Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?

Technological_Elite@lemmy.one to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 229 points –

That you need to wash your hands after going to the bathroom. I’ve seen too many grown men walk straight out of the restroom after urinating.

Do you really wash your hands, or, do your hands wash each other while you watch?

Listen, 'Stoner Rick'... not everything you think and say is mindblown, earth-shaking facts or perspectives. And this is coming for a dude who used to get high and once thought that I and my friends (who were not high,) were in an atom accelerator going down the highway. My mind was blown away but everyone in the car thought It was a dumb thing to say.

Every time I see one of those "employees must wash hands" signs, I think about getting some custom made "and everyone else should too" signs made up to start posting below them in public bathrooms everywhere I go.

I wish it was only after urinating that I'd seen my fellow man just walk straight out of the toilet, beyond disgusting.

Trans woman here, I've seen both sides.

A small percentage of the men's room washes their hands and a small percentage of the women's room DOESN'T wash their hands. It's a night and day difference.

A small percentage of the men's room washes their hands

Not my experience. Where have you seen this?

I mean, decades of using one? And the mockery I received by men I got for washing my own hands? I have had family members and numerous classmates tell me that washing your hands is just admitting you peed on them.

Of course my experiences are anctedotal, but for me, it was a quite noticeable difference when I started using the ladies room. I'm not trying to make a definitive statement, absolutely there are men who do reguarly wash their hands, but there is also a very large majority of men who don't. From my experience, that's not the case with people in the women's room.

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Don King had an alternative thesis:


You should probably do it twice, before and after. Just to be on the safe side.

In the very first episode of House M.D. we establish that House washes both before and after.

We then watch him go to the bathroom at least a dozen times throughout the series, and not once does he wash before. Worst. Series. Ever.

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Eh i know people who drink their own urine, I'm not that worried about pee. I don't want to drink my own pee, let alone a stranger's pee, but I'm more concerned about the shit in shit when taking about hand washing.

What % of kitchen sponges in the US were found to contain fecal matter? I don't remember, but it was high enough for me to switch to Swedish dish clothes immediately. Eurgh.

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Same here. Was out with my mother and brother once, went to a fast food restaurant, grabbed some shakes. Well, we happened to go inside and use the restroom, and so did an employee.

My brother witnessed that the employee did not wash his hands, annnnnd they made our shakes.

We didn't want to make a scene, we just didn't drink them, fuck that shit.

This grosses me out so much. Some men claim they don’t want to get germs on their penis, and that’s their justification. Just walk straight from the urinal snd leave, or they laughably just splash some water on their hands and leave calling it a day. So fucking gross.

I’d love to tell those men just how many droplets of urine bounce from the urinal and directly onto the front of their pants, lower shirt, on their arms, and all over their hands and penis. That shit ain’t clean, and you’re putting urine droplets on your face, eyes, and mouth less than 30 minutes later.

Fucking disgusting.


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That chiropractic care is not evidence based

For people who don't know, the theory of chiropractics is that the light of God somehow shines into the human body through the top of the head, travels down the spine, and on through the nerves. If you can just fix any blockages (aka "subluxations") in that flow then it will be impossible for disease to exist in the body. Because God's light.

The founder of chiropractics was told this information by a ghost.

I know some people swear by chiropractic adjustments, but this is information I wish I'd known when I had my back injury because going to a chiropractor set my recovery back by at least three years. And the money I lost to that quack could have paid for not only the legit physical therapist that actually got me feeling better, but probably a decent massage chair too.

Wow, I knew chiropractors were quacks, but I didn't know it was this bad. Thanks for sharing this; I'm sorry that you didn't have this information when you most needed it.

I’ve never heard a chiropractor say that. How do I know what you just claimed about that field isn’t misinformation?

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Are you sure? I'm pretty sure the ghost that taught DD Palmer the art of chiropracticness was totally legit. DD even said the ghost was a doctor, why would you not believe him?!?

Depends on what you mean by that. PTs can use chiropractic techniques to great effect.

But there is a MASSIVE difference between an actual PT that sometimes uses specific chiropractic techniques and the con artists who try to shake your down for weekly neck cracks.

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You cannot achieve any good by hurting people.

People are so convinced that if we're more cruel to criminals, they'll stop committing crimes, or if we're harsher to workers, we'll work harder, or if you're tough on border controls, immigrants will go away. It does not work and it cannot work.

Idk, if someone's trying to do a mass shooting, a little intervention could do some good.

This is a fair point, as far as it goes, and I'm happy to accept 'mass shooters curently engaged in a mass shooting' as an exception to the rule!

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To quote a theorem from one of my engineering courses:

An optimized system can consist only of optimized subsystems.

This means any time you’re preparing to make something small worse, for the global good, it’s a mathematical fact you’re about to do the wrong thing.

What about eliminating nazis?

killing nazis makes the ones you weren't able to kill more steadfast in their beliefs, (so it becomes harder to make them stop being nazis without killing them) and it makes it easier for them to convert others into becoming nazis (such as using it as 'proof' that they are oppressed)

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The current system of getting a job is horrifyingly toxic, broken and inefficienct

The problem with some bad systems is that people recognize the system as bad, but can't create a better system.

What would a better system look like?

