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I would never be able to take such a picture of my dog. He would be ferociously licking the tiny bit of delicious food that he not allowed to have off of his back.

I am an actual licensed therapist and while there are a number of real actual creating barriers specific to men pursuing mental health treatment there are a few factors I’ve consistently seen that are ubiquitous across gender, race, sexuality, class, etc

Money, time, availability

Therapy is inaccessible. I am a therapist who mostly works with insurance companies. They pay me about 100-115/hr. My clients will often have a high deductible health plan which means they need to pay this $100-115 per session until they hit their deductible, which can be 5,000+ dollars. It’s a lot to ask someone to pay $100+ weekly. On top of that they still usually have a responsibility afterwards of (typically) 10-30% so $10-34.5 per meeting which is still a notable weekly cost for many people on the high end especially after shelling out $400+ a month for months on end.

Other clients have PPO insurance which is a fixed cost per meeting but this can vary wildly. More affluent clients have excellent PPOs where they might pay $10-20 per meeting which is not terrible. But that’s rare. We are often covered under the “specialist” copay and many PPO plans have tiered provider coverage now. So a copay for me might be $50 or more per meeting (the worst I saw was $125 which was absurd because it was actually $27 more than I’d get from the insurer in question).

So you have this on top of these plans taking hundreds of dollars out of each pay check. “Well budget for it”. Hard to do because the need for therapy can be inconsistent and many of these people are coming in fo(and specifically symptoms like poor money management). Then on top of that even if you do budget for it you have the inherent issue that the need for outpatient therapy is often not dire/acute so if something more pressing comes up (eg a serious dental/medical issue, car breaks down, short on rent) therapy might be the corner to cut if it’s already established because in the overwhelming majority of cases you won’t die without it; it will just lower your quality of life (sometimes significantly so)

Then comes the time portion. Even if you can get past the cost barrier you have the availability of the therapist and yourself. I’m a night owl and I work late but many of my colleagues don’t. I’m pretty nontraditional though, no kids and my partner is very career oriented themselves whereas many of my peers tend to value the traditional 9-5 much more so they can be home for their children and such.

So when you go to schedule with someone it’s often that you can only get seen during business hours. It’s one thing when it’s a doctors appointment that you have once every few months that you need to duck out of work for but a weekly hour long engagement is much harder to explain. This brings back in the masculinity issues - many men find this basically impossible to disclose to the workplace and basically wouldn’t even try to get an exception for weekly therapy. Even without explicitly saying so asking for 1 hour open a week consistently for a doctors appointment is going to be perceived as therapy by many. But stigma aside many of us simply can’t do that. I’m on the practitioner side and I know I’ve ignored my own physical health at times because it was inconvenient to schedule doctor appointments during my workday.

Our systems of employment (at least in the USA) simply do not provide or protect for medical leave, even when it’s very brief and especially when you are a low level employee (executives and admins tend to have less of an issue ducking out for doctors appointments in my experience at least). There is no legal right to paid or unpaid time off for medical appointments in the USA and that is completely disgusting in 2023.

The final piece is practitioner availability. I have a waitlist through October at the moment and am not accepting new clients. All of my colleagues are in the same boat. The old practices I used to work at constantly call me to see if I’ll take any referrals because their waitlists are so overloaded. The hospitals and clinics I have referral relationships with email me every week for updates. It’s extremely stressful. Every new client, especially adolescent, complains that they are happy to finally have someone after waiting 3-6 months. Even if someone wants a therapist they have to wait ages. It is not uncommon that I get someone and when I call them to start they say they don’t even remember why they called in the first place.

We need more people doing the work. Or ideally we need to make societal reforms so that there are less people experiencing mental health issues. I’ve been doing this almost 15 years now. I, and anyone who doesn’t exclusively work with the rich, can tell you that a significant degree of what we work with is people who lack resources and not proper mental illness. I mean, it is depression and anxiety, but it’s because they have been paycheck to paycheck for years or theyre under a mountain of student loans or credit card debt and the stress is just too much to bear. And their jobs won’t give them raises and there aren’t any other jobs out there that pay more. Not everyone is a software developer or investment banker that can jump ship to another 6 figure job with cushy benefits. Most people work jobs that pay 40-60k with shit benefits and little upward mobility.

