Pony Rule

mecfs@lemmy.world to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 732 points –

If you don't use pain meds on a whim, when you really need the help they will be more effective

Not really. Tolerance for pretty much any drug drops relatively fast.

Just dont take ibuprofen for every little thing and you should be good.

iirc it'll fuck your liver up pretty bad taking ibuprofen often

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is what fucks up your liver. Ibuprofen will cause stomach problems such as ulcers, but it won’t damage your liver.

Drug tolerance is generally not associated with acetaminophen or NSAIDs although using them frequently to manage headaches can definitely cause rebound headaches on discontinuation

Yeah but a lot of people never use them. Like I’m chronically ill, with chronic pain and only use maybe a couple times a year cuz of weird masculine “deal with the pain instincts”. I need to remind myself of this meme more often ahahha

“But I have high pain tolerance”

No you fucking don’t otherwise you wouldn’t be bitching about your fucking headache all the live long day. Eat the ibuprofen now.

I can't, I haven't even eaten today. I guess I really don't need to eat much. All I had was a grape today and a slice of cheese. No that's doesn't have anything to do with my headache, I told you I have a high pain tolerance.

Ohmyfuckinggod it’s you, the straw person.

“But I don’t feel like swallowing a pill right now”

This used to be my excuse

Ibuprofen suppositories exist if anyone for some reason prefers that

All drugs are suppositories if you are willing

Lmao imagine trying with amoxicillin, you could have the biggest diarrhea in history.

May all your amoxicillin come with cupcake sprinkles of the pink Pepto Bismol variety. It’s a party get into it!

Not a headache but close enough, and you're right: I'm gonna take that tylenol.

Sometimes you need a little treat, go for the naproxen. Every once in awhile I'll take one of those for a headache and it makes me realize how much my whole body hurts sometimes.

I have the fabulous genetic quirk of suddenly acquiring unimaginable stomach pain and nausea after taking ibuprofen or asprin. I also get frequent migraines 🙃

You get checked for ulcers?

Not yet but I need to. My mom got cancer so we've met our family's out-of-pocket maximum for the year, meaning all my treatments are finally free. Thanks America! /s

Genuinely please do soon. My girlfriend almost died as a kid due to severe pain and docs just throwing painkillers at her, resulting in ulcers and very nearly a ruptured stomach.

Particularly for physical injuries, I sometimes prefer to suffer as it reminds me that I need to be careful, which I know I'd forget if I subdued the pain.

Having said that, for things like flu's where it's just pure suffering for nothing, I'll suck down as many painkillers as I can have in a day.

My co-worker fucked up her foot that way. She sprained her ankle during a hiking trip and just kept popping painkillers so she could keep walking.

I do this, but it needs to be balanced with a healthy dose of "don't overcompensate or you'll fuck up the uninjured side."

20 mg isotretinoin, 1g effervescent paracetamol, oh yeah, it's hepatitis time.

I remember that my neurologist said there is no analgesic that can help with my migraines and I should just take the meds as soon as I can or face a week of suffering, but I can't just take them every time I think it could be it so I just gamble my productivity for the week.

My mom has a similar condition

If she feels a migraine coming she has to take Relpax (eletriptan) ASAP. If she takes it too late, it may not work.

On top of that, it's the only medication that works for her migraines. Even worse, the medication needs a prescription in South Africa (it's OTC in some other countries); it's stupid expensive; each box has like 4 pills; and the pharmacists keep saying Pfizer is going to stop producing it. I don't think generics are available. Haven't checked in a while.

Btw Isn't isotretinoin for acne? Do you need a prescription for it?

All the triptans are great, all expensive as fuck, fortunately effervescent paracetamol works better for me than any triptan.

>Btw Isn't isotretinoin for acne? Do you need a prescription for it?

Yes and yes. Prescription like every 6 months and blood tests to check if my liver doesn't want to kill me for treating it so bad. But I have the skin of a Korean model and my hair has 0 grease now, it's great.

I went through so much lip balm over the course of a year while taking isotretinoin. Miraculous how well it works though. The acne hasn't returned since finishing the treatment a year ago.

Oh right! At least one per month, beeswax or petroleum based for you? I preferred beeswax, the vanilla flavoured one smelled so good I wanted to kiss myself.

Same applies to HRT

Wait, what?! HRT isn't even PRN! Why are people treating it like polyjuice? I have never heard of this.

what kind of person gets on HRT and then doesn't take it??

In my analogy the person would be avoiding starting in the first place.

This is my wife. She was raised to believe that all suffering is the body fixing itself and has, on more than one occasion, spent two days in bed with back spasms intead of taking the muscle relaxer the doctor gave her.

She also believes that fans make you sick. But like, not the fan in the basement which blows the AC through all the vents. That's not a fan, it's a magic wind box. I am assured that this is sound science, just not among western scientists who are in the pocket of big ceiling fan.

Magic wind box!

Is she Korean?

No, she doesn't think fans will kill her, just make her poop funny. Don't be ridiculous.

Maybe the dry ac exacerbates dehydration, a ploy concocted by big tap water 🤔🤔🤔

My headaches are usually a deficiency of something simple. I'll eat and meal and drink a quart of water.. If that doesn't do it then it's time for some ouch-away.

Not headache medicine, but a few years ago I had this nasty rash on my feet for months before my two brain cells finally managed to meet in the middle of my skull to tell me to buy some medicated lotion. After enduring months of pain and itching and it was cleared up in about two days. I think it was poison ivy.

There is no glory in taking drugs to suppress your problems. Fix your headache, don't poison yourself with drugs

"fix your headache"

how the fuck did you get through life without learning what a migraine is? Also get off your high horse and stop encouraging people to suffer.

I've never known any OTC analgesic to actually help with any aches or pains with the exception of it being a caffeine withdrawal headache and using Excedrin with Caffeine. But I could also just have some coffee or tea. Even strong prescription pain relievers like Vicodin or oxycotin barely have any effect. Novacaine works; but that makes the affected area entirely numb.

Maybe you have some kind of genetic drug resistance. My mom has an extremely high resistance to anesthetics (it's been a major problem when docs don't believe her) and apparently most people in my family do too.

Especially if it's a migraine, the swedish healthcare website literally says that's what you should do and as far as i have been able to see there is no better way to deal with it.

the general principle i follow is trying to deal with the pain for a while and if it shows no indication of easing up and there's nothing else i can do to alleviate it, i pop a pill so i can actually fucking enjoy life.

It's not about glory, it's about feeling the discomfort so that it will influence your behavior as intended. Can't speak for chronic illnesses, but if you're having the occasional cold or whatever, why not just take the message and lay in bed for the time being?

i wanna get a headache so i can look at this and be reminded

That background image just unlocked a bunch of happy memories from when I was a little girl. Then reminded me that I should go take ibuprofen for this headache 😅

My hesitation is the frequency. If you're having to take it all the time, 1. There's a bigger problem. 2. You build a tolerance, which can affect other things.

Not pain, but if I do anything less than strictly sensible I often feel I have an obligation not to correct it, because I should learn not to do whatever the thing was in the future. Trouble is, I never remember the thing itself. All I teach myself is it's not ok to try to do things better than I did last time. That's unhelpful. I know why I do it but my psychologist terminated service because she didn't feel she could help me anymore so I don't know how I would stop.