1 Post – 403 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

It projects future generations if the MAGA wingnuts happen to capture control of their state legislature. They would have to repeal a state constitution amendment which should have a higher bar than passing a law.

Are you sure that Florida and SD don't have potential amendments to ban abortion? And we already know how much SD cares about ballot measures. Their constituents voted to legalize pot but their legislature just went "nah, we're not going to do that".

We need to vote for "Not Trump" even if its just to ensure that there is a "Not Trump" in future elections.

LOL no. Those decisions were utter bullshit.

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I always assumed he was in a Harbour or near shore.

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Seeing as how I've never used it for free ...

Next time buy her a large 1 topping and pick it up for $7.99.

Just in his mind. Like the people my son swore were living in his car.

I don't know what those are so I never assumed that.

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The article sounds like school was fine for the most part. It was other parents that were dicks. And the one faculty member that complained about being forced to use pronouns. Probably the same person who leaked info about the kids sex.

You're better off.

My mom ironed everything that came out of the dryer (and everything that came out of the washer went in the dryer)

Maybe we should replace Stack Overflow with another site where experts can exchange information? We can call it "Experts Exchange".

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He used a banana, an organic dildo, and a carrot. It snapped the carrot and then he decided to try with his arm, hand, and finger.

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Any amount of ketchup on mac and cheese is too much.

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Its Texas, depending on the races of the shooter and victim, its either death row or being elected to US or state representative.

Why would anyone go through the pain of installing Oracle java when you can just install openjdk from the repos. If you develop on windows, will give you prebuilt openjdk.

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Don't forget you can also donate your corpse to medical schools!

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You could say his lawyers really trumped the case.

I still don't want one.

Obligatory Fuck Reagan for killing our conversion to metric. We were well on our way in the late 70's. We hadn't dropped Imperial but most things were dual labelled: Speed limit and distance signs, weather stats like temp and precipitation. A few gas stations were charging by the liter but that was more to mask the true cost during OPEC embargo. The only thing that stuck was 2 liter bottles of pop and drug dealers knowing the metric system. And having to by 2 sets of wrenches and sockets.

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Fuck you comcast. I'm sure they are one of the instigators.

That would be Model S & X. Model 3 stalks are removed in 2023/2024 Highland refresh. Model 3 Performance hasn't been highlanded yet so that one still has stalks. Model Y hasn't released their refresh yet so all versions of Model Y have stalks.

I was going to say "marry the one that has the worst health insurance" and then I realized I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

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When there are republicans involved the debates devolve pretty quickly.

I do all the time and my son makes fun of me for it. That's how we rolled in the late 70's/early 80's

A few years back, a woman drove her car into a small retaining pond off a highway and 2 of the kids in the car drowned. Everyone was amazed that a car could be completely submerged in such a small pond. Those suckers are deep!

You're doing a great job for a 5 year old (based on the Uncrustables)

M'Ladies of code

If you're using sickbeard, switch to medusa. The originally developer of sickbeard is a nut case. He took the project back from the team that was doing development so they forked it and renamed Medusa.

The ones I had were always sherbet not regular ice cream.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with being pedantic. In my case, it bugs me really bad that people say 110/220 for USA mains voltage. The standard has been 120/240 volts but there is a tolerance on both sides so the older 110/220 are still within specs. But the tolerance is defined from the nominal values of 120/240.

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I'm not a gamer or a xitterhead but what would these consoles do with xitter integration.

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Like in xenophobia?

Is it still going to be soggy and disgusting?

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That's called Benadryl.

Its going to be a poop knife wielding guy with 2 broken arms out to get those jackdaws.

HOA should be requiring solar instead of banning it.

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I'm 124 years old. Assuming the website lets you enter 1900 as the birth year.

Work "friends" or also known as colleagues. Sometimes you just make do.

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