To answer your question more directly:

In my opinion it’s a systemic issue based around that super fun phrase everyone loves, “toxic masculinity”. I personally do not subscribe to gender labels but I am amab/male presenting and get a lot of male clients as a result. Many of them tell me they hide the fact that they are in therapy from everyone but their partner. This is indicative of the problem; that being in therapy is weak. That being in therapy makes them a bitch, a wuss, all kinds of pejorative terms. It’s bad, is my point.

So part of the answer imo is not in having doggies and cool dude stuff in the office. Its far more complex and involves redefining masculinity to still including things like being a lumberjack or carpentry or whatever. From there though you need to shed the part where it means you have to be emotionally numb to everything, constantly display strength, embrace the fucked up misrepresentation of stoicism that has you shove all your feelings into your stomach, and glorify anger, rage, and violence as the only appropriate means of emotional expression.

this could also be extended to the stigma surrounding therapy itself and the tendency to associate therapy need with weakness. This is an issue that goes beyond therapy though; there are people who won’t see medical doctors for the same reason even though they’re in physical pain. Our pride is our downfall.

Tldr make therapy cheap and accessible, make protections for workers to seek medical care, increase the amount of practitioners (or decrease the need for them), and systemic reform to the societal concept of masculinity and pride. So probably gonna take awhile

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Bots count as active users on the metrics, I’m sure Reddit admins see this as a huge win




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths ranges from creepy to absurd

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_unsolved_murders good rabbit hole


Reddit had a sub called creepywikipedia for this kind of thing. It shut down for the protest and stayed shut down. Might be worth recreating by someone more inclined than myself, who is very lazy

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A local AMC near me used to have specific screenings for people with autism where the lights were turned up a bit so it wasn’t completely dark, the sound wasn’t turned up as loud, you were allowed to make noise and weren’t asked to leave over stereotypy/tics, allowed to bring in outside food, you could leave and come back, etc

I think they called them “sensory friendly screenings” or something like that? I worked in an autism group home at the time and we would take our clientele to them, the theater was super accommodating. I don’t think all of them do it though

This was like 2011 though and I feel like things have gotten worse in the us since then tho so maybe it’s much less common now

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If meta pushes this it will be to brand themselves with decentralized social media. The average person will associate the concept with meta and assume it was a meta invention. This may be a long play by meta to get in front of things like mastodon/lemmy/kbin/etc and become an established player in the space to the laymen before the actual established players can do so

It’s a gross misuse of their obscene power bordering on monopoly and hardly a good thing. Even if the above isn’t true they will 100% use it to harvest as much data as humanly possible without consent and tons more if you’re stupid enough to give them consent. They will tune algorithms to feed people rage bait and stupid bullshit to drive engagement at all costs. And they’ll load it with intrusive targeted advertising

Fuck meta

Wiping with your finger introduces bacteria from your hands and is not a good idea from a food safety perspective. If you wipe the excess you should do it with a clean towel (like a disposable paper towel/napkin) or at a minimum wash your hands. It’s probably not a huge deal if the sauce is very acidic and the remainder will be used promptly but if it’s like a bottle of a condiment that may be used for weeks probably best practice to keep your grubby fingers out of there

I still use the same printer I got in 2004. Hp color laser jet 2600n. Highly recommend. It’s large and loud and toner is pricey. But toner is widely available, you can easily get 2,000+ pages out of a toner cart, I’ve generally found it to have native driver support in macOS and Linux at this point, it has an Ethernet jack so you can print over network, etc. the toner is also much more reasonable if you only print black and white, the $$$ is if you change all the toner carts at once.

