1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Came back to lemmy last week because I've heard about this. I was gone because of being busy with irl shit, but hearing this reminded me!

I've heard of "Only 2 genders", "More than 2 genders", and "Only one gender, It's Nerf or Nothin'!"

"Genders aren't real"? That's a new one. Lmfao.

Genders are absolutely real though, and it doesn't automatically mean it's about sex, there's so much more to it that's absolutely non-sexual, lol.

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Yup, 100%. These "AIs" have issues filtering out misinformation, finding trusted sources, and are vulnerable to other forms of manipulation. Jokes and memes probably have an impact too, and because it's not human, it's not gonna think the same we do, realizing it's a joke or just stupid people saying "3 + 4 × 8 = 56" B.S.

And please for the love of god, don't start the stupid math debates again, thank you.

Need more RAM? Just download it!

Exactly. I've heard a "counter-argument" to this saying "I need to keep myself busy, I need to work." Why not be able to optionally work more?

Haha, yeah, sorry about that. Came back to Lemmy last week, so I just came up with something. Almost went with "Lemmers".

The scam products also tend to get me pissed as well, it's so stupid and just downright low tbh.

Ah, 100%

I'd definitely say region is a big play, but for a large amount of people? Yeah, probably could live comfortably without a car.

I saw this meme while being sick to my bed, nauseous, unable to eat anything.

Exactly. This is why I say people aren't just "smart", they're smart in certain topics, whether it'd be because they're interested in it, spent a lot of time learning about it, always have been around it/people doing the activity, or a combination.

I don't like going out there and calling my self smart, can make people seek like assholes, but I'm genuinely interested on computer hardware. Now I don't know shit compared to someone with a full career working at a tech giant, manufacturing or even designing some of the hardware, but I get a slight guts of it, and it allows me to trouble shoot stuff, know what to look for, how to search for the solution to the problem, etc..

I'm the IT guy in my house, I get it that not everyone can work technology like I do, and that's okay. We each have our own niche. My younger 16yr old brother doesnt know even some of the basic stuff in technology, practically tech illiterate, but he know so much about cars. He can take just a few seconds to look at pretty much any vehicle and tell you what it is, what engine it probably has and other stuff.

I'm stupid and completely illiterate when it comes to cars, knowing how exactly they work.

Never heard of lemmings, looked like a mouse

This seems to me like a random fun fact, but hey, thanks for sharing!

This is a lot for me to comprehend, but as for people randomly calling people a pedo is mind-boggling and down right gaslighting. Unfortunately I've had an experience of this myself, recently, just for making jokes with friends around my age. It wasn't my friends who were calling me a pedo or anything, but rather third parties who didn't like what they saw and slapped an ominous name on it, tried to build up accusations, and started misinterpreting pretty much everything.

Mind you, I am a 17M. I don't like children like that, it's fucking disgusting. I am scared shitless to turn 18, am afraid to even consentingly joke around with my friends. I'm scared shitless to even get a relationship at all because of this and I'm afraid of false accusations from completely (hidden, or those who have grown to be) psycopaths. I'm afraid of human interaction, because I know these claims are nothing but baseless, but the problem is people eat that anyway and throw people the consequences they shit out.

Also, these same people accusing me of being a pedo and a creep, are no more than 15 years old AND fetishizing men well over 20 years old "impregnating" them. It's disgusting, scary, projection, and worrisome to say the least. Shit like this makes me have no hope for society, I'm not sure how much longer I can stand to live in it.

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Same here. Was out with my mother and brother once, went to a fast food restaurant, grabbed some shakes. Well, we happened to go inside and use the restroom, and so did an employee.

My brother witnessed that the employee did not wash his hands, annnnnd they made our shakes.

We didn't want to make a scene, we just didn't drink them, fuck that shit.

Google to the rescue! Keep in mind, it is common for people to refer to sex when talking about gender as to not confuse it with "Sex"'s more sexual definition. It''d be a lil weird to say the "Sex Reveal Party". But when comparing the two, they have two different dennotative meanings.

Anywho, from Google's Dictionary:



noun: gender; plural noun: genders

the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

"the singer has opted to keep the names and genders of her twins private"

members of a particular gender considered as a group.

"social interaction between the genders"

the fact or condition of belonging to or identifying as having a particular gender.

"video ads will target users based only on age and gender"

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That is so fucking cursed, hell naw 💀

One of the best responses so far. I want to be able to glance at my microwave and see the time, not how many seconds were left from the last thing you microwaved.

Trivial? Sure, but annoying as fuck.

Appreciate it. That's the thing though, have to keep fingers crossed, shit could still happen. We have seen what cancel culture has done to people of all groups when being falsely accused.

Angry reactions is a good example recently. It's been years since I watched the dude, because I dont use tiktok anymore, deleted the app and my account years ago, but genuinely he was a funny and wholesome guy.

When the drama started, I stated that it was important to take both sides seriously, wait for facts and evidence to come out, and not just instantly side with one. I'm not gonna debate which one's worse, but sexual assault is wrong and damaging to someone's life, but so is the accusation of it. People forget that, and hell, I think it's another thing that seems so obvious that people are just so ignorant of.

When it came out that he was indeed innocent, and the accuser admitted to making up some B.S., the damage was done, his reputation already went down the gutter, and that's gonna sting.

With this only growing to be more common, this is the type of shit that I'm just scared of. Even when you were PROVEN to be innocent, your life is still ruined. That's what makes me not to touch any relationships or even interacting with "children" MY AGE anymore with a 500 mile radius.

I don't want any silver of possibility of being put into that position where I get falsely accused, and if I do, it's (hopefully) clear that it's not possible. Call it trust issues or whatever, but I hate risks, and at this rate having relationships of any kind is fucking risky.

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"That as a guy I am not supposed to like."

Right in the feels, man.

Thank you! Be the better person, dont involve yourself in creating misleading headlines and B.S. clickbait "articles" if you don't want it happening to you.

It sounds like your really understand. Thank you, I really needed this. I wish you the best of things in life!

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That's fine, this post was meant to be pretty lenient, that's gotta be one hell of a realization tho.

I dont drive yet, but I imagine not having tactile controls while driving can sometimes even be dangerous.

What have I started?

Image didn't seem to load for me. It get deleted?

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Username checks out

Ah, gotcha. Sometimes hearing out another person's idea's is really helpful. I'll try my absolute best.

Never put some thought into that, don't usually deal with dry erase markers, but it makes total sense!

Yup! Gotta count for the amount of work done too. Probably several other factors too, like skill experience, and quality of work.

Yup, it's all "license that can be revoked at any time" bs.

Almost went with "Lemmers"

I dont drive just yet, I'm sorry 😭

I can see this one. Some just have good intent and is mutual. Some is just malicious.

Had a search up the definition for this. It's a term for English speaking people?

Is that right? Is there another definition for it that I'm missing?


Just a joke bro

Imma have to take a look later, thanks for the source.

Screw the meaning, first time hearing this word! But thank you, good to know!

Couldn't have explained it better myself. Everyday items? Yeah, should be documentation for a person's first time using it.

Explaining logarithms in mathematics? Gonna need previous algebra knowledge, that's a given.

Same here, dont think I've once heard or seen that (exceptions being genuine spelling mistakes). Not gonna automatically call them a liar because I haven't experienced it though, could be the communities or area they're in.