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"People" is a generic term for more than one person.

"Persons" denotes a singular distinct grouping of people. Ie, Native American persons.

Are you sure about that? Cause it sounds like you've never spoken to a native English speaker about the terms here.

A group of persons with a commonality are a people. The individuals are persons within a group. You can say "a group of people", but that's different (like a sheep vs. a flock of sheep and also a distraction here). The group is a people. People is not a generic term for multiple persons, it's implicitly a group with some commonality. Nobody says "the American persons", it's "the American people". The "various peoples of North America" would refer to a plurality of various and distinct groups of persons.

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Sure you are. God I hope you're lying.

peoples /pē′pəl/

Plural form of people

noun Humans considered as a group or in indefinite numbers. Often treated as a plural of person, especially in compounds. "People were dancing in the street. I met all sorts of people. This book is not intended for laypeople." The mass of ordinary persons; the populace. Used with the. **A body of persons **living in the same country under one national government; a nationality. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

Both persons and people can be used as plural forms of person. Persons is often used in formal, legal contexts to emphasize individuals as opposed to a group. People is the plural of person that’s most commonly used in everyday communication to simply refer to multiple humans. But people can also be used as a singular noun to refer to a population or particular community. The plural of this sense of people is peoples, and it’s often used in terms like Indigenous Peoples (in which it’s often capitalized since it refers to specific communities).

peoples plural of people (“a race, group or nationality”) The course studies the history of Africa and the peoples who lived there.

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Is this another one of those "dead frog pinned and glued in a cute pose for art" things?

If I was about to go on tour with my best friend and he said something stupid that put us in danger from real life lunatics with guns, I'd fucking cancel the tour too because I cared about us both and our relationship. Besides, if you can't tell your friends they're wrong when they're wrong, they're not really your friend. This isn't necessarily the act of betrayal you're making it out to be.

I'm betting that making this statement publicly makes it easier to break the tour contracts, rather than backing out of the tour without saying why.

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"Sensors" sounds like a magical solution that hasn't been thought through, but the marketing guys already sold it and won't listen to the engineers explaining how difficult it is to actually build such a thing.

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I feel your pain.

I edit the URL to remove the first part of the URL and replace it with "http://old.reddit.com". That still seems to work, last I checked, but I fully expect it to be killed any day now.

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Don't forget about Nintendo's own fairy goddesses in Zelda.

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Hot take: Deep fakes may be much closer to rape (and maybe should be adjudicated similarly) than they are to identity theft or fraud because of the harm they cause and because that social assault is more closely related to power and consent than a simple fraud.

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Likely more than just removed. I'm pretty sure that I left one too many scathing reviews of products that were defective by design or outright frauds, now I can't leave any reviews.

Carnist seems to imply that they eat ONLY meat though. They're not carnivores, they're omnivores. It's on the same level as using the terms pro-abortion and pro-life to describe the two sides of that debate. This kind of name calling of an out group is not too far removed from all the wacky names flat-earthers give to all the rest of us just living here on the globe not being wack-a-doos.

Using the term butthurt is some straight up 90s era homophobia too. Nice.

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If they were really interested in fair competition, they'd have everyone compete in the nude as the greek Gods intended.

Why bother telling retailers how to package them? Just hold the card companies financially responsible for the theft/scams and force them to honor what the customer paid for in the store. I'm sure the card companies will figure out on their own how to stop the thefts and scams, once they are actually responsible for the money.

This is like a Far Side comic in that I'm sure it's actually funny, but I have no idea why.

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They're not exactly high tech, but my wool blend socks have treated my feet just fine through many hot and often wet miles of wear. They're pretty frictionless inside my boot, they keep my feet from feeling wet even when soaked with sweat, and I don't think I've gotten a single blister since I made the switch. And only because you asked "where do I buy?", the Kirkland brand wool blend ones are my favorite.

This "clarification" is just even more confusing. Like do you mean, "What would be the effect on history if we could all see into the future, but only through song?" I guess I'd hope that we'd try better to stop 9/11, COVID, and Trump.

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I do this, but it needs to be balanced with a healthy dose of "don't overcompensate or you'll fuck up the uninjured side."

My insurance seemed to go down about as fast as inflation, so it feels like I've been paying about the same for decades. I didn't really realize how much lower my rates were until I talked to some kids young adults.

Using crontab to execute these kinds of quick fixes that don't really solve the problem so much as reset the countdown to failure are the real Duck tape Linux hacks.

Sounds like an interesting premise for a musical.

Why not both?

He got a speeding ticket in a poorly designed street with variable speed limits that is only designed to funnel people to and from the stadium and the interstate that just so happens to cut something like a nine lane street through a low income and predominantly black neighborhood and school zones. And the only reason he wasn't shot dead was because he was driving a very expensive car and the cop likely identified him as a semi-celebrity right away. This whole thing is like a case study in all the various forms of institutional racism. Tyreek Hill might be an unredeemable asshole, but that's FAR from the whole story.

Congratulations on having a normal sized head. NONE of their eyeglasses are big enough to fit around my melon. And no, it's not fat getting in the way, just my skull. Tall people have large skulls, go figure. You'd think that an online store would be able to stock more variety in sizing. Overall, I wanted to like them, but I cannot where anything they sell except sunglasses, which oddly enough come in larger sizes. At least the optometrist can put regular lens in sunglasses frames to accommodate my apparently freakish proportions, but neither Zenni nor that other one will.

That makes sense, but it's going to confuse anyone that grew up with the many varieties of magnetic tape available. Look on YouTube for Techmoan if you want to go on a charming deep dive into archaic and niche media formats.

I've fallen asleep during the third act extended fight scene of the last 5 Marvel movies I've been too that weren't Deadpool. Same vibes. But, I still wouldn't use them to try to sleep.