It does have a toner tracking chip but you can override that in the firmware. they used to actually allow you to do such a thing!! It’s not even like a secret developer menu thing, it’s just an option you can pick although iirc it warns you print quality may suffer. or you can just buy blank chips for a few bucks, it’s just a little plastic tab that you break off and then you slide the old one out and the new one in. But that’s more for if you plan to refill the toner carts which I do not recommend; it’s a messy process where you have to burn/cut a hole in the cart, refill with powder, then seal it with tape. I tried it a few times and it was a huge mess and lead to leaky carts; not worth saving the $50 bucks or whatever

I’m pretty sure in like 2040 my house will be an anachronism of old tech like this. It’s already mostly there with some notable exceptions. If I have to subscribe I won’t buy it; if I buy it and find out I need to subscribe I’ll return it or sell it. I will pay month by month for items that justify a need for ongoing payment (like I pay once a year for Usenet access). But I don’t think I am in the target demo for basically any company lol

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The weather will probably be a lot worse

And maybe PlayStation 6

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Because it works

It doesn’t work for you but it works for the casual user

Promoting shitty short rage bait content, charged headlines where no one reads the articles, etc drives traffic up with casual users who are far less likely to use ad blockers, far more likely to use native apps, far more likely to enable tracking features blindly, etc.

Power users don’t like it but power users don’t view ads, are more likely to be privacy focused, etc. they also are a very small demographic so they are simply ignored once they are annoying. Before they are annoying they are marketed to bc they can be milked with things like premium subscriptions for no ads or whatever.

Subscriptions don’t sell for social media, advertising doesn’t pay until you’re scaled wayyyyy up, and generally once advertising and outside funding gets seriously involved they start pushing you to get as many impressions as possible. So basically advertising is a cancer that ruins everything along with the capitalistic need for constant growth and endless profits

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I have an American toilet but a Japanese toilet seat (toto washlet) and it is pretty awesome. It has a heated seat, a bidet with a built in on demand water heater (you only have to hook up cold water), it has adjustable nozzle length to make sure it gets the right spot, has soft lighting so I can use the toilet at night without turning on the bathroom lights, it has modes to oscillate and pulsate the stream which is much better than it sounds, it pre-mists the toilet when you walk up so your poop doesn’t stick to the bowl, it lifts the lid when you walk up and can lift/lower the seat with a button press, it has 2 user profiles so you can set up your preferred heating settings and nozzle length and such, and it drys your butt off when you’re done with a blow dryer. If you buy a fancy toilet it can auto flush too but I only got this bc I had a contractor friend who sold it to me for $350 bc some rich dude ordered too many for their house remodel and they were selling it as overstock or whatever. I couldn’t justify changing out a perfectly good toilet. It was already too much to spend but now if it breaks I don’t know what I’ll do because a new one is like $800-1200 and I am so used to having my ass blow dried lol

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Generally listening is best but there’s no universal answer to a question like this. People are complex. Some people want to be consoled, some people want feedback, some people want to be challenged, etc

But a general first line of defense is hear them out, comfort when appropriate, and don’t make it about you (“oh that’s crazy it’s like this one time I…”)

“Uh dude, where’s my car”

Flac 44.1 16bit level 3. Host with something that meets your needs. I have my files in jellyfin and navidrome and can then access the library remotely either through jellyfin web client, navidrome web client, substreamer, Finamp, kodi, etc. but this way if another amazing format comes up down the line I will always have my library in a good state to transcode from. Tag and sort everything with beets.io (or musicbrainz picard is great, I just like that beets is cli). This results in a library I can access on my phone, laptop, tv, carplay, etc

Technically you could go for 24bit but imo the extra file size isn’t justified. though one could make that argument for flac vs 320cbr mp3, transcoding 320 mp3 is more likely to create artifacts, thus the reason for keeping around flac

Alac may be easier for you if you use mac

This is probably related to the neural systems for olfactory fatigue, eg why you stop noticing certain smells that are constantly present like your own body odor and the smell of your home/room