For one, I think that you should be told when you're rejected from a job. The uncertainty of waiting is one of the worst parts of job hunting in my opinion, and it's made worse by the fact I can't just assume that if I haven't heard anything, I haven't got the job, because some places have hiring processes that seem to last for months. I get that if you're offered a job months down the line, they probably hired someone else, fired them and are now moving down their list of next best candidates, but I don't think it's reasonable to keep people in the dark for so long.

Agreed. A few places have an online portal where you can see the status of your application but they are few and far between.

For one thing, people would only apply to a few places, with requirements that closely matched their skills.

I feel like right now the dating and hiring and job hunting experience is all based on getting enough volume to then get to pick from the potentials. Maybe if we were able to do a mutually agreed upon “we (dating, employer, job hunter) are going to be really honest, you can be honest too and let’s see if we’re a good match.” I think it would be slower, and initially scarier to have less volume, but maybe in the end it would get better quality matches all around.

What field of expertise are you applying for? What country are you applying from?

Computers, and US. But I'm not just basing it off my experience

All rich people became rich because people like you and me are paying more for services and things than they're truly worth, which means we pretty much never get our money's worth even when we feel like we do.

There are no good rich people.

Most rich people became rich because their ancestors got paid a surplus.

Same issue it just affected people that came before us and means we have less wealth because our ancestors could have kept more of theirs if rich people didn't profit off them and it would have trickled down to the next generation just like it does for the rich.

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Hours spent working is not the same as productivity.

Twice as many people assigned to a project does not double productivity either.

I could go on...

Did you know that nine women can deliver one baby in just one month?

Yes, and if 30 people can sing a symphony in 2 hours, imagine what 120 people could do.

One woman can deliver a baby in an hour, if she's a doctor or a midwife.

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Perpetual growth in a finite system is impossible, and anything that relies on perpetual growth to function is doomed to eventually fail.

For instance: social services that rely on perpetual population growth (especially youth population; e.g. Japan/South Korea), companies that rely on perpetual increase in users (most publicly-owned companies; e g. basically every social media company ATM), industries that rely on perpetual advancements in technology (e.g. industrialized agriculture, which constantly needs new ways to fight self-induced problems like soil depletion and erosion), housing as wealth generation (to be a wealth generator it has to outpace inflation, but at a certain point no one will be able to afford to purchase houses at their inflated prices no matter how over-leveraged they get; e.g. Canada). [Note that these are merely examples where these issues are currently coming to a head; they are by no means special cases, they're just in a more advanced state of "finding out."]

In other words, a lot of the modern world, in both public and private sectors, is built around a series of ponzi schemes.

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*Lemmings. (I was going to use that as an answer to your post, but someone learning something new never gets me even the slightest bit miffed.)


Most scam products like "power saver" plug-in modules for your home, fake ODB2 gas saver modules for cars or those little stickers for cell phones that are sold as "antenna boosters". Also, anything that is marketed as a "detox" product will piss me off.

All of those products are actively being sold on Amazon, EBay and at some other major retailers or in malls. They are openly sold because people refuse to learn that magic does not exist.

Please. Stop buying these things.

I almost prefer lemons of Lemmy 🍋

I know what you mean. It's like a stupidity tax. Being ignorant makes you fall for those kinds of products and schemes. Ignorance is expensive.

I've lived long enough, to learn that there is not just one stupidity tax. And like you said..."Being ignorant," is more of a lifestyle than it is a bad habit(s) IMO.

And yet humanity invented this device that fits in your pocket and allows you to access unlimited knowledge. It's sad, really.

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No no, you don't understand. They get rid of "toxins".

... which toxins? Uh ...

Haha, yeah, sorry about that. Came back to Lemmy last week, so I just came up with something. Almost went with "Lemmers".

The scam products also tend to get me pissed as well, it's so stupid and just downright low tbh.


Kbin was a flop (at least in the direct sense), but Mbin and sometime Sublinks will be released allow federation with Mastodon and some other stuff, so this is more inclusive.

Also Leftist Lemmies may become a thing, bc of all that about the origin of the code and supporting genocide in China (and sometimes Russia), so Fedizen avoids that?

Are we... (Star Trek) Fedizens ✨? Learned (Loony?) Lemmites? We'll decide at some point. :-P

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The left lane is for passing. If you're not passing somebody, move over to the right lane. It's not that hard people

Left lane... on the highway maybe. In the city it is definitely usable for navigation purposes, getting to the intended destination.

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I'm a relatively good driver (not the greatest) I'll never understand how people don't understand there's more you can do to control your vehicle speed besides just hitting the gas then the brake. It's terrifying seeing someone speed up on someone then hit the brakes ever every 3 seconds. I've had my set of brakes on for nearly 7 years I know people who change them yearly and I'm strictly talking about the ones I know for a fact get the same level of quality brakes that I get. I own a truck hauling stuff around nearly every day so in theory I should be going through brakes WAY more than the average person.

What frightens me is when you see a vehicle put on their brake lights while they are clearly accelerating. I tend to back way away from that type of driver.

I don't understand ? brake lights light up when you brake ? how could you do both ?

