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Hey! Please contact me at my primary Fedi account: @lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com


Oh wow the comments on Phoronix for this one are bonkers.

From what I understand (because it wasn't clear to me from either of the TLDRs posted here) Nvidia's proprietary graphics driver has been calling parts of the kernel that they shouldn't be, because their driver is closed source.

These seem to be parts of the kernel that another company may own patents to, but has only licensed it to the kernel for free use with GPL open source code only, i.e. closed source/proprietary code is not allowed to use it.

Nvidia seems to have open sourced a tiny communication shim to try and bypass this restriction, so their closed source driver talks to the shim, and the shim talks to the restricted code in the kernel, that Nvidia does not have a license to use. This is a DMCA violation, hence why the Kernel devs are putting in preventions to block the shim, as far as I can see.

I don't understand the small minority of commenters there defending a la soulless corp Nvidia, who is blatantly in the wrong here. Some commenters have gone as far as to call the Linux kernel maintainers "zealots", would not be surprised if they are alts for Nvidia devs...

Edit: typo

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Whoever designed that seems like they have something against transmission lol.

For me personally: it gets the job done, is allowed by most private trackers, fast and responsive, has a functional webui, and a very vast selection of third party apps (in addition to the cross platform first-party offering)

It's simplicity is kind of its selling point. Only real criticism I have is that it's unfortunate some of the supported features aren't accessible in the first party apps, and especially from the lightweight web interface

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Dbrand has a really strong case here IMO, since they pretty heavily edit the internals and add a few easter eggs, which are still visible in Casetify's final designs

Dbrand discovered Casetify allegedly copied 117 different designs, down to the many digital manipulations it made to the images. Dbrand says it holds registered copyrights for each of these products, all of which were registered before Casetify’s product launch.

Also, TIL:

Disclosure: The Verge recently collaborated with Dbrand on a series of skins and cases

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That's really dissapointing, did Spotify seriously release a hardware device that expensive, and mandates a subscription to operate?

It's a shame because it looks quite nice too, and is sadly guaranteed to be e-waste at some point

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Rules for thee but not for me 🀑

Attacking the Blender foundation is honestly a new low. There is no "lulz" and nothing to gain

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It's a complete crapshow IMO.

I still have the source code for the simple stuff I developed over 12 years ago, but these organisations don't think it's important to hang on to source code and assets for something they plan to make money from?

Really telling about the attitudes towards software outside of the FOSS space and datahoarder communities, and more importantly how little the management/publishers actually care about the product.

Although to counter that, I'm aware of at least one situation where the opposite has happened. One of my simulation games for example is really buggy and isn't able to receive more updates because the studio behind it voluntarily disbanded, leaving the publisher without access to the source code (I believe the publisher Aerosoft has tried to get a copy of the source to provide further game fixes, but the individuals behind the disbanded studio could not come to an agreement on this)

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Opportunity cost will be the death of our current system IMO.

Buying up housing, hiking subscription prices because Oooh We Can Make More Money, They Will Pay For It Anyway

And piracy. Most people who pirate had no intention of being customers to begin with... and others will become a customer if the price is right.

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This is beyond speedrunning enshittification now...

I'm eager to see what twitter users think of this - lots of people are watching, and corpos taking notes.

Edit: He's announced an increased limit but it's hardly generous IMO.

::: spoiler Spoiler Image Image of Twitter post where Elon Musk announces a rate limit increase to 8000 for verified users, 800 for unverified users, and 400 for new unverified users :::

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Not sure how to feel about this one. It's a shitty crime, but the victim is Uber who themselves don't really respect their rideshare drivers πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I wonder how things like this affect in-app prices for customers though... raising them would be a bigger payout for the scammers, lowering them could result in a loss when customers place normal orders on there

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Well, sounds like VMWare is dead now then.

Hope those new ex-C suite billionaires enjoy the damage they've done to a previously reputable brand and product πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ glad I went with libvirt for virtualization instead 4 years ago when rebuilding my homelab

Edit: fix virtualization spelling error

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Video has 47K dislikes on RYD πŸ˜‚ I wonder how many are in the YT dashboard 😳

On a serious note though, why anyone do this, in Japan of all places, and think it would make for a good Youtube video?

Looking at the generally very friendly culture in Japan towards foreigners, and their extremely clean and effective transport network, I wouldn't even consider abusing people's kindness to travel around for free!

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Those awful hands aside... has anyone seen that shirt! The buttons suddenly stop and middle split just disappears past the waist 😳

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Great move.

Adobe already has a product identical to Figma called XD, it would be entirely ridiculous to let them further monopolize the digital design space buying the most popular competitor

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Release the dogs on them. Live Nation has done nothing but rip off concert goers and harm small bands with their ridiculous fees and contractual venue restrictions, and this is without even touching on the horrible ticket scalping issues that they refuse to do anything about.

If I'm also recalling correctly, if a venue is signed up to Ticketmaster they cannot independently host events - everything has to be done through Ticketmaster πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

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Says a lot about their internal organisation structure for something like this to happen. Intern is the only tolerable excuse here, but even still why would you put a newbie in a position where they could brick thousands of vehicles with a slip of the finger?

I'd expect a tech company like Rivian who happens to sell a vehicle to know better than this πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

wrong build with the wrong security certificates was sent out

Isn't standard practice to validate signed code first before installing it? Hope the next update allows the car's computer system to check the firmware signature before doing what I assume is an automatic installation...

may require physical repair in some cases


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One would think that by now, these companies would have built up enough training data to no longer require human intervention?

