22 Post – 268 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm not talking about paying for USB's; there's definitely an inherent risk to that if you don't know where the source is. It could work within groups of close friends. I'm talking about downloading and paying for a game directly from the person/group that cracked it and through their site. I think OP is trying to make a financial incentive for cracking to exist in the future.

I would unironically pay up to 50% of the worth of a AAA game (maybe through crypto, Monero would be a perfect usecase for this) to to a cracker to download a non-DRM game from them than to pay the full amount to the studio.

Adding DRM makes no sense. People might be incentivized to pay and download directly from the cracker’s site (lets say, fitgirlrepacks) than from torrent reuploads that might contain malware. That might be where the profit incentives come in to entice crackers to do their valuable work.

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there's something fucky going on with that but i can't put my finger on it.

a fucking quota?!?!!?

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Cool, a fellow i2p enthusiast! We really should transfer or at least offload existing piracy infrastructure to i2p. I’m gonna keep shilling i2p as well haha. By then, piracy will be nigh unstoppable. I dream of the time when pirates rule the high seas once more.

i2p all the way!

Mentally translating this as: Competition from the free market unfairly prosecuted by a tyrannical state that enforces the monopoly of “intellectual property” of corporations

This is insane. This does not warrant a 48 year sentence; some actual rapists and murderers get off for less time. The “justice” system is a joke and doesn’t prosecute criminals. It prosecutes those that threaten the system.

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8% of 50 is 50% of 8

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Dm me if u want one

Yeah dude let’s just federate with an instance maintained by a corporation that has undoubtedly caused a genocide in Myanmar by turning a blind eye to a far-right hate speech group that caused an entire fucking minority to flee into another country.

I don’t get why people are supporting and saying “oh it must be up to the user” like bro this is the company we’re dealing with. Fuck that fuck threads fuck zuckerberg i don’t want his shit cancer near something that’s going well so far.

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fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

A true pirate shares their booty 🔥🔥

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behavior like this baffle me. I wonder what they stand to gain by spamming CSAM? Purely destructive and psychopath behavior :|

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The defense adds that the similarity between defendant’s social media handle, ‘anarchivist’, and Anna’s Archive is insufficient to support the claims. The same applies to other facts, including her previous occupation as a catalog librarian.

They’re grasping at straws. Viva Anna’s Archive.

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Yeah dude let’s just federate with an instance maintained by a corporation that has undoubtedly caused a genocide in Myanmar by turning a blind eye to a far-right hate speech group that caused an entire fucking minority to flee into another country.

I don’t get why people are supporting and saying “oh it must be up to the user” like bro this is the company we’re dealing with. Fuck that fuck threads fuck zuckerberg i don’t want his shit cancer near something that’s going well so far.

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I wish u could retweet a lemmy comment. Well said.

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Let the free market run its course and let pirate sites compete with streaming services to improve their services.

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It feels like we’re just a dot in a complex scatterplot, the way statistics can measure and index an employee’s motivation. Maybe they can even use the same math to measure your own motivation. Imagine getting fired because you “lacked motivation” according to a computer. Maybe that’s not how we should cooperate as a species.

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I want to be a developer and help out the jellyfin community. I started with plex but it felt wrong trusting a corpo with my movie collection, and on top of that I am allergic to paywalls, so I switched to jellyfin and never looked back.

I have someee programming experience, but i’ve never had a real job as a programmer. Where can I start?

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they take you to a second location where they tickle u intensively

dark humor ahead

Just let the man cook

Is this you?

The irs will come after you…

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my bro did an nmap scan to intimidate someone 😂

Shiiiit. I remember the site,, getting taken down months ago, I was meaning to self-host it. This year is a dark year for open source piracy repos.

Also fuck github for taking down open source project they don’t like.

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It has a strawless lid! 10/10 save the turtles

Good bot, very good bot, best bot there is

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obligatory "if buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing"

and also there's a moral argument for data preservation here somewhere

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How are they gonna site block? If they block through the ISP’s DNS, change your DNS. If they block through IP, well America is turning into China with its great firewall lol. Either way, if they manage to take down piratebay (good luck) we should run our own DHT crawlers like Bitmagnet (, or torrent through i2p

This is to be expected, corporations will fight tooth and nail for every penny. We need to fight back to make piracy resilient regardless of the whims of the MPA and the law. Because piracy transcends the law.

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I didn’t think you meant to sound creepy but u sounded creepy lol

Lol shouda unionized

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Newton’s third law would like to have a word with you 🫠

Help pls i’m trying to make something out of my life and i don’t feel like i’m doing anything meaningful 🥲

Those are my troubles, matey 🏴‍☠️

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Not recommending a VPN here. But there are many open-source anonymizing networks out there that need more attention. I know speed and avoiding blocks and captcha's are important to you, so this answer is not geared toward your use case, but for those looking for a free alternatives to VPN's and don't care about the speed and want to help out the network, there are

lokinet: ( (Based on the LLARP, low-latency anonymizing protocol, basically tor 2.0).

(My personal favorite): i2p. A network within a network. Downsides are you can only download torrents within the network, but the upside is there is a solid community and there are more and more torrents that exist. Mental Outlaw has a great video about i2p

There are some VPN's you can trust, but in the end of the day, I trust encryption and the decentralized network better than any centralized corp.

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I put $1000 in bitcoin in 2012

Then i wake up from my dream and calibrate temperature sensors on medical refrigerators

Ok but i acually sent this meme to my friend who’s a banker and he said that not FILING is illegal, but not paying isn’t illegal because you technically can’t go to jail for debt in America. However, your estate will be chunked to cover your debt when you die. So, here’s the 4d chess move that americans can make

  1. Own a house and a car, live comfortably.
  2. File, but not pay, tax
  3. Just before you die, sell everything
  4. Convert that money into a privacy coin like Monero
  5. After you die, secretly give access to your monero wallet to your children

Poof, the American Empire hates it when you do this simple trick. Just tell your kids not to take out too much out of your monero holdings at once, and use peer to peer exchanges to avoid KYC, and the glowies would be none the wiser

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I prefer “unauthorized duplication of bits” :3

kid, that file is off limits

“Come on dude ur wasting my lighter fluid”