In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

I also hate this.

wtf ? people drive with their left foot on the brakes ? no, I had no idea. I never ever heard of this

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It means they are pushing on both the brake and accelerator at the same time. In essence, they are revving the engine, engaging the power train AND applying brake force to it all at the same time.

If you only slightly press down your brakes you can easily overcome that by applying more gas.

IMO that happens extremely rarely though

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and that kind of driving affects not just brakes, but gas, engine wear, etc. not to say how horrible the whole experience of being bumped back and forth is. it’s SO simple and really reflects how careless and ignorant people choose to be about almost everything, and then that makes me really irritated

Or the people who slow down at the bottom of a hill to accelerate UP HILL. Also all automatics you can shift to neutral and coast too.

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"Homeopathic" does not mean organic, or good for you, natural, wholesome, effective, or inherently safe to consume.

It is, in fact, a code word for no active ingredient.

Omg I remember having this argument with my friends. "Well there are some home remedies that work, modern medicine doesn't have a monopoly on all knowledge" OK but homeopathic medicine just means its water, plain water that remembers being able to cure a disease, its fake "Yeah but they're not all like that some of them work, my grandma would use a half of an onion to take the pain out of bee stings" jfc I'm literally not talking about that, I'm talking about water sold as medicine that is covered by most major insurance! look it up!

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Actually homeopathic refers to medicine which fights disease by inducing similar symptoms or etiology as the disease.

And example is capsaicin for pain management.

The word got attached to ultra dilute solutions later in the game, mostly because ultra dilute solutions are easy to debunk, which facilitates making fun of homeopathy.

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Capitalism is not working.

Oh, yes it is, and it’s working exactly as it’s meant to.

I'm still not sure about the following yet, but it seems to be accurate. 'Unregulated' capitalism is what the US has been dealing with for many, many years now. I look to the major countries in Europe to see what kind of economies they run, to help me understand what a better off country might look like. (Yes, most of them are part of the EU, and that itself brings Pros and Cons to singular economies.)

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LLMs are not general AI. They are not intelligent. They aren't sentient. They don't even really understand what they're spitting out. They can't even reliably do the 1 thing computers are typically very good at (computational math) because they are just putting sequences of nonsense (to them) characters together in the most likely order based on their training model.

When LLMs feel sentient or intelligent, that's your brain playing a trick on you. We're hard-wired to look for patterns and group things together based on those patterns. LLMs are human-speech prediction engines, so it's tempting and natural to group them with the thing they're emulating.

Yup, 100%. These "AIs" have issues filtering out misinformation, finding trusted sources, and are vulnerable to other forms of manipulation. Jokes and memes probably have an impact too, and because it's not human, it's not gonna think the same we do, realizing it's a joke or just stupid people saying "3 + 4 × 8 = 56" B.S.

And please for the love of god, don't start the stupid math debates again, thank you.

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How corporations use advertisements to influence how the media reports on their activities. Prime example is how BP ran all those "We're Sorry" ads when they poisoned the Gulf of Mexico. They weren't apologizing to the public. They were using the ads to pass bribes to the news agencies to make sure to give them soft coverage when they should have been ranking them over the coals.

Fuck me, I had not thought of that. Wow.

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Dandelion leaves are like crack to ducks and geese and you can use them to influence said fowl for your own nefarious purposes

And here I thought the neighbor's ducks just liked to visit us. 🤷🏻

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Fundamental attribution error. Wanting something to happen ≠ believing it should happen. When wanting becomes believing, you are fucked.

Too many people think that the world should bend the laws of reality to conform to their ideas. Gamblers are the prime example. They take something solvable by pure math and completely discard the solution, opting for a solution based on their wants instead of reality.

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When changing lanes or turning you are supposed to use the turning signal before doing the manouver. The turning signal is supposed to warn other drivers that you are going to do something. It doesn't make any sense to use the turning signal when already mid-turning or while already changing lanes. Many drivers don't seem to know that.

My current car was even built around that stupid idea that turn signals are for while you change lanes.

It has a feature called “blind spot safety”. Basically if I’m on the interstate and I put on my blinker to let people know I want to change lanes, if there’s a car in the left lane it turns down the music and beeps a loud warning at me.

In other words, it treats me turning on the turn signal, when the lane on that side isn’t clear, as a danger scenario deserving of a warning. It’s the same kind of warning as the collision warning.

So basically, it’s built on the assumption that me turning on my turn signal means I’m already turning the wheel to go there.

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Any system that relies on people selling themselves will inevitably select for those who can sell themselves best, not any other metric

Any metric will become a target and then people will maximize that instead of whatever they were supposed to be doing. Goodhart's law

Ooh, I must remember that, that's a good one. Some of my clients could do with learning it.

When you're done with the microwave and took your food out early to avoid the alarm, clear the fucking time that's remaining.

A manufacturer should make one that auto clears after say 5 minutes. Have an option to not auto clear for the 0.1% of people who might want it to keep the remaining time for eternity.

One of the best responses so far. I want to be able to glance at my microwave and see the time, not how many seconds were left from the last thing you microwaved.

Trivial? Sure, but annoying as fuck.

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That documentation is supposed to explain how a thing works to people who don't know how it works. I know, sounds extremely obvious, but you'd be surprised how much documentation out there is written in a way, expecting you to already know what it's talking about. No. I do not. It is the documentation's job to explain ME what IT is talking about...

