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Joined 1 years ago

Guys who refuse to wash their arse because it’s “gay”.

The sheer amount of self-hatred, insecurity and homophobia caused by toxic masculinity and shitty upbringings is astounding that you’d rather have swamp ass than be worried you’re gay.

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That the vagina is way lower than a lot of people depict it. A lot of my anatomy exposure when I was younger was hentai, and it turns out hentai artists don’t really know where the vagina is either. The ones that put the vagina as the little sister of the belly button on the woman desperately need to look up their Year 9 health book.

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Enjoy soccer - the most heinous of social crimes

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They don’t really look like they’d come from that pan

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ΔV: Rings of Saturn

Sprout Valley

Hauma - A Detective Noir Story

Noreya: The Gold Project

Those are the games

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Not being allowed to merge chats with third-party tools is fucking stupid. No matter what changes Twitch makes that are positive they always put some fucking ridiculous caveat on it.

Y’all are unironically engaging with a NYPost article

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Oh yeah I feel soooooo defeated and crushed just like soooooo sad that I have to be here and not with spez

Women don’t want to fuck conservative men anymore. So they’re trying to punish women for it.

“$75 Airbnb cleaning fee”

My new girlfriend wearing my ex-wife’s lingerie

No one fucking cares. This isn’t Reddit.

In hindsight a smaller canvas might have made it a bit busier, but I’ll tell you what: I’m impressed the effort has been translated over from rPlace. Run this one again in a year or so and I can imagine it being way more popular.

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Broadcom is one of the worst fuckin suppliers

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The saltiness of the CoD devs says a lot about their culture to be honest. They say what Judge said was “inappropriate” but can’t look at themselves and the way they responded

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Fucking hate these fake AI posts. Even worse than actual AI posts.

Where does the circle end? Humans pretending to be AI pretending to be human

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“How were you radicalised?”

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I don’t think this is lower than the royal pedophilia, to be fair

That sounds exactly like the badness in people’s hearts though.

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"Came here to say this"

Also, while I will tolerate it, I hope we tone down the doggo speak

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Protecting industries who prefer to complain rather than actually evolve with the times

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trusting Time with video game lists

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Always downvote slammed articles

I want Godzilla

Not sure I believe it. A drop off like this is absolute death spiral territory, and the exodus of users would be way more clear, as places like here would have exploded in new accounts. These people aren’t just going to go outside, so where are the commensurate rises in activity on other websites?

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Kind of sick of devs being such cunts and denying the criticism so publically.

Starfield might not be objectively shit, but there is heaps of fair criticism. I fucking hated it for what it’s worth. Probably worst game I’ve played in 3-5 years.

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If you know enough about AI it wouldn’t be hard to replicate the errors that it makes with text

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I don’t think anyone below the age of 50 has seriously believed in “happy wife, happy life”. It’s very much a boomer mentality of “pick someone you don’t love and suffer through the relationship forever”

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Ah yes, the second largest company in the world “trying to stay relevant”

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Free-speech absolutionist though right?

She’s flip-flopped multiple times on it. She’s happy to be referred to as a (former) porn star when it financially benefits her.

Lemmy is going to start with the “major” subs e.g. your meme communities, news subs, major hobbies etc.

Then as time goes on we’ll have points where people start to branch out to niche communities because the mainstream communities are too generalised. That’s when we’ll start to see explosive growth.

Lemmy won’t “win” overnight. It will be a gradual and years-long process, but it can be worth it in the end.

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Too many people insist they know what’s best for you simply because it worked for them.

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If you search for “boyfriend refuses to wash ass reddit” on Google there are plenty of stories for you to eat your dinner over.

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Yeah nah, add anything but water to F tier. Water is S.

I’m bronze in OW and I like to think I’m not going to commit massive amounts of fraud

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The reply is obviously satire, but the original seems like typical weeb hyperfixation

Don’t really care what they do anymore tbh.

Absolute fuckin corporate losers. Can’t have anything fun or some company might have a little whinge

Maybe not as straight as he wants to think he is