the same thing that prohibition did. Push normal citizens into interacting with seedy elements, dangerous situations, and exploitation.

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Whomp whomp. Just soft enough that the defense can’t convince the judge for a freebie

Wow i wonder how far the judge can go before someone has to step in. Is there even a mechanism to remove an incompetent judge, or have we been completely relying on judges to not be corrupt on a pinky swear this whole time? Ah well, one more pitch fork on the pile.

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Bull shit. There is no fucking way it was trumps plan to be shot at. He really didn’t need to stage an assassination attempt just to drum up votes, because HE WAS WINNING. This is q anon levels of dumb

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Supply side Jesus strikes again.

Seeing she has 6 fingers, I think the artist is Artificial

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Where are all the tree law people at?

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And i don’t understand why they need protection in the first place.

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Leaving interpretation up to law enforcement is demanding that they abuse it. Its the point of discretion.

I was VERY critical of Biden, before the debate, before the backing of Palestinian genocide. So i was very happy he stepped down, and am content with Kamala Harris. Russia can try all they want. There is nothing they could do to dissuade me at this point.

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No they were supposed to siphon education funds away from poor people and minorities. At greater cost to the tax payers. Education is a luxury of the elite.

If it’s early? One.

What?! No! This is like a riddle. You assassinate the Supreme court first, THEN pack the court. Then have the new Supreme Court strip the presidency of these new powers.

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So these states that are imposing these measures and forcing porn sites like pornhub to pull out, are doing it “for the children”

But the only porn sites that comply are the ones who are trying to legitimize themselves to protect people. Like porn hub lost over 1/3 of their catalogue over the verification of the actors in their content. To remove revenge porn and other abuse.

That forces everyone to use the porn sites that do not care about exploitation nor the rules of these states. Pushing people tword crime like prohibition.

And still nothing stops children from binging porn

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The game was rigged from the start.

Its just how the installer prioritizes the data. You start with the frame work, and you then install first level dependent data. As long as the player does not out pace the dependencies, there is no problem

THANK DUCKING CHRIST! you have no idea how much this will lessen my work load. Now if they could do that for excel…

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Except when the terms of what an official act is not defined, the Supreme Court gets to decide, after the fact.

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Your listed positives of the electoral college seem like just more negatives, but with honey on top.

But ethically better then war, or letting them harm the vulnerable

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At this point just drop the weasel words and say it plain. It is a genocide by all accounts. Its not going to change anything, but call it like it is already.

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It probably reflects the minds of the people. With good reason. It will take proactive curation of your feed to avoid it. Good luck

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Jfc just what ever. Like usual playing games with commitments already made. So sick of this every time.

Here in America, we are turning bridges up into the river

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Not voting at all is the real worry. It takes effort to vote. And when you can’t even rally your base against trump then you ducked up bad. He literally saying that he does not have to appeal to his base because he has them with the threat of trump. Fine then they just don’t give a fuck any more. Disengagement is the name of the game and we all lose

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It seemed a lot worse than being a little hoarse. He was conflating issues, mid sentence. And getting confused regularly in addition to seeming really feeble and not being able to answer what is asked of him. Listen if this was the first i was seeing this from the president, then i might buy this is just him mid fever. But it’s not and is expected from a man at his age. Still voting for him, but i am thinking Kamala Harris is going to have to take over the presidency before long.

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In fiction, a character killing a puppy is short hand for irredeemable monster. Its one of few lines that when crossed, the audience will not accept their possible heel turn. It is a fundamental human trait. Even in situations where a hero kills an attack dog in self defense it’s imperative that not only is it emphasized that the hero has no choice, but the necessity of this situation negatively impact the hero, specifically to not lose the connection with the audience.

For example, The puppy getting killed in John Whick was in the story because the audience would find rooting for John as he goes on a prolific murder spree hard just because he got beat up, and has his car stolen. But after the dog died, you have literally everyone immediately primed for a 2 hour reverse horror movie.

I say this because you currently are seeing a political party using the unnecessary murder of a puppy for the sake of convenience and as a show of … “ChArAcTeR” to speak to their base.

An individual may be psychopathic which could be considered a medical condition. But for a political party? Thats mask off.

How about the companies that cause these don’t get to say whether the poisonous cloud will harm people? Some other body with relevant expertise and no financial ties with the offending company get to make that call. And treat any company who does make claims an immediate pathway to piercing the corporate veil.

You don’t steal from the rich

Well hey now! They did fire that one officer! You know! The female poc officer who forced another officer off the neck of a protester during the protests about the police murder by neck standing. What was her name? Totally didn’t jive with the force and the union. /s

If the point is to be disruptive, then loudly pointing out they are getting arrested for protesting is on brand and should be expected. The real question is why are you confused they continue to protest after being arrested?

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The law is not “powerless” that would assume politicians wanted to stop this from happening.

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Is this a ”we have done nothing and are out of ideas!” Thing. Or a “nothing we are doing is stopping the rapes, we have done everything short of holding the officers accountable, and for some reason it still happens!” Thing?

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I’m American and I don’t know where Oreo is.

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The lawyer must know his audience

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You misunderstand, the loss in content was a prior thing. It may have a different thing pushing that. My point being that porn hub is able to be accountable, or at least held accountable for their content. And they are pushed out of the market in these states, which leaves only the bad actors to make profit of the vacuum

Teenagers still have unfettered access to porn, they have just been restricted from better curated and less exploitive porn.

Damn straight i created poems on my aircraft carrier.

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They think so huh? I mean if Biden wanted to vote for trump he should just say so!

Sounds familiar