I agree with a caveat. If you are looking up documentation for an API or something software engineer adjacent, I think its fair for the authors of the documentation to assume the reader has a background in computer science, and shouldn't have to explain topics that are explained in computer science curriculum. Same with other documentation that is intended to be used by specialists in their respective fields.

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American cars having their brake lights and turn signals be the same light is stupid and dangerous.

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Things you will need to operate while driving your car shouldn't have touch screen controls.

I dont drive yet, but I imagine not having tactile controls while driving can sometimes even be dangerous.

I intentionally sought out a used vehicle with haptic menu controls. It pissed me off when I realized there was no point of having it, because the UI still locks me out of most of the interface when I am not completely stopped.

It seems like the next generation just entirely gave up on the concept of safety.

Next generation? We don't want it either. We're being pushed features we don't need or want

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God isn't real. No deities exist. Stop being delusional.

Also, most people are nearly athiests.

Christians deny the existence of Zeus, Ra, Mars, Shiva, Odin, Thor, Kali, Horus, Tew, Huitzilopochtli, Pele, Erra... Of all the gods and goddesses that people have ever said exist, Christians don't believe in any of them other than their one god. Even Hindus, who have a pantheon with multiple gods, generally don't believe in the gods of other religions.

I really am beginning to suspect the great filter that remains ahead of us is "listen to imaginary friends instead of dealing with the real people".

Because if we can't get that one right, the odds of any of the others - climate change for example - being overcome is basically NIL.

I don't know that there aren't any deities, but if there were, they owe us all some very large apologies, that I am simply not going to accept.

Yes! This is it, so let's all work together to make it a good one for each other.

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That other than a niche we specialize in, we're pretty fucking dumb at everything else.

Exactly. This is why I say people aren't just "smart", they're smart in certain topics, whether it'd be because they're interested in it, spent a lot of time learning about it, always have been around it/people doing the activity, or a combination.

I don't like going out there and calling my self smart, can make people seek like assholes, but I'm genuinely interested on computer hardware. Now I don't know shit compared to someone with a full career working at a tech giant, manufacturing or even designing some of the hardware, but I get a slight guts of it, and it allows me to trouble shoot stuff, know what to look for, how to search for the solution to the problem, etc..

I'm the IT guy in my house, I get it that not everyone can work technology like I do, and that's okay. We each have our own niche. My younger 16yr old brother doesnt know even some of the basic stuff in technology, practically tech illiterate, but he know so much about cars. He can take just a few seconds to look at pretty much any vehicle and tell you what it is, what engine it probably has and other stuff.

I'm stupid and completely illiterate when it comes to cars, knowing how exactly they work.

I've always thought of smart as essentially the ability learn. Can you pick something up that you know nothing about, take a look at it and figure out how it works and how to fix/build it? That's smart in my book

Here's one that's not as consequential as other posts here. It's not going to change the world, but would make things slightly better.

Split lock washers are worse than useless. They're supposed to be a spring against the bolt to help resist it turning back out over time. They don't. If anything, they make it worse.

Here's a NASA publication on fastener design (because of course there's a NASA publication on fastener design): https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19900009424

The lockwasher serves as a spring while the bolt is being tightened. However, the washer is normally flat by the time the bolt is fully torqued. At this time it is equivalent to a solid flat washer, and its locking ability is nonexistent. In summary, a Iockwasher of this type is useless for locking.

This was published in 1990, but we're still using this shit. Stop. There are many other kinds of fastener locking that work, like nylon locking nuts or threadlock, and we don't need these.

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Humans are not descended from apes. They have the same ancestors.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Humans are not descended from contemporary apes rather the apes that were around millions of years ago.

Also, if we attain the not-insignificant-anymore possibility of going extinct in the next couple hundred years (like the dinosaurs from famine complicated by drastic climate change, or from too many microplastics in the brain, or from nuclear escalation, which we haven't entirely ruled out) we will have only survived ~250,000 years compared to Homo-Erectus which survived over 2,000,000. But we will get the self-extermination achievement.

Humans are descended from apes, humans are apes, and humans are cousins of the other modern apes.

We're not descended from chimpanzees, but both we and chimpanzees descend from another ape.

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The spices at the grocery store I've been going to for the past 25 years has had the spices alphabetized this entire time.

Edit, I misread the question but I'm not fixing my response

That's fine, this post was meant to be pretty lenient, that's gotta be one hell of a realization tho.

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We should live more instead of wasting time at work but we can't because we're forced to get income to live

Exactly. I've heard a "counter-argument" to this saying "I need to keep myself busy, I need to work." Why not be able to optionally work more?

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Conspiracies that require absolute lock tight secrecy to function at a basic level aren't generally tenable to be sustained for longer than a handful of years at a time at most. Somebody always fucks up or basically was just lucky nobody checked for awhile. The nessesity of any large scale collaboration creates inefficiencies and potential error points in the system. Even the best of the best spy agencies fuck up and get caught rather routinely, particularly when operating on their home soil. A lot of investigative journalists accidentally trip over stuff all the time but have good faith arrangements (or in some places laws) to not disclose the active manoeuvres of the state to the public.

