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Damn, even fighter jets have an external override. They're even labeled for rescue workers.

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Nighthawkinlight just released a video on a material that accomplishes this that you could make at home.


Coming from the man who knows more about manufacturing than anyone on the planet

Slave labor?

For all we know it could be the exact same thing the US does with our prisoner work programs.

So if we're going to call out China, can we please stop doing it here too?

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There's idiots lining up out the door to get a taste of fake power.

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No no no, that's not true privatization. True privatization would fix all the problems

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I say let it happen. If someone is dumb enough to fire all their workers... They deserve what will happen next

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PFOA is considered a known human carcinogen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfluorooctanoic_acid

You seem to have no direct experience with science, given how misinformed you sound.

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There is some level of R&D they do to productize it, manufacturability and scaling. And running drug safety trials cannot be cheap, especially the liability insurance.

That all said, I think it's criminal that the university labs pay so little. PhD students barely make over $40k, set by the NIH. Not adjusted for CoL either.

I think I have more of an issue with the for-profit nature of pharma companies. Shareholders shouldn't be involved in medicine.

Did he really though?

Sliced or mashed avocado has been eaten on some sort of bread, flatbread, or tortilla (often heated or toasted) since humans first started consuming bread and avocados, and before any documented or written history.

According to The Washington Post, chef Bill Granger may have been the first person to put avocado toast on a modern café menu in 1993 in Sydney,[9] although the dish is documented in Brisbane, Australia, as early as 1929


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Pulling the dictionary accomplishes what they want: a dumber future generation.

Pull the Bible, that's what riles them up

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That said, I really liked the opportunity to not have to socialize with someone

It's called fiduciary duty and it's why every mega company sucks.

Cut costs by replacing cashiers with self checkout? Write a fat check to the shareholders! Then, shoplifting is becoming an even bigger issue from the self checkout... Cut costs again by preventing shoplifting by having people man the self checkout! Write another fat check to the shareholders!

Nevermind that it would have been easier and cheaper to just keep the system we had. Looking at you, Target.

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They don't want it to be

Oh I bet the actual employees are painfully aware. But the lack of funding and government red tape? That's the real failure.

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Great point, how do you think weight loss drugs work?

They make you less hungry or curb your cravings... Making you eat less.

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Feeling listened to doesn't mean the same thing as treatment.

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The choice is pretty easy:

Aid and support to Israel


Aid and support to Israel, and give Ukraine to Russia, and give Taiwan to China, and implement fascism at home

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In a laboratory setting, presumably you could makeq conditions clean enough to grow a cell culture that is free from micro plastics. But that isn't going to tell you much about systemic effects like in an organ or body.

Maybe you could breed mice in a clean room. Not sure what the generational half life of microplastics is..

The alternative you could probably test is levels of Microplastics. Grow a number of colonies with varying levels of microplastics and compare between them.

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Why wouldn't we want other types of sensors...?

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That's a big joule thief

Fiduciary responsibility. Shareholders/investors can, have, and will, sue.

That's where the primary focus is supposed to lie. Legally anyway.

If selling all the assets and firing all the people could increase the share price for a quarter, they'll do it.

100 billion wouldn't even cover the firefighting foam pfas cleanup at jfk

"At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth."

When you invest in a company, you make products and sell them to customers.

You mean, executives with "fiduciary responsibility" take extremely irresponsible actions to "maximize shareholder profits" and gut the company that produces those products such that the product is minimally viable, borderline shit, and might even kill the end user (Boeing, Tesla, GE, etc etc). Oh and jobs and the economy are on the line too, so that's great.

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Calling it "cheese" is like saying meatloaf made from meat is "meat"

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It was safe to burn batteries when they were made of zinc.

Modern battery chemistry is the problem there

No we're not

We've replaced drinking and snacking with smoking and snacking

Your liver can grow back and repair itself from moderate damage. Lungs cannot.

And I say that as someone who uses both.

But honestly who in their right mind would trust musk with their money?!?

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We won't have other one*

*While the generations affected are alive.

Once the living memories are gone it's much harder to prevent, since anyone can argue a stance from a history book.

Ya just look at the Intel management engine. Or the AMD platform security processor. Lot of spooky shit like secret op-codes.

We need more open source HW.

Say you were a spy, and you think there's a laser guarding the largest diamond in the world.

There's no way to detect if the laser is there without putting some form of matter in the way of the laser. Be it a hand, or spray bottle.

Now at the museum, a mist won't set off the alarm, but you're still reflecting some of the photons out of the beam and into your eyes. Otherwise you wouldn't see the beam...

But for a quantum experiment, where we care about each individual photon, spraying a fine mist will affect the experiment. Sticking anything in that laser beam path will affect the measurement.

So how do you make a measurement without interacting? As far as we know, you can't.

Both GMOs and nuclear can be used to mitigate climate change too... :(

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Healthy, Fast&Cheap, or Delicious. Pick 2.

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Well yeah, at one point that's all the technology could handle reasonably. And then it was just never updated.

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That's not normal behavior, it's just sad. Society is failing

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Implying women are family and fathers are not

Makes it harder for news to spread, documenting warcrimes and genocide, etc

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Fucking it up for the rest of us

They're just trying to survive. We've already made it impossible for them to enjoy life