
1 Post – 192 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Crime accross the board continues to drop year over year in the US. There is still a ways to go but pharmaceutical costs are down for things like insulin thanks to the generic availability. On top of the policy changes, medical advances are moving at blazing speeds. Clinical trials for stem cell treatments are popping up everywhere. Basically a cure for everything except cancer nowadays. College athletes are no longer legal slaves and are able to be compensated for the work and risk they put themselves up to week in and week out. It's an employees market for finding jobs. There are more companies looking to hire in all industries than there is available tradesman to fill the openings.

Worked at sheetmetal manufacturing plant. Had aisles of welding booths. Old dude welder would smoke in the building in his booth letting the smoke get sucked through the table vents. Well sure as ahit one day a little more than just smoke gets sucked up and next thing you know thr whole ventilation system goes up in flames. Never saw the dude again.

Same plant but one of the robot welders, the worker would mount an unrelated electrical box on the robot welder rig. Then hit the foot petal and it would clamp 3 of the 4 sides down with a fuckton of pressure. Months after opening back up after ventilation fire this new chick was running the robot welders and steps on the fucking clamp petal while still holding everything in place. She clamped her whole hand smashing all the bones in her hand I think. Never saw her again either. It was a freak accident not even anything you can point a finger at. I guess she lost balance a little to make her step and didn't have her hands in way so the e-stop light bar that senses if you are in the way wasn't tripped but she slamed her hand onto the box as it was closing trying to catch herself.

They had tons of people I never saw before come in and assess the robots and turret presses and they installed the petals that have covering flaps you need to lift to get your foot in the petal. All in all the place was super safe and the dude that smoked was super fucking belligerent and was going to be fired the next infraction before burning the ventilation system down.

I went to a temp agency one time and went through the enrollment/placement tests. I told them up front I was just looking for competitive offers to bring to my 5 year review to ask current employer to match. They were cool with it after i told them I would be back if employer doesnt match.

So I'm taking the test and was blown away at the test questions. I'm reading them outloud to the agents at their desks asking them which ones people actually respond honestly to. They start telling me hilarious stories of people theyve had fail the test.

They eventually told me they have had at least one person at some time answer every question with the very honest but very damning wrong answer. They said none of the people they told me about were even the assholes intentionally failing the test just to show proof they applied. They were people being waaaay too fuckin honest about their liberal drug use.

Some of the more memorable questions:

In the last 8hrs how many times have you smoked meth?

A. 0 times

B. 1-4 times

C. 5-10 times

D. 10 or more

Have you ever smoked crack cocaine while on the clock?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don't know

D. Maybe

Would you ever smoke crack while on the clock?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don't know

D. Maybe

How many alcohol beverages do you have on your lunch break?

A. 0 drinks

B. 1-4 drinks

C. 5-10 drinks

D. 10 or more drinks

How many alcohol beverages did you have today before this interview?

A. 0 drinks

B. 1-4 drinks

C. 5-10 drinks

D. 10 or more drinks

Describe your performance at work while high on alcohol or narcotics compared to your performance at work while not high on alcohol or narcotics.

A. Have never worked high on alcohol or narcotics.

B. I perform worse while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

C. I perform the same while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

D. I perform better while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

Edit for formatting and grammar.

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Companies look for a person who is smart enough to do the job but dumb enough not to leave.

Shooting down Iranian dron3s and misses should not be your breaking point lol. This was the most justifiable action that has taken place since this shitshow started shitting.

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Really? That's not what the data from your api says /s

This touches on what I find the most fuckin irritating about the current state of software decision. I bought this super generic run of the mill disk clean up software. In the past I've used similar software and the fucking spam for add on this amd plugin that or defend your pc with this... it's fucking insane. Finding burried files from apps I deleted years ago. Well this time I got lucky. I download it, run it. Doesn't ask me to sign up for shit, I don't have to make an account. No added features for blah.99$ The fucking shit just ran after install, batch fixed it all. Then in the final report flagged it's own fucking software as obsolete and quoued it up for delete. CUSTOMER FOR FUCKING LIFE. Who thr fuck is running these reports that must show customer retention is higher when you fuck them in the ass till they bleed green. I would pay fuckin 5x's the price of windows os if it meant I could play steam games on a windows system with Linux tiered performance and security. Why the fuck is cramming so much bloatware that you need to upgrade your whole system the new thing. Fuck windows, fuck Google, fuck samsung and youtube.YouTube.

Edit: obligatory edit and shoutout to all the shitbag game developers too for thinking anyone fucking want another game that runs at 2 fps because it starts raining in the game. Fuck your 4k atari games. They're a fucking embarrassment to everyone who has worked in the industry.

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"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."

-my grandfather quoting a line from a John Wayne movie I think.

