Russia’s new punching bag: Kamala Harris to World – 174 points –
Russia’s new punching bag: Kamala Harris

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I was VERY critical of Biden, before the debate, before the backing of Palestinian genocide. So i was very happy he stepped down, and am content with Kamala Harris. Russia can try all they want. There is nothing they could do to dissuade me at this point.

There is nothing they could do to dissuade me at this point.

They could dissuade you before? You probably shouldn't be listening to the Russians regardless of who the nominee is...

Biden was providing the reasons to not vote for him all by himself, he didn’t need any help from the Russians. But its not a worry now so what ever.

Deliberately taking the most negative misinterpretation of what was said. It almost feels like Reddit again.

The Palestine thing unravelled my image of that man completely. I don’t have a vote or anything but he does claim to be “Irish” which grates on us no end over here, where most people are anti-genocide.

I'm skeptical as fuck that you are a real live irish 😑 anyone who is a real Irish American knows the only people who can point to Ireland on the map died in the potato famine. Awfully shady a real live Irish Irishman doesn't know THAT about being irish😑😑😑 /s

But foreal I kid. Not even bashing Biden or anyone otherwise but I instantly assume someone's dumb as fuck if they advertise where there their great great gramps used to fuck while they're 3-4 generations deep in fuckin Jersey or something.

The only reason I commented tho is to ask, what are your opinions whe you catch random Americans giving you a good ole' nationality hickey?

I mean everywhere you look you can get ancestry history test but I have yet to see a single one at st. Patties day parade, Dingus day, Cinco de mayo, boxing day. If I never have the proof of purchase of where I come from, can I just make shit up? or is that too anti-cultural mis-inappropriation nowadays?

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