3 Post – 223 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of them Carpenter nerd types.

Too many to list.

They all either:


Got cancelled

Pandered to a younger audience of which I am not.

You know something is horribly wrong when someone who is permenantly disabled signs up for snap only to receive $200 a month with it, but it's taking 200 away from their (already lower than minimum wage) disability payments. I don't know how people are expected to live.

I used to know one who would go for "here's $100", though that was many many years ago and I don't know if she still lives that kind of life. I haven't kept up with anyone from high-school, much less friends of friends.

Yes, but 4 years ago was an interesting time in my life. I had just quit smoking, rented a house above my means to give my disabled sister somewhere safe to live while grieving over her deceased caregiver, and spent whatever money I had saved to move her across the country.

She's thankfully doing well now and engaged with someone she is absolutely head over heels for.

I'm still financially recovering, but things are moving in the correct directions.

100%'d blast corps back in the day, caught the hylian loach before there were any guides about it in ocarina of time.

And more (but not terribly) recently, I completed an 'all bosses' challenge run in terraria in which I made all naturally spawning blocks indestructible.

You've been missing out. Customizable vapes allow for flavor and nicotine customizations as well. I weened myself off of the nicotine some years ago, but I do still occasionally take a poof of the melon mix that I like.

The part that's wild to me is people who have the option to never touch the addictive agent of smoking still opt into it for some strange reason.

Terraria. An old friend popped up to ask me if I'd like to play and it's been many updates ago and at least a decade since I last played. We are playing both calamity and Fargo souls mods mashed together and having a hell of a time with the extreme difficulty as we work through the boss fights.

Not to mention our life schedules work out to 2 hours a day.

I thought I was a straight man once. Ended up being not the case.

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Uhh.. Soy.. Soy sauce.

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And just like that, the boundary testing from the American extremists started their next chapter. Let's see how this labrat does. If he gets away they'll burn others offices, if those succeed, they'll start with private residences. Inch by inch, they will become more aggressive. If someone gets caught, they pull back a bit.. But it doesn't stop until they have something larger to point their extremism in the direction of.

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I mean.. At least as a construction worker my retirement plan is three-fold. The trick is to survive long enough and well enough to enjoy retirement.

The three are 401k, annuity, and the unheard of pension.

Granted, I'm also on my fourth pulled back muscle for the year. I really need to stretch more.

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As someone who has lived in 4 (forgot Rhode Island) 5 different states, and two very different areas of California, the worst by my metrics was Hawaii.

Yes, it has lovely weather, yes, it is a great place to visit... That does not make it a lovely place to live. Once you've done all the touristy things, you have to deal with the day to day. Prices are just higher for everything. It all has to come from somewhere, and it's in the middle of the ocean.

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Thank you for this. I'm going to use it at work.

And in the mm/dd/yy format it's also 2x ascending.

If this isn't an SCP, it definitely should be. That being said I've never experienced this and I spent an awful lot of time wandering in the wildernesses in Monterey.

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I was talking about groceries with a friend over in England a few nights ago. Apparently my pasta prices are 4x hers. And that's just the store brand dry noodles. If I found the cheapest deal I used to see from various places, it'd still be 2x. I'd need a pound of noodles for $0.49 to even be in the ballpark.

If a simple item like that is casually 4x more expensive, I'm sure everything else is also up there. I've been lucky that my income allows me to be a single family income provider and have money left over to throw around wherever I want, but just finding this out the other day really left a deep impression of just how sorry of a state things are in over here.

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Meanwhile Beijing just banned working outside after 10 days of over 35c degree days. It's really weird to watch this country unravel.

First and foremost, any evidence of water damage/leaks. It's amazing how simple it is to fix a ton of issues quickly and easily, but water damage is a beast that just makes everything worse.

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Things have been fairly stagnant material wise since I've started. There are metal studs and ceiling systems, and they have their uses and caveats to usage. I prefer to work with wood when possible though it's interesting to do housing rehabilitations and see the old wood we used to use. The new quickly grown lumber cannot compare to the older woods.

It would have been really nice to have had him as a president for a term. He'd be doing all the same things he's doing now, but with more authority. It would have been really interesting to watch mainstream media have a meltdown over everything he put forward.

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It's not really a 'carpenter' thing, but a decent pair of channel locks are great for many things.

Toothpicks are also something most people don't think about, but they can be wonderfully useful for when you have unscrewed pretty much anything as a filler to make sure the screws grab.

I'll edit if I think of other unconventional items that are good to have on hand.

Pretty much always DIY, only asking for help when I'm doing something that will take an important piece of the house out of commission for longer than a day. (like when replacing kitchen cabinets) definitely want that done within a day.

I wish construction carpentry had joinery as a normal part of it these days, but for the most part we use fasteners (nails/screws) to join the lumber. On the rare occasion I have a reason to make nice joints, it's usually very simple.

On the side though, I really like the looks of the various Japanese joints, and everyone appreciates a well fitted butterfly.

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As the simplest catch all to your question:

People prefer cars when they do not have access to adequate public transit.