There’s a very good Wikipedia article that explains it much better than I can. But taste and smell are closely linked and the sensory systems become fatigued from overindulgence somewhat quickly. Conjecture but the massive amount of flavoring and sweetener in modern beverages is probably a factor in hastening this process

I used my old ones a ton. I had the original nook and had been using it for 13 years. I finally upgraded to a newer one with a color e ink screen and I like it a lot. It’s a boox ultra tab c. It was pricey so I wouldn’t get it unless you really read a lot and like e ink

I use it for reading almost exclusively. I read 1-2 books a week and a few volumes of graphic novels/manga per week as well. I have poor vision and the e ink is much easier on my eyes than lcd/oled screens. I can read on this for hours but reading on a traditional phone/tablet/laptop gives me eye strain/headache after a few hours. It’s nice to have a screen you can read with no back or front light. I do use the front light at times but I usually have it off

It’s handy for taking notes and annotations. I’ve read it’s good for drawing as well but I am terrible at drawing so I don’t know. The stylus seems comparable to my friends Apple Pencil except you can use the back as an eraser like an actual pencil

battery life is much better to a traditional tablet - a charge lasts 2-3 days usually, can last longer if I keep the front light off and all the wireless radio stuff off. I’ve gotten it to last a week. It’s a bit heavy bc of the battery though

Wrt color it’s a mixed bag. It’s a very handy feature for manga and graphic novels. But the color panels are new tech so they come with issues; primarily ghosting/image retention. After some time I’ve found an ideal mix of settings to minimize the issue and make the color look as good as possible. The boox os also has a little nav ball that can quickly force a full refresh the screen at any point to remove any retained image. But the color is still not comparable to an lcd/oled by any means

Mine is based on a kaleido3 panel. There’s a newer gallery3 panel that has more vibrant color but with a trade off of noticeably slower refresh rates. It’s not actually an eink panel but something called acep; it was more meant for advertisements/billboards so quick refresh rates weren’t a priority. There’s also no real options for a device with it at the moment aside from one that has real mixed reviews and one that has an open preorder with no eta on delivery as far as I know.

It’s also a somewhat capable android tablet but I don’t really get this part. Like you can run YouTube and games and stuff. But i don’t know why you would bother? It’s workable but not nearly as good. The exception to this is web browsing depending on the site. Heavy text based sites work well in Firefox.

If Russia is forcing this for all people with autism they are foolish but that is extremely unlikely and a reactionary response

What is far more likely is that this is a treatment for extreme behavior in a small subset of people with autism. It is important to remember that autism is a spectrum and not everyone with autism is a secret stem genius who is just socially awkward. It’s actually kind of fucked up to keep projecting that stereotype. There are people with autism who are bad at math and science. There are people with autism who cannot speak. And there are people with autism whose cognitive and expressive deficits cause them to get so frustrated and irritable that they frequently become violent.

That said it is crucially important to note that treating with haloperidol as a first line of defense is also very fucked up. That is a strategy that is basically saying “shut these kids up”. It is a strategy of sedation and a lack of concern over side effects. Haloperidol is admittedly safe and usually well tolerated but not always and is heavily sedating. Drugs like risperdal do not have nearly as much of a sedative effect, an arguably more tolerable side effect profile (weight gain and breast tissue accumulation/gynecomastia are the big ones), and allow the individual to maintain a better quality of life. And with either additional focus has to be on simultaneous clinical treatment to address skill deficits in stress management, executive functioning, etc as well as government policy to increase access to early intervention to decrease likelihood of future cases

I would imagine there is a contingency plan for if the surgeon becomes incapacitated, eg has an aneurysm/heart attack, so they’d probably do whatever that is

Probably something like palliative care until an on call surgeon can come in and finish out whatever was going on

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Learn to trade options on the stock market. That’s basically gambling and you can potentially lose way more than 100% of your money

Cloudflare has absolutely told websites to fuck off because they don’t like their content. They haven’t done it a ton of times but they absolutely have. No one cares because the sites they’ve done it to are toxic cesspool shitholes that, to be fair, the world is probably better off without. But each time it showed that cloudflare can simply wield its power if it feels like it.

