14 Post – 471 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Professional Neckbeard

This article cites sources from 2015...

Yeah, that hasn't been true for a loooong time

I feel like you have the wrong idea of what hacking acting a actually is... But yes, as long as you don't do anything too stupid line forwarding all of your ports or going without any sort of firewall, the chances of you getting hacked are very low...

As for DDOSing, you can get DDOSed with or without self hosting all the same, but I wouldn't worry about it.

Influencers... Do I really need to say anything else?

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Discover shows updates to both your flatpaks apps and dnf apps

I'd say, since you already own the DVD, it's ok to download it's contents from a piracy website...

That documentation is supposed to explain how a thing works to people who don't know how it works. I know, sounds extremely obvious, but you'd be surprised how much documentation out there is written in a way, expecting you to already know what it's talking about. No. I do not. It is the documentation's job to explain ME what IT is talking about...

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Gatekeeping and acting like you're smarter than everyone else... General neckbeard behavior. Linux/Computers in general can be a great hobby if you can get past the "RTFM, yoUr stUPiD fOR asKing" people.

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A headphone jack, bluetooth sucks, it's convenient but it sucks. It's audio quality is bad, it's latency is bad... it's just all bad.

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...why would you use homebrew on linux?

You already use an arch container that has access to the AUR, which has literally every package, available on linux.

Also, if anything, flatpaks are THE official (universal) packaging format for Linux, it's the most widely adopted and most well integrated of the universal packaging formats. I'm not saying that homebrew is bad, just why bother with it when you've got 100 other packaging formats that are all better...

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I dislike Wayland


RedHat bad

What does that have to do with Wayland?

RedHat BAD!!!!1!1!1!!!

Average Wayland hater

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laughs in truenas

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This oughta help

Imo, Chris Titus should just stop making Linux content... His windows content is genuinely useful, yet his Linux content boils down to "arch and debian good, ye old packages good, Wayland not ready, snaps/flatpaks/everything else sucks, Gnome bad, gnome bad (again), fedora bad... He's the literal definition of a gatekeeper.

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C instead of V when I try to paste something... Like I've got something copied and I accidentally hit Ctrl+C again, instead Ctrl+V and now I have to go copy the thing I want to copy again (and then proceed to missclick again, it's a never ending cycle)

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How do they even know if you use your data as a hotspot? That's just ridiculous!

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What does evangelism have to do with blatant monopolistic anti-consumer practices being forced on users?

Why do I have to switch out Firefox, which CAN run anything that chrome can, just because some bullshit company said so.

It's a blatant anti-consumer practice, that is becoming more and more common, just because Firefox can still block ads, while chrome cannot. It's bullshit and more people need to talk about it.

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fyi, don't use simple mobile tools anymore, it's basically adware now, the project has been forked and renamed to fossify

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Wayland, because it's faster, more stable, handles multi-monitor better, you can have animations while playing a game, no tearing, no fcking around window managers/compositors or shit, lower memory usage and 1:1 touchpad gestures

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You needed to roll a 13, but you rolled an 8, that's why your spell failed, should work next turn.

What is the point of paying for a VNC client when there are 100 other free VNC clients?

rectangle is a built-in feature of the KDE plasma desktop lol

I really don't care what ppl call it, I call it "Linux", because saying "GNU/Linux" is really annoying. Also, I like Alpine so yeah I can say that I use "Linux".

Tl;Dr use pipewire, it's just better and also handles screen capture on Wayland (which looks way better and has a much lower performance impact than X native screen capture in my experience)

You know that RedHat controls Xorg, right? Like... X11 is a RedHat thing.

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NixOS and nix in general is incredibly complicated imo and the documentation is... let's just say sub par. I'd go with arch unless you really just wanna learn nix.

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Excluding KDE connect? I just don't then...

KeePassXC is the only password manager i trust, and the only place I'd store actually important passwords

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Idk man, I'm 18 and lovin my modded Galaxy A52S. It can do everything an iphone can and even more, for a fifth of the price...

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You generally shouldn't care about systemd, nor choose a distro or an OS just based on it's init system, as they all ultimately achieve the same thing... Start and stop services. And while I don't personally use it on my main desktop, it's just because I don't need any of it's functionality and OpenRC IS a bit faster in my experience, though I can see why systemd the default on most distros, it's extremely versatilea, powerful and handles a lot of things that you'd need separate programs for...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you own something and it either gets taken away or it gets tarnished in some way, you are fully justified to pirate it...

desktop's built like a flashbang fr

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Ayo no more ugly frame in dolphin, less goooo

Imo, a lot of linux documentation and documentation in general is written in a way that assumes you know what it's talking about... When it's the documentation's job to teach you about said things...

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Ngl, that's a blessing in disguise


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Moths, especially the big ones... idk, they are just insanely terrifying to me. I know they cannot hurt me, I know they are harmless, they terrify the life out of me

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I'd make my data into a monthly subscription, 599.99$/month and I'd have a 20 page long "ECLA (End company license agreement)" that describes precisely where and how they're allowed to use my data.

It's the internet, nothing you can do about it