It's just really hard for humans in general to accept that events that effected them or things they care about very deeply personally weren't somehow also grand in design. Grocking sometimes it really is just random chance or stupid mishandling is not something we're well wired to handle. Stories of all powerful conspiracies masterminding the world scratch that itch... But logistically speaking the conspiracy aspect is completely unnecessary. If someone is trying to blame a nebulous bogeymen who exists as nameless, numberless ultimately wealthy but also totally off the books super spies.... chances are they are just trying to capitalize on making you feel flattered, smart and empowered by something "only you are smart enough to believe" - while feeding you bullshit they can personally profit from in some way with you none the wiser.

Counterpoint: even without lock tight secrecy, leaks can be ignored and covered over. Also there are certain secrets governments really have been good at keeping for a long time.

In and of itself, I don't think this is a good argument against any particular conspiracy theory.

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Related to the current election, that OG conservatives, or Reagan and Bush conservatives (referring to George H. W. Bush) are the same thing as MAGA conservatives.

The difference is, the old guard blithely preserved the kind of policies that shredded social safety nets and business regulations in favor of tax cuts, leading to precarity and the rise of paranoia that led to the Trump takeover in 2015.

The OGs just wish they had another mile or two of altitude to plummet, and are freaked out about the ground looming so close and rushing so fast. But they will still keep the same policies, and will still lay a ground of Ayn Randian, Reagan-worshiping Mitt Romney / Jeb Bush / Ted Cruz candidates until some other charismatic narcissist Mussolini-wanabe rushes in and plucks the whole party from their hands again. And they'll get all butt-smoochy with the new guy like Lindsey Graham did with Trump (after predicting how this loose cannon will end the Republican party).

They didn't just buy the ticket to ride. They bought stocks in the railroad line, and insisted that fascism-backed one-party autocracy was the destination. They knew it since Reagan. By George W. Bush it was showing serious signs even before the PATRIOT act.

So when people freak out today because we're on the brink of losing our democracy, I have to wonder where they've been the last two decades. How is it after George W. Bush, and torture and Iraq and the pig lagoons and Abstinence-Only sex ed, did you think another Republican president was a good thing? I know Clinton was scary, but did you take even one look at Trump?

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We aren't better than most of the people in the past, we just have better systems thanks to the insane amount of hardwork people put in to make it better and easier to act more ethically (in large).

Like it never made sense that people can just imagine people in the past being inexplicably worse then ourselves today.

That's my biggest problem with the whole "burn it all down" mindset so many people espouse on this platform. If we burn down society, we aren't gonna magically have a utopia. We're still, at best, the same as folks during the so-called dark ages. Likely, we still basically tribal hunter-gatherers, and the only reason we have any semblance of modern life is because we put so much work into maintaining and improving it generation by generation.

Cannabis is fun and has some medical benefits, like if you're a cancer patient trying to stimulate your appetite, but it also genuinely does lower your IQ.

If you start at 25 or later when you're brain is fully formed, your IQ won't take a permanent hint unless you're a heavy smoker. It will still effect your memory to some degree tho, but that also goes for alcohol and other drugs.
Using in moderation is key.

It can kick off schizophrenia and depersonalization disorder. Here's some really good research on it: https://www.psychiatrypodcast.com/psychiatry-psychotherapy-podcast/2019/5/1/marijuana-and-mental-health.

I don't think occasional use is a big deal either, any more than a glass of wine, but it isn't great for chronic use.

embrace other forms of therapy and medication that is a better long-term option.

Exactly this. For certain disorders cannabis simply won't help and potentially lead to psychological dependence.
For certain disorders like chronic pain, I don't even recommend using THC, instead go for CBD products.

Granted I was an almost constant user, I maintained a "high" basically from when I woke up until I went to bed at night. It was def a form of self medication, it did help with a lot of ADHD symptoms because rather than getting lazy I would get hyped and very active. Used it that way basically from a little before covid, all through covid, until November of last year. It did affect my work performance, looking back, but I interviewed for that job high, I went to work high most of the time, still got good reviews, raises and a promotion. I was addicted or dependent or whatever term you want to use. But like high functioning I guess.

But in November I crashed hard. Had a complete psychotic break. I thought the government was using 5g to beam mind control beams, an array of numbers containing hidden brainwashing instructions, to make me believe I was this person, when really I was a fake, an android put into this life to do their bidding, they killed the real me and I was the replacement, and this happened all the time, I just happened to pick up on one of their transmissions.

I'm a rational guy, I don't know where this shit came from. I have pages in my notebook documenting it. Luckily my wife is amazing and I was kind of able to talk myself out of it enough to have her convince me and remind me of what was real. Since then I had to quit. I def got some intelligence points back. And I haven't had any more episodes. But damn that scared the shit out of me. I didn't even know it was possible.

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I don’t object to anyone using that, but:

  • smoking it stinks up the whole block/park. You need to get a handle on that.
  • it’s a vice, don’t pretend otherwise. Be honest with yourself.
  • it does seem like a fun vice
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That it's actually totally possible for most people to live without a car.