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As an advocate of the 2nd amendment who thinks gun regulations need to be more strict assessing theental health of anyone purchasing a gun, I find it very hard to believe parents who leave a child in a hot car with a loaded gun to both go into a store to shop could pass any test of their fucking mental stability. This had to be premeditated whether they can prove it legally. Someone else in the thread said it was 90F when this happened so when you add it all up, a toddler was left out if their carseat, with a loaded gun, in either a running vehicle the kid could've kicked into gear accidently or in a vehicle that wasn't running on a fucking 90 degree day. Way too many cognizant decisions were made to not charge them with 1st degree murder.

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Wait, the entirety of the FTC is 5 fucking people?

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Load it to the brim with literature pdf's, put in a faraday box incase an nuclear EMP or those monster solar flare things takes out all electrical components. I'm not a doomsday prepper or anything but did this with an old 256gb phone for shits and giggles. It's absolutely insane the amount of text documents 256gb holds lol

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Swear to fucking god the same will happen for GPUs in the next 6-12 months.

EVERYWHERE I looked researching why my RTX 4090 was idling with maxed out mem clock @ 10000MHz not dropping a bit. All the forums, articles and Nvidia themselves gave super standard troubleshooting suggestions before just saying yeah those gpu's fuckin run spicy.

I underclocked, un-installed, reinstalled, ran it in other PC's, white washed my drivers, updated bios, flashed bios, pretty sure i biosed my bios, even used recommended windows retarded power throttling setting... fuckin nothing.

Finally during one of my "Fuck Microsoft" tantrums I started belligerently stripping every fucking Windows 11 service, software and apps that would let me. Full on preppared to nuke the whole fuckin PC, not just the OS.

No fucking clue what did it or where it was all I know was it was somewhere in the control panel memory settings/disk optimization-ish/file history/virtual memory area or at least felt like it was from around that before I started aggressively clicking delete one at a time for my entire file history cuz ya know file history has had a bug lasting thru 2 generations of windows now that won't let you batch delete old files history files. Either way fucker all of a sudden sounded slightly less fans at top seepdy sounding, checked to see if I was loosing it but sure as fuck it really was bringing the gpu back to normal.

Its been humming like a champ ever since. Idles at 5001 runs at 10000 range with curve optimizer. Was able to re-set everything up on a clean install using a local microsoft account, deleted my actual microsoft account, haven't updated a fucking thing, been running FOLON with 231 enabled mods on 195 plugins. OH and I forgot to mention how noone believ3d me at nvidia that the 4090 when initially bought was running just like this with no issues. Needless to say I'm in stage 2-1/2 of my migration to Linux. Idc if I'm dead wrong about this experience I will never go back to Windows for my erryday desidnated driver or use it more that the 3 pc games I usually play through any year. No internet single player screaming fallacies speech to text into copilot to ruin that cunt fucker and tell people I multi task while gaming.

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More joint households have both members in the work force limiting the amount of shopping being done between 9-5. Add to that the ease of ordering shit online. All of which is on top of malls requiring minors to be accompanied by adults. Add it all together and the result is noone goes to malls anymore.

How the fuck do you have 28 up votes for spouting unfounded bullshit without even reading the fuckin article. The 18 year black male is orchestrating a coup by carjacking a US Marshal sitting in his car outside the justices house?! This is your conspiracy theory. I only point out that theyre black because you honestly think any of the SUPER FUCKING WHITE fuckheads that stormed the capital would be able to influence or intimidate an inner city youth into being their instrument of death?!? Plus its not like he's fuckin dead, Flowers is in custody and will face charges. Fuck I have not read anything this fucking stupid since the Pizza Gate shit and r/The_Donald was banned from reddit. I am genuinely embarrassed to think we might vote for the same candidate and that there are close to 30 other idiots in your corner of stupid.

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Maybe extreme weather conditions for trail cams? That's the only reason I would think about using one but never actually buy one for lol.

Companies don't care what people like, only what level of BS people would put up with before going to a different brand.


Idk if it's the same everywhere but in my experience in America I have came across a huge range of canine breeds owned by a huge range of human breeds (quality of person) and 100% of the time the human was a caring person that loved their dog the breed is unnoticeable. On the other side, when the human is subpar the breed of the dog is more noticeable as an inverse correlation to how shitty the person is.

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Because one was par for the course while the other was very unexpected.

Person 1 who missed the debate: How'd the debate go?

Person 2 who watched it: Well Trump lied thru his teeth for every answer.

Person 1 sarcastically: Wow what a shocker 🙄 and how did Biden do?

Person 2: Well he answered the question about abortion by ranting about an immigrant woman dying at the border.

Meh not really that wild especially when FDR kinda opened the can of worms by disregarding the 150 year old precedent that president's should only serve 2 terms. He also failed in his attempt to permanently stack the SC proposing to expand the number of justices to 15. Despite his failure he was still able to annoit 8 SC justices while in office. Let's also not forget his refusal to support anti-lynching laws and the whole complete disregard to the constitutional policy and procedure.

