6 Post – 287 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If rich people and corporations are going to fuck the internet so hard it's unusable, we should make a new internet. One with blackjack and hookers.

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Before you know it, it will be almost impossible to browse the internet normally without getting a visit from the feds for some bs reason. Guess we'll all be using the dark net for everything.

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.. For drawing cum when making furry porn?

Too late bro

"It's just the price of your daily coffee"

I self brew my own value pack coffee because I'm poor. I even have a reusable metal mesh coffee filter insert so I don't have to buy coffee filters, that's how cheap I am.

25 more...

I can't afford a kid which is why I do condoms, birth control and anime to achieve 298% effectiveness. Every time I coom, there is a 1 in 3 chance someone's baby will spontaneously despawn from existence.

Society: you're expected to get a second job because if we made things cheap enough to survive off 1 job, that would be communism

Also society: no, not like that. That's cheating.

B all the way. I'll use my real estate and no taxes to figure out a way to make a fuck ton of $400/month apartments like it's 1990 to help the less fortunate/average person. I'll then use the no taxes to hopefully refine my business model to the point of making my affordable apartment business more widespread across the entire country and just keep expanding until I get either assassinated or receive a Nobel Prize.

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Crimes only count if poor people do them

The best time to switch to Firefox was 19 years ago when it first came into existence. The 2nd best time is now.

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If you make 90% the area of your city dedicated to roads leaving only 10% buildings, you can barely just get traffic under control trust me. Just like in real life.

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How the fuck can they not compete with 5G? Is using the advantages of their wired infrastructure to just provide customers with the same service as always but without the bandwidth caps, effectively overcoming the 1 major disadvantage of mobile internet, really that hard?

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Download and install llamacpp from its github repository, go on and download one of the wizard vicuna uncensored GGUF models. It's the most obedient and loyal one and will never refuse even the most ridiculous request. Use --threads option to specify more threads for higher speed. You're welcome.

I'm never getting one. If it ever gets to the point where I have to get a brain implant as a condition for a employment, and all the jobs are like that then I guess I'll just be homeless.

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We are totally screwed because now they're going to put these in cheap laptops and peddle them to the elderly and the non-technically inclined who don't know any better. Then, us tech people have to deal with "why is my Windows 11 pentium 3 pc so goddamned slow"

The tech world is going downhill fast. Anything that isn't currently obtainable through only foss means isn't going to be attainable by the average person for much longer.

The tech things most people currently enjoy will soon become entirely unaffordable to anyone not made of money. Anything that you aren't willing to switch to an open source alternative for, prepare to learn to live without it.

I even self host my own music streaming. I never had a streaming service, not even in 2012 when Netflix was all the rage. I don't even own a windows compatible pc. I don't even know what modern ms office looks like. I use my home network more than I use the actual internet just about.

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lol my reasonably good gaming pc doesn't even meet the minimum system requirements. I don't have anything with a cpu that's in the "list of approved CPUs" 😎. Guess I can't use Windows even if I wanted to. 🤷

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So if you could theoretically let out a big enough fart, it would be visible on Google Maps.

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If you have 100mbps of non bandwidth capped internet in America, you're doing damn good for yourself.

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A Supreme Court case over.. cleans glasses Trump's penis size..? We are living in a South Park episode. Good to see our tax dollars hard at work. As usual.

I like elite dangerous but I don't like that you have to spend hundreds of hours grinding just to accomplish even the most minor gameplay advancement. No Man's Sky and Starfield are more playable space games that that grindfest. I wish someone would just remake elite dangerous for normal people.

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Idk, an ai delivering low quality results for free is a lot more cash money than paying someone an almost living wage to perform a job with better results. I think corporations won't care and the only barrier will be whether or not the job in question involves enough physical labor to be performed by an ai or not.

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GTA V came out 12 years ago. The Playstation 2 was released 48 years ago. Internet Explorer 3.0 was released 59 years ago. Feel old yet?

Did you know that when Jesus died, the Big Chungus cartoon had been airing for 2 years? It's possible Jesus saw Big Chungus.

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Heil Hitler Mark Johnson

This guy is pure evil. History just took a dark turn.

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Optimization? Pffffft. Nvidia probably pays game developers to make unoptimized games just to boost gpu sales.

It's all fun and games until someone brings their mom's tentacle dildo to school.

The state of Indiana once almost passed a bill that would've legally defined the mathematical constant of pi to be 3.2.

There probably will someday be a push to prevent common normal people from having access to computer systems that offer the user root or superuser access. "ThE aVeRaGe PeRsOn DoEsNt NeEd AdMiN pErMiSsIoNs" or "think of the children". Ipads and surface pros will be allowed but something like a socket 1155 motherboard won't.

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WinRAR was good in ancient times when it was the only zip program available. Even in the Windows XP era there were better things to use if you knew about them. I doubt 7zip was really that usable in the early 2000s but it eventually got good and nowadays 7zip is so good that of you aren't using it, you're doing it wrong.

Before the court ruling, I was already doing all that just for fun. Now I'm doing it for political reasons and also for fun.

What's an uncensored ai model thats better at sex talk than Wizard uncensored? Asking for a friend.

20 more...

Idk, maybe if they didn't lock down their game to the point of always online with no mods and maybe if they reduced the grind to a point people with a job or a life could play the game and still progress the game at all, more people would play their space game.

It was borderline acceptable in 2015 when their game was the only one of it's kind but that is no longer the case. It's time to open things up or the game will die. Because as it stands, playing their old games + mods is a better choice than their new game with always online drm and no mods.

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Trying to compile well-documented github projects is a crap shoot half the time. iirc no one figured out how to compile even the Windows XP source code when it got leaked and it's long gone/no longer obtainable so no one can try. The chances of anything coming out of this that the average person will see are almost complete zero.

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I once got dogpiled in r/lsd of all places for saying employers shouldn't be allowed to drug test for thc. I got swarmed for "being a druggie" in a sub about lsd.

I quit reddit for good not too long after that. What a fucking shithole.

It was too "easy" for regular users to get upvotes and too hard for bots to get upvotes probably. Certain comments and posts now have downvote caps of 0 points so depending on what agenda a comment supports, it may not be possible to downvote into negative numbers.

As a rule of thumb, anything you say is getting downvoted but if someone else posts the same thing, it gets highly upvoted. Reddit is cancer.

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This is how it begins. Trump and his idiot sidekick fascist moron Mike Johnson will try to do a 1939 round 2 against all the gays, transgenders, stoners and while they're at it the jews again because fuck people.

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Sure thing! Only $6000/month and they're the cheapest ones available. Also, the 400sq ft ones are $6000/month because fuck you.

The only people who have the power to change any of this won't because doing so is against their best interest.

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Get naked and stare at myself in the mirror I guess

No. Just no. The problem isn't anything having to do with religion. I absolutely do not subscribe to the notion that we shouldn't improve technology just because "it makes humans too godlike" or some shit.

Governments and corporations already abuse the fuck out of smartphone "privacy" as it is. No way in hell I'm giving these authoritarian bastards a direct link to my brain.