Most of northern Ontario, and really most of rural Canada could not live without a car. You'd be surprised how many towns don't have Uber, and the only cab is two dudes who might come get you when they feel like it. I've known people who moved up there who have epilepsy because they say the cops don't bother pulling anyone over so they can drive without a license.

I know. I'm from rural Canada. I didn't say everyone could live without a car, I said "most." It's not feasible for everyone, especially given current infrastructure.

But most people live in urban areas where it's very possible to get by without a car.

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I'd definitely say region is a big play, but for a large amount of people? Yeah, probably could live comfortably without a car.

More importantly, it’s quite possible and we have living examples, to intentionally design cities this way and give people more freedom and convenience

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Chrome is a browser. Google is a website. They are not the same. It flabbergasts me anytime I find out that someone I know doesn't know what a browser is.

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That a whole foods plant-based diet is healthier and better the environment and yet people do their utmost to refuse to learn more about it.

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If the point of getting a job is so that you can eventually retire one day, and you know what you want to do when you retire, you should start doing what you want to do now while you can enjoy it.

Similarly, If you feel like the place you were born in makes you unhappy, move to a different place. There are so many places.

The problem is that the one thing I want to do that I'm not already doing is "not work"

I don't have any grand plans to take up new hobbies or anything in my retirement (though I'm sure I'll continue collecting hobbies just as I always have) I just want to be able to do them on my own schedule

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That if you are not paying for a product, you are the product. If a product you love is free, and/or you use it because it's free, think of what you are paying for it with.

Even if you are paying for a product, you may be another income stream. You pay for a smart watch/home assistant/email/VPN and they use your data. Not all but enough people need to be aware of. Sadly It's pretty much now deciding on who gets your data. Or trusting that they really are not taking your data, trust them, they say they are not!

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Spelling, punctuation, and the use of contractions. The part that really sells the irritation factor is when they try to say they’re correct by making up some definition for what they said or claiming “common usage”. I guess it’s because people don’t really read much anymore. Reading someone else’s words that have been carefully edited, corrected into good sentence structure, and spellchecked can really help get it your own head.

They place the burden on the reader to decipher their made-up vocabulary. It really isn’t too awful, it’s just that people have to have read the correct way something is used yet insist on not changing.

Language is what is spoken/written.

I don't think any serious linguists are prescriptivists.

There are agreed upon standards for some contexts (eg: academic papers, newspaper articles, legal texts) but for casual conversation that doesn't really apply.

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That we'd all be better off if we accepted our own fallibility. That we are not perfect little robots, and as a result more tolerance and forgiveness in the world is necessary.

Russia will not stop warring if Ukraine surrenders. Russia's war will stretch to every corner of the earth.

The fact that we're giving you crane the bare minimum means we are perfectly happy with them being chewed up to burn Russia's resources before they can reach anybody that we're contractually obligated to defend is kind of fucked up

Even worse, the USA is on the verge of electing a Pro-Russia president who wants to end NATO.

That Israel is committing a genocide, and seemingly the majority of people don’t care or worse believe propaganda or dehumanise a whole population of people.

Also, when people defend massive corporations and don’t see the negative impact they have on industries.

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8% of 50 is 50% of 8

This is the third time this year that I have come across this. I am pissed that it was never taught in school... and that apparently I keep forgetting it every time.

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Put your dry erase markers in the holder basket thing CAP DOWN. jfc, the amount ruined, dried out markers could probably fill a landfill

If this is the case, they should put a ring around the base with what color the markers are. As long as the lid is the main indicator of color, people will put them lid up. Is lying down ok, or does that ruin them too?

Yeah, one of the biggest selling brands is hopeless for this. I have to colour the base of each one.

It's like the company wants the marker to dry out and for me to go buy more.

! waaaaait a minute!

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We have figured out how to run everything, absolutely everything, in the 1950s.

The original computer "AI" craze was started by "cybernetic systems" and for good reason. You probably only know of the bastardizations of "cyber-" that don't have anything in common with the original concept.

The original concept goes like this:

  1. set a goal
  2. perform an action
  3. measure how much impact that had, did it get you closer to your goal or not?
  4. If you are at your goal, you're done,
  5. otherwise adjust your actions, got to 2. (This is "feedback" and the reason that word is now so common. People at the time knew)

The faster you go through the loop, the faster you will figure out what works.

You can measure anything you want, as vague is you want. Happiness, money, productivity. It's the way democracy is designed to work, in which case the feedback is vague and the cycle time is measured in years. It runs your thermostats, in your home, big national power grid power plants. It's how autopilots autopilot.

The idea that "nobody could have predicted..." or "nobody responsible" is a myth. We have the science. We know how it works.

Every failure we still experience is a failure we allow to happen. Because of profit, politics, or whatever.

Didn't catch something "going on for years", maybe someone should check more often. "Crazy single individual causing a tragedy"? No, that's a person at risk, probably with social or mental problems you didn't take care of before, didn't flag, and didn't stop in time.

"Nobody wants to work on our open source project" Really, how is your onboarding? Do people take a look at the docs/culture and run away screaming? Yeah?

Your premise relies on two false pretenses:

  1. That we have time to calculate how everything works. We don’t.

  2. The system doing the calculations is affected by doing the calculations. This creates infinite recursion, which by definition means we can’t actually compute everything

If our universe exists within another universe, the outer universe could calculate and predict everything in our universe, but we cannot do it from within the confines of our own universe.