Not meaning to down play it but for OP's actual topic of discussion, The Business Plot doesn't even skim the surface of the CIA's depravity.

Edit: This is entirely my opinion of the matter and I didn't mean it to be as discrediting to you point as it comes accross. The Business Plot was and still is completely fucked.

I don't want a fucking endless game I want a finished game for the price I pay at release that doesn't require $3000 gpu to render the most obnoxiously detailed graphics of a game that has the fucking depth of mine sweeper.

You can explain anything in the world to me until you are blue in the face but until I ex0erience it first hand I won't have any idea what your talking about. Just the way I retain info.

Conservative as fuck but haven't had a single Conservative presidential candidate to vote for in over 10 years. Even then I think I voted Obama twice lol.

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What a fucking piece of shit company. What's the eta to fully learn Linux, and learn how to set up a dual boot os where Linus is daily driver but a local windows account is on its own drive for emergencies and gaming.

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What a wierd fucking reason to not currently punish weed consumption and then to use such an antiquated reason to criminalize it. The whole article read like something out of 1920's-1950's America. So dumb.

Every president in or out of office has information of national security that is in our best interests to protect. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the password to launch nukes 1234 for like 60 years. They could've kidnapped like 5 ex-presidents and been able to launch nukes from the info obtained even if common logic says it should be obsolete.

I think I've crossed a point of no return. It will take prolly a year I'm guessing to full on switch but I am absofuckinglutely done with Microsoft and Google. It's been 5 years and was only a single OS Admin course using exclusively Linux but nothing I remember was that shockingly different.

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This is a joke, right? Im so bad at sarcasm when I can't see a shit eating grin laughing at my gullible lol. Or did you really have valuable content on Reddit at the time of their IPO?

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Fuck you we're not middle age we're upper aged young adults./s

Hookers. They're cheaper than a shrink, have access to all the pharmaceuticals your heart desires and if all else fails... they are almost always super good at... listening to how your day went. Hell most even prefer it to sucking on a soft chub for an hour just for you to come to the same conclusion that depression fucks with your libido.

Its almost as though efficient utilization of tax revenue offsets the hatred of paying taxes. I just threatened my 1st cousins into pitching in $100 each to buy a 2nd cousin of ours a cello after I asker if she planned on continuing to play thru college and she said no she can't afford school, dorms and instrument rental. I looked for programs that actually helped students like her but found nothing of actual use. You can do more help with your own money than giving it to the government or charities.

"New phone. Who dis?"

You confuse internet and media narratives with reality. We're friendly as fuck as long as you aren't a no tipping poutine eating maple leaf fuckers./s

Lol I shit the bed. Totally read 15% of users.

Physics. Got put in a Physics class in HS after getting kicked out of public schools and had to transfer to a catholic school with advanced curriculum. Fuck everything was so interesting to me. WHAT THE FUCK IS IN THE SPACE THAT MUST EXIST BETWEEN ATOMS?! WHAT?! You can never measure the exact location of an object?!?! WHAT WHAT?!? Even if you could if you're observing it passively, it alters the results?!?! WHATWHATWHAT?!? No matter how random an occurancw may seem it can still be a patterned algorithm?!? Fuck me they couldn't teach their way out of a sex Ed paper bag but they sure as shit taught the fuck out of Physics

Sounds like a fuckin totalitarian ultimatum to me you fuckin nazi /s

Lol well this reminds me of what my Hodor sized buddy's foreman used to say about him, "Thank God he can lift a ton cuz he can't fucking spell it." 🤣

What do I miss about reddit: what reddit was 10 years ago.

What I dont miss: everything else

Aside from it recognizing its own reflection, don't tons of animals square off before fighting? White tailed deer are dumb as fuck but two bucks will dance around before sparing to size up the opponent I've had cichlids that do the same kind of shit when they're territorial. Sizing up the other fish before fighting for the best chill spot in the tank.

Lol homie people do heroin because they can't afford oxys and percs anymore. It's only expensive if you are afraid to main vein and rely on snorting it.

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Nooooo no no it hasn't. Clinton vs the other guy was a BJ vs the other guy, Pre-wikileaks Bush vs Kerry was fool me cant be fooled again vs flip flops. McCain vs Obama was genuinely a war hero vs the first black prez. I'm not looking each election up and spitting from loose memory but the point is no fucking way has it ever been a rapist felon vs someone who was asked a question about abortion and was so fucking senile he answers with a fucking babbling story about a fuckin immigrant woman murdering I dont even know what the fuck he said it was so fuckin incoherent. There is no fuckin way you are old enough to vote if you are that short sighted that this is your stat quo.