Is their existing "AI" tech just your usual old chatbot, except with a STT and TTS so it's usable at a drive thru? The article only mentions that they started recently using ChatGPT to assist with speech recognition... so unless I missed it, there's no mention of their current tech using LLMs at all - just another company trying to climb on board the AI hype train πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Presto said that off-site workers based in places like the Philippines that assist the chatbots will becoming [sic] increasingly expensive, Bloomberg reported.

Good. People in countries who aren't so well off shouldn't be exploited as cheap & disposable call center labor IMO.

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Sadly doesn't work for gov level blocks that look at the SNI rather than blocking at DNS level

Edit: correction from ESNI to SNI

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Looking at the public modlog, it was deleted because the post title did not match the linked article title.

Seems fair enough IMO, as most communities here have that rule, and it seems to be accepted as common courtesy in tiddeRverse communities to not alter article titles when posting.

Personally I would have removed it on the basis of not sufficiently technology related, I think it fits better in one of the more general news communities

::: spoiler TW: Modlog content


I really wish symmetric broadband was standard. Having 500 down (as a homelabber especially) means nothing if you have only 25 up 😭

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Who is Ian Cuttress, and why should I watch a 1 hour video on the subject? Does this bring any new facts or perspectives to the table, besides what we already know

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This doesn't really belong here IMO, why isn't it posted on the LTT community instead?

more like a streaming service you populate yourself.

The most concise description of Plex/Jellyfin that I've seen

Chonky TL;DR because I was a little annoyed that there wasn't one here -

Certainly no commercial product could ever work at a profit if you needed remote operators anything like that often. As Brooks points out, the term β€œautonomous” barely applies.

Beyond what Brooks pointed out, the story also notes β€œThose vehicles were supported by a vast operations staff, with 1.5 workers per vehicle”.

Fitting with this general vibe, a source (that in fairness, I don’t know well) just told me that his impression having visited with them not so long ago was that β€œthey're definitely relying on remote interventions to create an illusion of stronger AI than they really have”.

if Cruise’s vehicles really need an intervention every few miles, and 1.5 external operators for every vehicle, they don’t seem to even be remotely close to what they have been alleging to the public. Shareholders will certainly sue, and if it’s bad as it looks, I doubt that GM will continue the project, which was recently suspended.

As safety expert Missy Cummings said to me this morning, remote operators could well be β€œthe dark secret of ALL self-driving.”

Human lives at are stake.

Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt essentially confirmed that their β€œdriverless” cars need very regular human intervention:

Love that the French guillotine gets it's own mention πŸ˜‚

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I like this, but would really prefer if Google works with the GSMA to get these implemented into the actual RCS specs, rather than using specially crafted proprietary RCS messages to add features to RCS (like they have done for E2EE)

This isn't Reddit

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I want more normies 😭

Don't mind the memes, but there's too much tech and politics IMO

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When asked for comment, X’s press email replied with its recent standard auto-reply: β€œBusy now, please check back later.”

What an absolute poop show

Those alternative lemmy interfaces are made by other volunteers IIRC

The sense of entitlement in some of the replies on that post are absolutely awful

As for me personally, I want to love Wayland. It has great performance on ALL my devices, (except one with a nvidia GPU) and is super smooth compared to X11!

However... the secure aspect of Wayland makes it very difficult, if not impossible to easily get a remote desktop going. Wayvnc doesn't support the most popular desktop environments depending on how Wayland was compiled, and the built-in desktop sharing on distros that have switched over to Wayland often require very specific Linux-only VNC and RDP clients, otherwise you run into odd errors.

I really hope the desktop sharing situation improves because it's a pretty big showstopper for me. On X11 you just install & run x11vnc from a remote SSH session and you have immediate session access with VNC from Linux, Android, and Windows. If you want lockscreen access too then you run as root and provide the greeter's Xauth credentials. But Wayland's not so simple sadly AFAICT...

Waypipe is something I've found out about recently though, so need to check that out and see how well it works at the moment. If anyone has any helpful info or pointers please share, I'm completely new to Wayland and would appreciate it!

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I feel sorry for whichever researchers are in charge of training and fine tuning those models.... ouch

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I think they'll be fine, the form asks for a CV + video call + lemmy user name and optional github profile.

I'd be surprised if a bad faith candidate got through that. A probation period could work here, where their access is a bit restricted at first

I guess this ships the fix for the webp zero-day? That was pretty quick of them, massive props πŸ‘Œ

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Very apt username.

Anything would be an improvement over using stock Chrome at this poing... wow

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If i'm not mistaken Microsoft has a controlling stake in OpenAI, so what on earth happened here lol

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Anticheats that run in the NT kernel may as well be described as rootkits, especially as they aren't transparent about exactly what they're doing. Then there's the question of what happens if they get compromised

Very, very, very brave you are to torrent on Hetzner lol

Songs of this vintage should be pirated out of principle IMO.

The artist has made their money from it and lived a good life - no record label should be able to line their pockets with the profits of a dead person's work from my perspective.

This kind of thing could work for a few apps, say a color picker utility or a QR code generator etc.

Looking at the docs, it isn't clear if apps can write to their own namespace (instead of writing to user folders directly), but if they can, we could expand the scope to games like supertuxkart, 2048 etc, which would then be able to save user milestones and progress in their own area - a bit like how Android apps do it


It's a great start IMO, although admittedly there is still work to do. Flatpak atm bridges the gap with allowing new apps, requiring new libs, to run on older stable/LTS distros

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