If your site becomes controversial in the future and is protected/hosted by cloudflare don’t be surprised if they suddenly send a letter saying “fuck off”. They’ve become arbiters of internet censorship and we have accepted it because the daily stormer and kiwi farms and 8chan are bad.

The ridiculous part is all of those sites are still accessible; daily stormer and kiwi farms both still accessible from clearnet (iirc 8chan is tor only) so cloudflare dropping wasn’t even all that effective. Well funded hate speech found a way. But for the next ones that don’t have major alt right cash behind them to fund cloudflare alternatives they’ll just simply disappear. And then we will have the internet where corporations like cloudflare, who should absolutely be content agnostic, decide what we can and cannot see. You may think it’s fine right now because they’re doing it against websites that are admittedly gross and terrible, but what happens when they overstep and the line blurs?

They should act like a proper tier 1 provider: find evidence of crossing a legal threshold, get a court order, and terminate service if something that bad has occurred. Anything less and they suck it up and honor the contract they signed. They haven’t, so fuck cloudflare. The internet is an amazing place but it’s also a disgusting abhorrent cesspool. Don’t get involved in hosting it if you can’t deal with that.

Typical ultra capitalist, pretends to be whatever but doesn’t give a shit about anything but money

Pretends to give a shit about social issues and talks about how she finally has to break her silence on politics to support women’s and lgbt rights. But co opts gay culture to sell a song a few years after co opting black culture to sell a song. A few years later (literally like a month ago) continues to date the guy from the 1975 after he is widely publicized saying disgusting misogynistic and racist comments. So cares about them when it’s financially incentivized or personally relevant

The private jet thing is disgusting behavior. Her c02 emissions from flying are so absurd; in the first 7 months of 2022 she put out more c02 from flying than 1,184 average Americans put out in a year from existing. She is literally the worst and her terrible excuse is that she loans her planes out so it’s her planes and not her.

She is talented but so many people are. She was able to get her career because she grew up in an extremely wealthy and well connected family. The music is the product; the family created the brand and business surrounding that product. And they fleece the hell out of those fans shamelessly. Limited edition variants, 10 different colors of vinyl, 4 editions of the album each with different bonus tracks, etc. tbf this one is standard practice. Taylor just takes it to an extreme level by partnering with target and working intensely with PR teams to make fans feel like she’s a perfect and relatable princess who’s super down to earth. But then there’s the gross stuff like selling ad space to citi for her tour despite a huge portion of her fans being young adolescents and her net worth already being half a billion dollars. She doesn’t need the money but might as well get them started on credit card debt young, they need to buy up all those vinyl variants

Like all pop singer songwriters she generally takes all the credit despite having a team of production staff working on everything she does. Again this is not exclusive to her tho

That said I thought 1989 was pretty good. Rest of her albums were eh or bad imo but music is subjective. I love synth pop so 1989 was my kind of album. Reputation was kind of there too but the lyrics on that album were so corny and overall was just kind of an eh album. I pirate her music because she has enough money. I have some of her albums on vinyl but I bought them used for the same reason. But I’m also a “separate the art from the artist but don’t financially support shitheads” kind of person

Been to a few psychiatrists and work with a lot as a clinician. For a first meeting you should expect to give a lot of history including familial history, treatment history, substance use history, medication history, diagnosis history, trauma history, developmental history, etc. Skip any that aren’t relevant to you and if you can’t give tons of info that’s okay (eg if you don’t have tons of info on your early development just give what you can, you can skip substance use if you’ve never had issues with it, etc). description of presenting problems including what you’re coming in for but also cooccurring physical issues that may be relevant (eg chronic ailments like diabetes/gerd/migraines) as well as sleep quality.