But if you're looking for relaxing, echo-y, and resonant check out Brian Eno's ambient stuff. Start with "Music for Airports" and go on from there to some of the others if you like it.

If you're stuck on opera, maybe you'll have interesting dreams trying to fall asleep to The Magic Flute. I'd probably just get the tunes stuck in my head.

Also, the genre of modal jazz is rather slower and more resonant than its more hip and excitable cousins. Might be worth exploring. Syncopation would keep my mind to active though.

I've also found that the documentation online is much better, or at least easier to search, with Ubuntu in particular than any other distro. This is probably mostly due to popularity at this point as you said, but I think they got that popularity because of the straight forward and easy to digest documentation. And I'm not just talking about self-help support forums, I mean published and polished wikis and guides hosted by the distro itself.

What are MCs? Do you mean cassettes? No body ever really called them micro-cassettes, (those were the thing you used to record messages on an answering machine or dictation) so that doesn't really fit. Certainly not mini discs?

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Yeah, that sounds less than ideal.

They generally don't breed in large bodies of water where the water is flowing. They moatly breed in the little stagnant pools of water that collect in other spots because of poor drainage or things like tires, empty pots, and other trash being left out in the rain. There exist these little pellets that poison those stagnant puddles for the mosquito, but not your pets. That and proper drainage around your house will do wonders to reduce the excess population. Pointing a fan to blow out at any open window can help too, but proper screens (with a fine enough mesh) would help more. Mosquitoes don't like a stiff breeze.

You probably know this and were referring to gummies or something, but it needs to be said that smoking is not advised after a tooth extraction or pretty much any dental work. Not a great idea before hand either as the weed (in any form) can make the drugs that the dentist gives you less effective and coming down from a large dose of those can be a worse pain than the stitches in your mouth.

We're talking about the history of racist voter disenfranchisement and this literacy test was a prime example of that from our recent past. Although national IDs exist they are VERY far from common and they are often relatively difficult, time consuming, and expensive to get.

"You've got to be seen to get noticed." -Trip Tucker

Have you tried or already had trouble using plexamp with downloaded content so that you can keep a local copy of some subset of your music library on your device? I only ask because I've used plexamp without issue for streaming, but haven't really felt a need to do the local sync yet for music, just Movies and TV through the regular Plex app.

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You know what's also good "built in AV"? Good design with code that's open to review. There's not nearly as much performance cost to good security if you start from a good foundation. Saying windows is slower because it's doing more security and more anti-virus is like saying I only run slow because I trip over my own feet. Like, no shit, but that's no excuse.

And singing the praises of updates and rollback systems that are like a decade behind everything else and still a consistent pain point for users is a little bit of weird fanboyism too.

Is posting upside-down album covers a new meme? I fully embrace making it one.

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Yes, and you'd open that flap downwards I presume because it's generally safer to let gravity pull your vinyl out of the sleeve than reaching your dirty hands in there to distort the package and dirty up the vinyl.

I mean come on. Are you fucking with me? Wikipedia, Musicbrainz.org, Discord, and allmusic.com all have the mountain at the bottom.

What's the difference?

Windows wasn't my first operating system. I don't even remember what my first was, but it ran on top of DOS and had a 5 and a quarter inch floppy drive. I've used pretty much every windows desktop version since 3.1, but really only installed or maintained XP, 2000 server, and Windows 10 on my own hardware. But I've also installed and maintained various Linux and BSD distros since about the turn of the millennium, including a brief relationship with a Mac laptop with OSX.

There was never a switch. I always ran whatever I could get working that would get the job done. For some tasks that was Windows, either because it was good enough and came pre-installed or it was required by the software I needed to run for school or work. I've handed in many assignments on 3.5 inch floppies. I haven't maintained a server with windows since Windows2000 server. I've tried Slackware and Corel Linux. I bought SUSE Linux in a box from a big box store. I've gotten those brown Ubuntu install CDs in the mail. I remember being delighted with the development of BitTorrent because now my downloads would check themselves for consistency as they downloaded the ISO. No more getting to the end of a download only to discover the md5sum failed to check. I've used Knoppix and Clonezilla for system recovery.

There was never a change. I'm a tech nerd that likes Linux, not a Linux nerd that likes tech. But, it was the way windows kept destroying my Linux partitions that drove me away from dual booting and installing windows on anything in general. Also the windows situation with viruses, updates, and lack of security that drove me away unless compelled. Now windows lives on its own hardware or in a VM for me.

Windows is never going to like an NTFS that has been touched by another OS even if it windows was completely shutdown during that time. Reading the NTFS partition might be okay. But, last I checked none of the Linux drivers could write without windows noticing and fouling things up. If that has changed it would be welcome news to me despite my warning use of windows.

If windows (and to a lesser extent that other OS) came bundled with some ability to mount, read, and write filesystems popular with other operating systems this wouldn't be such a problem. One shouldn't have to involve the network stack or 3rd party drivers just to share a partition on the same hardware or a portable drive with a modern file system.

Well there's your problem. Public wifi is going to have systems in place to stop exactly the kind of thing you're trying to do.

It sounds really counter intuitive, but wake up slower. It's really easy for me to startle awake just enough completely turn off my alarm, not just snooze, and fall back asleep hard. If I wake up to an alarm that slowly increases in volume from barely audible, then I tend to wake up much more gently and slower. That little bit of extra time means makes it much harder to fall back asleep and by the time I reach for my alarm to silence or even snooze it. I'm clear headed enough to not either actually snooze the alarm instead of turning it off or be awake enough to not fall back asleep at all. Going from awake straight to sitting up or standing is super stressful and just makes everything awful. Being mostly awake before my head even leaves the pillow is much less stressful.