If the transit is unsafe, untimely, or unsanitary, then it is not adequate. I live in an area of the US with a robust transit system comparatively and even it isn't adequate. You don't need a car to get pretty much anywhere but the travel times are at a minimum 2x due to how sparsely things are scheduled off peak times. They're a bit closer during peak times though.

I honestly miss the free time I had while taking the buses and trains to read news or play games, but since work requires quite a hefty list of materials, and can randomly shift during a day, I need the mobility of a personal vehicle these days.

Considering it was asked to copy the previous text, it could easily be something the creator of this screen cap had written and the chat or literally just copied. A 'repeat after me' into a gotcha.

Nevermind. Enough other screenshot have shown the exact same text in realistic looking prompts that I suppose this is legit... Sadly.

Second hand items are a marvelous resource. I can't compete with anyone who are just looking to offload a house full of furniture.

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Round about a day or two. I'd likely make an oopsie while letting the zoo animals out and get myself slaughtered.

Cool, now make them use bytes as the system of measurement and we'll be on to something.

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As long as I have Santiago, all is well.

I'm hoping they never release the killers identity to the public. Spreading around that hateful persons likeness and beliefs all over media and articles only empowers others to do the same thing. Leave them as a nameless pictureless murderer with no agenda or beliefs, just some bigoted murderer.

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That was my most recent regret of a buy.

For those of you who are enjoying Diablo 4, good on you. I sadly could not. There are too many things that I've been shown a better way on thanks to other arpgs that is rather spend time on than one which seems intent to have me spend significantly more time on for less. It felt awful to pick up entire inventories of loot and have absolutely none of it be worth while for my character. Literally hours of running from thing to thing to not hit a single upgrade.

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I had a neighbor who was a carpenter and was willing to give me a job for a bit. I spent a lot of time doing very minor things, most of which had very little to do with carpentry. After that I applied for a decent amount of carpenter airbrush jobs online, though most wouldn't accept my previous experience.

So I ended up taking a practical test at the local union apprenticeship school and managed to do well enough to get asked to join.

Again? Could it be the same guy from last time?

The goal posts have finally gotten high enough that most folks starting out likely won't make past the starting position.. And when things look that bleak, the only winning move is to not play the game. It's shocking that the ones who write these articles are so out of touch with the world as it is now for those just entering adulthood with little to nothing given to the appears.

I'm completely unable to purchase property with a mortgage, and it's not a lack of supply, it's a lack of owners willing to deal with mortgage holder as opposed to someone who just has cash. I've increased my offers to 30% over asking, higher down-payments, waiving inspections.. I doesn't matter.

Well now I want a version of this sport that starts as a scavenger hunt to find the scoring area before you can score any points.

I'm pretty happy with Coskii, but I mean..

In no particular order:

  1. Half minute hero: quirky, quick, hilarious, and a bit stressful at times. It's a perfect mobile title.

  2. Disgaea: infinitely scaling/playable strategy rpg. You can power through the game pretty quickly, or take your time and slowly become a god so strong that even friendly healing spells miss you.

  3. Patapon (2 and 3): rhythm based game about using drum commands to get your little dudes to complete missions.

  4. Dj max (any/all):dance dance revolution for your thumbs. Korean game featuring Korean artists. One of my favorite continuing series.

  5. Monster hunter (freedom through portable 3rd): action rpg all about them boss fights. Kill monsters, use their parts to hunt tougher monsters in a game all about incremental progression, inventory management, and learning movement patterns to git gud.

  6. Patchwork hero: do you like the dig dug stages where you slice off bits of the land to drop enemies into the water? This is that except they are airships and you must defend your homeland

  7. Lumines (1 and 2): musical game about matching colors and making combos in a tetris-esque style game. The devs went on to make tetris effect.

  8. Cladun 2: so I heard you like action rpgs, infinite scaling, pixel art, and enough grindy systems that even my power tools get jealous. Enter Cladun.

I'm wondering if I missed any I spent a disproportionate amount of time on.. But these were the first ones to pop into my head.

Edit: I am finally home so I can look over my games... and I definitely forgot a couple.

  1. LOCO ROCO! It's a very simple platformer in which you guide your little dudes through stages by using the L and R to tilt the stage. You collect fruits to increase your dude into a larger dude, or several dudes, depending on the situation.

  2. N+ Be a platforming Ninja, die a lot.. like a lot a lot. It's.. simple and hard and so satisfying to clear one set of 4 stages at a time. You can even make your own stages if you're feeling up to the challenge.

Truly terrifying.

A new Mario, Zelda, metroid is what ninten does? Well, I suppose the article is technically correct. Shame the company is a dinosaur with draconian beliefs.

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I mean.. we grow teeth a total of 3 times. The first for our baby teeth, the second time for our 'mature' teeth, and the make up 'wisdom' teeth to fill any that might've fallen out at that point. I'm guessing those three growths were the most needed for humans early survival before we got all fancy with farming and hygiene. At which point we kind of broke survival of the fittest and things just kind of happen now.

Kind of like how humans are one of a handful of mammals that didn't evolve out of menstruation.

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Same God that 'decided' a year shouldn't land on a whole day. Threw in that .25 for shits and giggles.

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