You may not touch on all of this, it may include other stuff, depends on the doctor. Each practitioner has their own personal approach but those are the broad strokes. Assuming you’re in the USA remember your rights as a consumer: you have the right to know why you are being prescribed a medication, you have the right to know it’s side effects, and you have the right to know alternatives to it. But at the same time remember side effects aren’t always experienced and for some people being aware of them makes them more likely to occur (I am one of those people fwiw)

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A tinder style interface to adopt animals from local shelters. Scrape data from local shelters, aspcas, etc, when you swipe right on an animal your info is sent to the shelter and they receive your application. Lower the barrier of entry and potentially increase adoption rates.

And now that I think about it maybe you’d potentially increase impulse adoptions that get returned/abandoned so maybe don’t make this

Are you sure? I thought they were restoring my comments but it was a combo of several things:

The user profile page only shows about 1000 posts so sometimes when you clears out your account a few older ones pop up. If you sort by hot/new/month/year/etc you will find more

If a subreddit was private for the protest (some still are even now) and came back up (some are coming back up even now for some reason) the posts will suddenly repopulate your feed

Those are the main ones. That said, I wouldn’t be shocked if Reddit was doing this as the library of content is a huge part of their valuation

Get your data from their gdpr request tool and use it to erase your account with shreddit or redact.dev. Don’t delete your Reddit account just yet; once it’s deleted you can no longer delete or edit posts. Consider just editing the posts instead of deleting so that Reddit archives are permanently updated with nonsense. File a request with pushshift to have your data removed as well (which is significantly easier, just a google form). Note that it’s something you’ll have to keep checking in on as Reddit is actively working to break these tools - afaik redact.dev doesn’t work to delete Reddit posts at the moment; it will let you view your Reddit posts but if you attempt to delete them it will immediately deauth your account but the devs are actively working on this and are pretty responsive and confident they’ll have a fix. Shreddit seems to still work, at least the rust build, but that’s not as user friendly

Deleting the accounts doesn’t remove the posts fyi, Reddit relies on the content you created for them

This also has the benefit of (eventually) changing your comments in the number of archives of Reddit that exist

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JSYY0HbudmYYjnZaAMgf2y_GDFgHzZTolK6Yqaz6_kQ and this is the form to remove your data from pushshifts archive

Absolutely this. Can you imagine him looking at the main page of most instances over the last few weeks? If he has the typical tech ceo arrogant narcissism he was probably so pleased even though the discussion was universally negative

Same deal with Elon. He doesn’t really give a shit when people roast and mock him. It’s just about achieving notoriety

But it’s in the same vein of the old “don’t feed the trolls” adage. Some people really just can’t avoid giving attention to the toxic environments and people even when they know it’s a bad idea. But it’s very similar to a child who is throwing shit at you instead of asking you for attention appropriately. You have to teach the child the appropriate way to ask and ignore the problem behavior. But our mass media is set up to constantly provide these dicks the attention they crave and platform awful disgusting behavior so culture in decline I guess

This is pretty much what I meant by that fucked up misinterpretation of stoicism

Like you have the actual Aurelius stoicism which has some very good value; everyone should read meditations once or twice. But then it’s been cliff notes’d and perverted by a bunch of people into to lose the message entirely from “be in control of your emotions” to what you’ve described: horrific rigidity to keep it all in at all times until of course it doesn’t work anymore and you break down spectacularly. Like somehow the message has gone from “control” to “emotional numbness”

A similar dynamic has happened with nihilism where some the writings on it are not so bleak and terrible; that it is an expression of freedom. But over the years it’s been perverted into nothing matters, why bother

They have 2000 staff their salary expenditures must be insane

They’re clearly burning through VC until they IPO with the hopes that once they IPO they will then be propped up financially by shareholder investment. It worked for Facebook and twitter a decade ago so it must work now right? Never mind that Facebook had much more viable revenue streams and that twitter stagnated and is now tanking (tbf that’s kind of elons fault)

