New House Speaker Mike Johnson Wants Women to Pop Out 'Able-Bodied Workers' to Fund Social Security

Flying to politics – 709 points –
New House Speaker Mike Johnson Wants Women to Pop Out 'Able-Bodied Workers' to Fund Social Security

In his remarks, not only does Johnson claim Roe “gave constitutional cover to the elective killing of unborn children,” but he rails against the imagined economic detriments of abortion, pushing his caucus’ outlandish claim that by depleting a hypothetical workforce, abortion has defunded social security: “Think about the implications of that on the economy. We’re all struggling here to cover the bases of social security and Medicare and Medicaid and all the rest,” Johnson says. “If we had all those able-bodied workers in the economy we wouldn’t be going upside down and toppling over like this... Roe was a terrible corruption.” Mind you, social security and health care have been gutted in the last several years by Republican lawmakers, not people who choose to end a pregnancy.


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Heil Hitler Mark Johnson

This guy is pure evil. History just took a dark turn.

Trump was going to be the last one you could laugh at. Now he's only paid lipservice, the void will be filled. From now on forward things are going to get serious.

For all of Trump's fascism and corruption he was at least so amazingly incompetent at it. His actions brought to light a lot of shortcomings and vulnerabilities in the system we can now more effectively watch for as his slightly smarter cohorts try and exploit them.

Too bad half the time "watch in horror" is about all we end up doing.

Trump is not a fascist, he's an idiot. Saying that he's a fascist really does downplay actual fascism.

I don't think that calling Trump a fascist is undermining anything. All fascists have been, and are, very bad at actually being political. Politics is not on the mind of a fascist it's in the way of the fascist. The dumb things Trump did were dumb politically speaking. But he absolutely killed it in the ideology department.

I mean, I feel like he's being overt about the motivations the GOP has held for decades. It's just that this is a time where their despicable desires about how our society should evolve are showcased.