Why is this sub so against jokes and more lighthearted posts?

Presi300@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 1 points –

I don't get it, every post here that isn't about Linux or some serious topic seems to get downvoted to hell.

I like Linux as much as the next guy, but c'mon, not everything here has to be about it or serious topics...


I just double checked top 20 posts sorted by "hot". Only 2 has any relation to Software. Zero posts relating to Linux. Is there a particular post you have in mind?

The joke or reply-bait (like dallo describes!) posts aren’t great content. Looking over the community it’s mainly moderately serious topics that do make for decent conversation… I don’t see anything about Linux (?) so I assume that’s just your stereotype for Lemmy.

I think they’re asking why all of Lemmy doesn’t like jokes, not specifically the asklemmy community.

It's not really a stereotype, and idm it personally (I do like Linux), it just looks like most posts that aren't either serious or talking about Linux here just get downvoted to hell

Stereotypes can be accurate. Anyway, I don't know how you're viewing or sorting the community, but your post is the only one on the first page that even mentions Linux.

On Reddit, joke (usually bad joke, low effort meme or pop culture reference) comments were the absolute worst kind of spam that destroyed the readability of comment threads.

That sort of content belongs in its own space, not polluting places that are still worth reading.

Sub? Where's the sub? Battle stations!!! Arm the torpedoes and depth charges!!! :D

We haver loads of communities for messing about, memes and just general banter. I think this community as well as !nostupidquestions@lemmy.world and loads of others are for more serious questions.

Sub as in sublemmy... That's what I call communities here lmao

Was there a particular post you wanted to see answered? I see a decent variety usually

Hey build you own jokes and more lighthearted posts with this easy table:

  1. People of Lemmy / Women of Lemmy / Men of Lemmy / PoC of Lemmy / Queer of Lemmy / Parent of Lemmy (include your own favorite subgroup of awesome people here like arch users for example)
  2. What's the stupidest thing / What's the wonderful thing / What is an activity / Which insanely popular or successful subject / what is a minor thing / what are some amazing facts / what are some boring facts / what is an unpopular opinion
  3. you secretly hate / you secretly love / you openly hate / you openly love / that totally annoys you / that almost nobody knows / that should be socially acceptable
  4. about your job / about love / about sex / about money / about this one friend / about this history trivia / about your family / about you favorite game / about you favorite hobby / about your favorite holiday
  5. ?


  • Women of Lemmy, what's the stupidest thing you secretly love about sex
  • Parent of Lemmy, which insanely popular or successful subject you secretly hate about your family

Go crazy enjoy the free karma

don’t forget the variations on “whats the best/worst you ever experienced”

I mean that's just what this sub is for and that's fine.

It's a shame that the more specific communities aren't bigger so they'd be more active.

Ya, like my chestnuts being lazy thread got ripped a new one :( Many humorous posts go the way of the Dodo bird, its pretty ridiculous

Maybe if there's a better place, I''d just do that but it still seems excessive. And we have our share of schizos obsessed with pounding their big red downvote button—no diet coke necessary

This is still a community for questions. Random references or jokes simply don't belong here.

Where then?

Ugh. Nothing is more tone deaf to human culture than telling a person there’s a room down the hall dedicated to telling jokes.

How so? I think it perfectly encapsulates human culture.

People literally gather in rooms to listen jokes (comedy clubs, stand up performances etc). And others gather in different rooms to listen to music, for example. But if you show up in the music room and start performing stand-up, people will tell you, you're in the wrong place.

I'm glad he did. It isnt a problem at all, I was excited to learn about new on-topic communities to join and add to my feed ;)