They’ll chug along as always longer than that though unless fidelity cuts their valuation significantly again. They have a lot of inertia. Ad buys seem impacted but impressions don’t although I haven’t followed things super closely. Reddit has a shitload of casual users who will check it every day and simply don’t care about the admins or site drama

Civil matter, not criminal

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That’s for long term medical leave, like if you need to go to rehab. I mean for being able to go to like a single hour long doctors appointment. There is no protection for that whatsoever. If you need to go to a doctors appointment during work hours your boss has every right to tell you to go fuck yourself; you are not entitled to time off for a doctors visit even if it’s unpaid

There were a few professional psychology related subreddits that had moderation that verified licensure to allow posting only by actually professionals and that was pretty nice

There was also askatherapist which was interesting to get unfiltered client perspectives and offer clinician feedback

Morbidquestions was an interesting sub sometimes. 80% of the time it was stupid edgelord bullshit but sometimes someone would ask a really interesting dark question

Creepywikipedia was a good one and is explained by the name

I used to use 91 to clean flux and it works fine, might have to do a few passes though

If you clean flux regularly I highly suggest getting a cheap ultrasonic bath and some branson EC solution. It comes concentrated so a bottle lasts forever and solution can be reused a few times. If you only do a few projects a year it’s way overkill but I do a lot of rework stuff and it’s soooo much easier to just drop stuff in the bath for 20m when I’m done. A used decent sized one was like $80 and the solution was like $40 for a quart which has lasted me 2 years so far because I only change the bath once a month and it’s like 2% per gallon. Also super handy for cleaning corroded pcbs, stuff like that if you do repair work

Thank god! I got this one years ago but good to know. It’s built like a fucking tank. I’m pretty sure it will last forever based on that. what I’ve read online seems to confirm it but good to know there’s a backup. Plus anything I can do to avoid Amazon is always excellent

Sure. And it works both ways, also gets the other side who feel the need to comment to correct it. Divisive comment is similar, for many it drives feelings of superiority but for others it’s rage bait.

But there’s a lot of sub categories to toolset here. One of the interesting parts of Reddit was that it showed that users would categorize their ragebait; r/stupidfood, r/diwhy often featured obvious troll farm content that was designed to get people to just comment “this is so fucking stupid”. But when it got reposted to Reddit it got its own category and people subbed to it; they wanted to see more of it. They want to see videos of people wasting food to farm comments. once again the simpsons predict the future

You mean you don’t want communities infested with bots promoting thinly veiled advertisements and reposting crusty old content to farm upvotes to make their accounts look more legitimate?

Comparison of excellent quality vanilla vs excellent quality chocolate should leave you with the takeaway that both are excellent. you may have a preference for one over the other but that’s hardly objective

My personal preference shifts based on mood and (more so) based on quality. Excellent chocolate bar vs budget ice cream that uses vanillin instead of actual vanilla beans? Probably the chocolate unless I’m searching for that nostalgic artificial vanilla flavor. A shitty chocolate snack cake with like 2% actual chocolate and 98% palm oil vs a well made panna cotta? Going vanilla.

Systems broken, it’s her only option. If she endorses a progressive challenger to Biden she is basically saying she wants trump or desantis to be the next president. I am sure she is aware of this

Vote in more progressive candidates to congress and the house so that actual electoral reform has a hope of passing. The small contingency they hold is pointless from a legislative standpoint but promising in terms of growth over the past decade and a half or so. The more bodies we get in there the more actual shit might happen; but unless we displace neolibs and conservatives these stupid games will continue to be necessary

Thankfully in the past 10 years I’ve seen a decline in practitioners prescribing seroquel for sleep disorders but that’s entirely anecdotal and based only on my small geographic area unfortunately, not sure of any literature to support that this is actually declining. And unfortunately in the USA i believe it’s still somewhat regularly used as a chemical restraint in long term nursing care for geriatric populations despite indications for other medications being potentially better choices but I can’t speak much to that as it’s not my practice area or population

Using the memmy app and it displays the desired way you describe so it must be possible