My homelab upgrade experience to – 32 points –

This is sort of a follow-up to my previous post, asking about migrating ZFS pools to a new machine. Migration went smoothly and the new machine is quite the nice upgrade, if I may say so myself I went from:

A hacked together custom build

AMD FX-8320E 8c/8t @3.20 GHz 16GB ram

To a used HP ProLient dl380e gen8

2x Xeon E5-2450 16c/32t @2.10 GHz 64GB ram

Not mentioning storage, as I haven't changed that, still using a

5x 2TB RAIDz1 HDD pool

Huge thanks to anyone who replied to my old post :)

The ProLient has been quite the fun experience, got it for real cheap and it's been pretty great. Took me a while to figure out how to get the thing booting, iLO4 is not as horrible as I expected and it is kinda loud, but pretty great other than that.


Imo iLO5 is a big improvement over iLO4.
Also you can download an iLO remote client to not be required to login to the web ui.

iLO remote client? what's that?

Little application to avoid the login to the web-ui.
Link to download the standalone client:

Upside: You won't get thrown out of your remote session while having an ISO mounted.
Upside 2: You avoid having to use Edge, to enable IE legacy mode to being able to use the .NET console.

Bit of a problem here, I don't use windows. All my machines are either Linux or Mac... And I cannot find neither a Linux nor a Mac version of the application...

In that case it seems you are stuck with logging into the ilo web-ui and the java applet or the html player. I am not aware of a linux player.
Your best bet would be to browse the support repository of the hpe page. Maybe you can find a sort of OSS-version someone created.

Edit: Maybe try to run it with proton/wine? That should be fine if you just want to use it to remote into the server

Though, I gotta say, my particular version of iLO4 (2.77) seems to have some bug with the HTML console where it sometimes stops receiving inputs after POST, which is rather annoying...

It's not really a huge deal for me, as I generally prefer using SSH and the sort for remote access either way. And besides, the HTML console is clunky, but it gets the job done.