25 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Great news for disabled people. Gives us a much better chance at finding a job willing to hire us!

It gets even better

In the footage, the PM told two schoolboys: “I’m a Coke addict. A total Coke addict.”

After a brief pause, he clarifies: “Coca-Cola addict. Just for the record. Just to be totally clear. I am a Coca-Cola addict. I have seven fillings to show for it.”

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It’s not gonna happen, we need 2/3rds of states, but when republicans block it, it sends a clear message who the wannabe autocrats are.

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I guarantee you a week ago this dude was crying because “Biden’s rhetoric was too crazy and led to the Trump shooting”

(Despite the fact the Trump shooter was a conservatuve)

Yep I really don’t think their asking that the person be a professional graphic designer and VFX producer.

Sounds like they want someone who can use imovie and canva.

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I’m always disappointed hearing news about Biden. So boring and normal. Where did my emotional rollercoaster of reading the news when Trump was president go?

Dark brandon better beat that facist dumbass come november though.

Why not work

Because the headline is misleading. The bill was written by a bipartisan group of democrats and republicans, including AOC.

It’s weird to call it AOC’s bill in this context.

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Suprisingly he was the only Republican to take long covid seriously. Because he got it.

“It only matters when it affects me” is the republican mantra I guess.

They better send some to Ukraine.

Make Putler happy.

Aktion T4 was a campaign of mass murder against disabled people by involuntary euthanasia in Nazi Germany. The term was first used in post-war trials against doctors who had been involved in the killings.[4] The name T4 is an abbreviation of Tiergartenstraße 4, a street address of the Chancellery department set up in early 1940, in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten, which recruited and paid personnel associated with Aktion T4.[5][b] Certain German physicians were authorised to select patients "deemed incurably sick, after most critical medical examination" and then administer to them a "mercy death" (Gnadentod).[7] In October 1939, Adolf Hitler signed a "euthanasia note", backdated to 1 September 1939, which authorised his physician Karl Brandt and Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler to begin the killing.

I hate the use of “euthanasia” and “mercy death”. This was genocide, perpetrated by nazi germany and nazi doctors. 300’000 disabled people murdered by doctors and SS.

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Trump recently threatened multiple times to jail zuck. I wouldn’t be suprised if that had an impact on this decision.

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We’ve been inching closer and closer ever since 2014. Is not an excuse to abandon Ukraine though. Russia won’t stop cause we give them some land.

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Honestly, the guillotine was the peak. Every new method since then is simply more for the viewers comfort than the actual person dyingz

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If you mean “developped” vs “develloping”.

The HDI of the US is significantly lower than canada or northern europe, but still much higher than the world average.

Here’s an Inequality Adjusted version of the Human Development index, the US comes 27th, below Estonia and Cyprus, but 27th out of nearly 200 is counted as “develloped”.

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Oh come on you don’t need to downvote me for that. I’m not a professional on a computer, I’m a disabled bedridden person who is unable to use computers. Just let me exist please.

Nor am I a native english speaker :)

Edit: Lmao this guy went and downvoted every single one of my recent comments because of this.

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Russia has already kidnapped and killed people inside of Europe. I guess it gets treated like espionage.

In the US, especially in this polarised climate, the vast majority of changes to law start with one state, and then another, and then another until slowly it gets adopted around the country.

The thing for someone like me who is immunocrompromised is. I need to wear a mask because I have a medical condition.

But also my immediate family and anyone interacting with me needs to wear a mask when in public. Covid is a death sentence for me. So this law doesn’t cover that.

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Russia is invading a sovereign nation based on invented misinformation and lies. They are committing countless documented war crimes.

If the war is escalated because some countries are non-directly sending personell to help the ukrainian army defend itself, it’s 100% on Russia.

It always had been 100% on Putler.

Damn. Axios really should have mentioned it is a partisan pollster. That’s disappointing.

As someone disabled by covid, I think the world even regressed by covid.

Pre-covid we didn’t have half the population denying that a common virus existed or refusing to get vaccinated.

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Yep. Most attacks by great whites are shark “children” just learning about food trying different stuff.

Yeah but a lot of people never use them. Like I’m chronically ill, with chronic pain and only use maybe a couple times a year cuz of weird masculine “deal with the pain instincts”. I need to remind myself of this meme more often ahahha

There are one or two million eligible US voters on reddit by estimate. A decent chunk of those are progressive left. People like u/leninmeowmeow have been increasingly taking over left wing subreddits, and pushing pro-russia and “don’t vote both sides bad” propaganda, which does impact US voters.

I had a health emergency in June 2023 and was pretty much unable to use reddit until April 2024. Going back, the same subreddits felt like a different world. A bunch of subreddits I frequented, that had been social democrat and pro-ukraine, became subtly pro-russia. This is the reason I left reddit for lemmy. I felt like my political ideology (idealistically I’m an anarcho-marxist, but I still vote for the better candidate to shift the overton window, and I’m critical of Chinese and Russian imperialism, and really all the authoritarian “communist” regimes) had no place on reddit anymore.

The wounds usually take between a week and a month to heal, depending on the number of strokes received. During this time, offenders cannot sit down or lie down on their backs, and experience difficulties controlling their bowels. Bleeding from the buttocks may still occur in the days after the caning.

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Looking at this guys post history, he just spams the same thing on every post related to Israel’s invasion of Palestine. Touch grass mate…

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yep. half of these people dont even believe in covid. its crazy

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  • and disabled people

My rule is even though I still begrudgingly use twitter, I stay the hell away from the for you feed and stay on the following feed.

The answer to your question is that Musk is a right wing propagandist.

It’s not just the UK, it’s actually quite common wordwide.

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Things are (way too slowly) getting better:

As of June 2024, 13 states have banned underage marriages, with no exception: Delaware (2018),[2]New Jersey (2018),[3] Pennsylvania (2020),[4]Minnesota (2020),[5] Rhode Island (2021),[6] New York (2021),[7] Massachusetts (2022),[8] Vermont(2023),[9] Connecticut (2023),[10] Michigan(2023),[11] Washington (2024),[12] Virginia (2024)[13] and New Hampshire (2024).[14] American SamoaU.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, all United States territories, have also ended child marriage in that time.[15][16] Several other U.S. states have similar legislation pending.[17]

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I’ll happily be proven wrong. But I don’t trust Nethanyahu a single bit. He’ll keep the crimes going on till the election as he knows it hurts the Dems and he wants Trump elected.

Meeting with someone ≠ Endorsing them

World politics is about negotiation. I’d rather she tucked into the conflict and tried to improve the situation than ignoring it.

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The slight possibility a BLACK WOMAN could be president 😱😱😱😱😳😨🫨😬

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A hundred? Disability benefits in the US is 8k per year and it is “survivable”.

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From the article:

**The big picture: **Previous efforts to get a stock trading ban passed through Congress have failed over the last few years.

  • But the bipartisan backing in the Senate could tee up the bill for rare progress during an election year.
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will mark up the bill on July 24.

are there a significant number of reported “botched executions” with guillotine? Even if the weight is blunt, it is so heavy and comes down at such a force that it would likely break the spine and destroy the brain steam and cause a near instant death.

I speak with an american accent in my academic circle because everyone there is super american.

But in my friend group I let my half-aussie half-british accent go free.

Also speak that american accent with most strangers since they have usually learnt american english and will probably understand me better.

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