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Sounds like you're talking about Deming's PDCA cycle. That helps you achieve your goals but you have to define your goals/metrics appropriately. If we want to reduce environmental impact, that has to be one of our goals with a representative measurement.

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That you should never use the same password for more than one site, especially some random Chinese eshop. I don't get why people refuse to use password managers, ffs...

I wish my employer would implement one. Policy is not to store any saved passwords so we can't even use the built-in password manager on the web browser. I have a dozen different passwords.

stronger products need less advertising, so an over-advertised product is likely inferior.

Genders aren't real. Stop bothering me with how you think people should act regarding their ugly bits. I don't need to know about your sex life and how proud you are for the way you get your happy sensors wiggled.

I've heard of "Only 2 genders", "More than 2 genders", and "Only one gender, It's Nerf or Nothin'!"

"Genders aren't real"? That's a new one. Lmfao.

Genders are absolutely real though, and it doesn't automatically mean it's about sex, there's so much more to it that's absolutely non-sexual, lol.

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I mean, entirely false, but ok.

Gender is very much real, you just seem to have a false perception of what the word means.

Most of us do very much have a gender, it is a very small minority who feels their gender does not match their sex, and smaller still are those who, like you apparently, feel no sense of gender at all.

Being outside the common experience doesn't mean you get to disregard the common experience any more then we should disregard your experience.

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Probably people who yell at cyclists for following traffic laws, bonus points for them also violating said laws without repercussion.

That the start menu has a search bar. You would think that everyone would know this after almost 2 decades, but too many people still navigate through their computers like it's 1998.

Too bad windows search is the dumpster fire to end all dumpster fires. And sends all your "local searches" to the web because fuck privacy.

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Due process. Freaking due process. Or the scientific method or whatever you want to call it.

What do I mean to be implied by saying this? Suppose you encounter a situation where accusations are thrown around. Normally this starts by asking what the claim is before talking further about what is wrong with the action in question plus what separates it from hearsay. You might consult testimony/proofs/cross-examination for this, with some of this being more defining/damning than others. Things like you'd see in 12 Angry Men, like "you just said X when you're now saying Y", "what makes this indication of what happened, inarguable enough to not be found within reasonable doubt", and "you have all this testimony on one hand and the physical remnants telling us another thing".

In short, it's supposed to be instinctual that what people want to do is to mark the truth via scrutiny when it would otherwise blend in with everything else.

Alright, so you might be asking what I mean when I say this as my answer. The pen being mightier than the sword is not an idiom that anyone should have to say, but seldom has someone here ever had any issue randomly walking up to a crowd and making damning remarks about someone they don't like and instantly denting another individual in ways that should matter. Relatedly, someone might have what they insist is solid indication of something but isn't for the very fact that it's arguable and leaves room for doubt.

I've seen an individual in particular do this, they go up to people and say "this person is a pedo", they then go up to another crowd, same thing, they say "this person is a pedo". Usually it has some super long elaboration too, complete with a mixture of things without solid indicators, things with no indicators, and actions which were already compensated for years ago. People in charge typically know better, but the common people have this idea in their mind that "this is a damning claim, logically it wouldn't exist for no reason", like have you ever seen a spiteful ex before? I myself am an arguable victim of this, chronically on numerous occasions, in all spheres of life, being unable to do so much as engage in hobbies without the paparazzi wannabe we know as the human populace chiming in. Sometimes they'll even pull the "well then prove the rumors are false" card which requires that you can prove a negative (which would make it not a negative in the first place). The social equivalent of chopping down trees so that I have to walk over them while walking on a path, hoping one day maybe a branch will jab me or something.

One day a few of us asked about this and the response every time was "it's human nature to forego due process if someone can sense due process would be dishonorable", and that was one of the last straws that led to my misanthropy and the fact that, in a profound way, I detest the very essence of humanity, and why I often contrast neurodivergence with human nature, because it's often those of us who are neurodivergent who are considered as having the lesser states of mind. I beg to differ, we're not the ones who are showing how profoundly self-defeating we are. One might say I've even self-reflected months at a time just to contemplate if maybe I was the asshole. I'm sure I am the asshole sometimes, but that doesn't mean a learned person cannot see the holes. And people wonder why I feel sorry for the ultra stigmatized.

This is a lot for me to comprehend, but as for people randomly calling people a pedo is mind-boggling and down right gaslighting. Unfortunately I've had an experience of this myself, recently, just for making jokes with friends around my age. It wasn't my friends who were calling me a pedo or anything, but rather third parties who didn't like what they saw and slapped an ominous name on it, tried to build up accusations, and started misinterpreting pretty much everything.

Mind you, I am a 17M. I don't like children like that, it's fucking disgusting. I am scared shitless to turn 18, am afraid to even consentingly joke around with my friends. I'm scared shitless to even get a relationship at all because of this and I'm afraid of false accusations from completely (hidden, or those who have grown to be) psycopaths. I'm afraid of human interaction, because I know these claims are nothing but baseless, but the problem is people eat that anyway and throw people the consequences they shit out.

Also, these same people accusing me of being a pedo and a creep, are no more than 15 years old AND fetishizing men well over 20 years old "impregnating" them. It's disgusting, scary, projection, and worrisome to say the least. Shit like this makes me have no hope for society, I'm not sure how much longer I can stand to live in it.

Just be genuine and I think you'll be okay. I mean you never know - some people used to roam around and string people up on trees to hang them, sometimes fairly at random even (so long as they had a certain ethnicity or immigration status or whatever) - but all you can control is yourself so don't focus overmuch on what is beyond that.

Also I believe that the literal, legal definition of pedo (or whatever, "statutory rape" I guess? I'm not searching for that term right now!:-P) excludes people who are 18 dating someone who is 17. It would be different if you were 20 dating a 15-year-old, but in general once you move past high school just don't go back and I think you'd be fine?

Also children (even at 15 years old... and sadly also at 50) are going to play regardless, and that means slinging words around that they don't mean, or necessarily even know what the definitions are. Just don't be a pedo, and then even if they accuse you, there's nothing there to justify it so you should (fingers crossed) be fine?

Appreciate it. That's the thing though, have to keep fingers crossed, shit could still happen. We have seen what cancel culture has done to people of all groups when being falsely accused.

Angry reactions is a good example recently. It's been years since I watched the dude, because I dont use tiktok anymore, deleted the app and my account years ago, but genuinely he was a funny and wholesome guy.

When the drama started, I stated that it was important to take both sides seriously, wait for facts and evidence to come out, and not just instantly side with one. I'm not gonna debate which one's worse, but sexual assault is wrong and damaging to someone's life, but so is the accusation of it. People forget that, and hell, I think it's another thing that seems so obvious that people are just so ignorant of.

When it came out that he was indeed innocent, and the accuser admitted to making up some B.S., the damage was done, his reputation already went down the gutter, and that's gonna sting.

With this only growing to be more common, this is the type of shit that I'm just scared of. Even when you were PROVEN to be innocent, your life is still ruined. That's what makes me not to touch any relationships or even interacting with "children" MY AGE anymore with a 500 mile radius.

I don't want any silver of possibility of being put into that position where I get falsely accused, and if I do, it's (hopefully) clear that it's not possible. Call it trust issues or whatever, but I hate risks, and at this rate having relationships of any kind is fucking risky.

Yes but, if you will pardon the doom speech: climate change is going to kill us all? So like, don't worry about what you cannot control. Yes keep it in mind. Yes do what you can. But if you can't do anything, then why lose sleep over it? Every single black person that has ever lived in America has experienced this, and the vast, VAST majority of women in the past. Also most immigrants - legal or otherwise - too.

I am making it sound like I am telling you what to do, but to rephrase, I am just hoping to offer this different perspective?

Fwiw, I think you have a good idea to beware of it, b/c an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. Some super well-known people in the past, for reasons of their religion, have decided to not ever be alone with a woman (except their wife or daughters). This sounds like some Muslim bullshit... but actually in their case it has more than a tiny bit of merit. They have even declined the services of taxi / uber drivers if they are women - like WTF? On the other hand, how many evangelical church pastors can you think of that have been accused of, even outright proven (or like admitted it later) to have had sexual relations with someone that they should not have? I don't even mean outside of their marriages, but in a conflict-of-interest scenario (like a therapist and their client) where the person is in their congregation. Isn't it close to 100%? Okay probably not, but it does seem that way sometimes. Some teachers will likewise refuse to allow their office doors to be closed if a young woman student is in there with them. So go for it - stay safe, indeed. Just I hope you find your inner peace also as you do so:-). And maybe some of these practices can help with that, by providing both protection from accusations and thereby that peace of mind that the protection exists?

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You might find it fascinating to watch The Alt Right Playbook by Innuendo Studios on YouTube. It just might change your life. It's not fully about politics so much as, much more importantly, the method of discourse that has somehow become popular in the Western world, as many right-wing groups worldwide have started to use it and it has permeated our entire culture.

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It is so obvious: I am the smartest person on earth.

But they are all too dense to realize it. 🤐

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Your security questions. You picked them dummy what do you mean you don't know your wife's maiden name!?

I once picked an answer that contained an umlaut and apprently their system couldn't handle that. Years later I actually needed it and it seems easy enough. My place of birth. "wrong" .... like wtf, I know where I was born.

Eventually the customer support accepted my answer as "close enough" after I gave like 3 different spellings.

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If everyone were immortal, and no one needed to worry about resources, that would be awesome and pretending otherwise is the biggest cope.

People have been coping for so long it's practically a genre in literature. People are convincing themselves so hard that immortality is a curse, yet literally zero people have actually experienced it.

Humanity's sourest grapes.

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Humans aren't mostly rational. Lots of people aren't rational at all.

It's fucking "'til" not "tell".

'til is short for "until".

Please stop saying "Let's wait tell later to do that".

I've seen people use till, when they mean 'til, but never seen tell. That's just weird.

What the actual fuck? Who says that? I've never even heard the "should of" people say that and they are dumbest of the dumb.

People say that? 🤔

Maybe it's an oral thing and I don't have enough meetings with English speakers...

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There's a whole community of young men who wear thigh highs and cat ears while they game and design