Beemo Dinosaurierfuß

@Beemo Dinosaurierfuß
1 Post – 190 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just fucking do it.

Maybe then other media will finally stop reporting shit like
"Person Z said Y on X (formerly Twitter)."

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I mean he defrauded rich people.

Off course he gets the book.

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But has this research also factored in that I probably won't drink the smoothie unless there is a banana in there?

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How I miss the days when I disliked Republicans just for being slimey shitweasles and not literal fascists.

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Not one more € from EU funds should go to Hungary.

It is completely obvious that Orban is not an ally.

“DeSantis must immediately apologize for his disgraceful insult.”

Haha coming from the 'fuck your feelings'-crowd, fucking snowflakes.

That stock is the first time that I actually considered shortselling anything.

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Why should any NATO country (beside maybe Turkey) not immediately arrest him?

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And what does that have to do with arresting a war criminal?

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Those Larian Studios people seem pretty nice from what one can hear.

Both sides this, both sides that.

And even in your stupid fairytale lie the left side still is better than the right.

Ooh one side terrorizes rape victims (in reality) and one side makes youth sports less balanced (in your fantasy).
If that sounds equally bad to you, you better get yourself checked out.

Whoever decided this can shove a cactus up somewhere.

Fuck you for hurting the most vulnerable;
disgusting decision by disgusting people.

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Why do you think you can dictate to anyone what to wear?

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What a knob.

No, no, just fucking no.

It was not mental illness that killed this man, it was his hateful asshole son.

I fucking hate this rethoric that just leads to more discrimination against people with an actual mental illness.

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It is a false narrative that doing anything against russian aggression automatically means WW3.

And this false narrative is deliberately spread by pro russian channels so that Russia gets challenged as little as possible.

Putin is a war criminal and should be arrested, if Russia then chooses to go to war (which I doubt) they will see how it serves them.

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Not that I disagree with you.

But even as a staunch Euro leftist, I think it is okay that there are people I strongly disagree with, even strongly dislike because I think the fight for values that are against my personal morality.

Both Romney and Cheney are such people.
I don't think they should have political power over other people.

But they share at least a certain common ground with me that the fascists don't.
And for how little I actually like those people, I still value this very difference.

Usually I am against huge mergers like this because they rarely benefit the customer, but ActiBlizzard was about as bad as it gets anyway.

Selfishly I hope maybe at least one decent RTS might come from this before everything gets enshittyfied again.
I realize though that OG Warcraft/Starcraft were not the big motivators for MS so the chance is probably slim.

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I respect your opinion, but I am completely the other way.

A meal wants to be a journey through your flavors.
Each getting a small time to shine, before coming together in the end for that one last perfect bite.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but I also would never think of actually investing in anything Trump.

Shortselling is betting that the stock value falls without actually holding the stock.

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Good job repeating russian propaganda.

Edit: Not that I care about internet points.
But the thought that opposing russia would lead to nuclear war is exactly what Putin wants people in the west to think to keep bullying and suppressing everyone around him.

He is bluffing though and he knows it.

He said delivering supplies to Ukraine was the red line.
He didn't react when we did.

He said delivering arms to Ukraine was the red line.
He didn't react when we did.

He said delivering tanks to Ukraine was the red line.
He didn't react when we did.

He said delivering planes to Ukraine was the red line.
He didn't react when we did.

Because he can't. He knows he would lose everything.

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I am not informed about what he did exactly to help children and if he actually did help them I commend him for it in the highest form.

But as a European I have mainly seen him lobby for dystopian online control systems.

It is hard for me to judge if he is a cynic that uses children for his lobbying (as is usual by people that want to destroy freedoms online and offline) or an idealist that went the very wrong way at some point, but at least his political efforts in Europe are not a good thing at all.

And that he is speaking up for a violent rapist does not make me want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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It shouldn't be that hard.

It shouldn't be that fucking hard to be at least the slightest bit of a decent human.

It is past time for both EU and NATO to get rid of him.

It is clear that he is not an ally.

That is waaaaaay too cohesive of a text.

Trump would never stay on one point for that long.

He used to purposefully change topics frequently to keep on bullshitting when he was less demented and now he just isn't able to focus for long enough to talk about one topic for that long.

I know it's trendy to shit on Germany rn (and Isreal obviously and for good reason), but 90 year old holocaust survivors surely aren't the ones commiting genocide.
And they very well might have had to relive a trauma that Germany rightfully feels a responsibility for.

So what is the problem with giving those old folks that really had to endure some of the worst things anyone ever had to endure a symbolic sum to show them that they are not forgotten?

This is in no way defending Germanys support of Israel, while it is committing cruel war crimes.
But let's be real here, is this gesture really that outrageous to you?

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Problem is, he never was a fat billionaire asshole.

He was a fat millionaire asshole pretending to be a billionaire (if even that, considering his debt).

Which is especially counter to his claims to be a good businessman considering he would have easily become a billionaire if he just invested his heritage in something like S&P 500 instead of playing mogul.

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I get hungover way less since I drink a lot of water after or ideally at the same time as getting drunk.

If I get hungover anyway it's greasy food, weed, sweet drinks like soda or juice schorle and couch with a series or a silly movie. Probably a cat or two with me on the couch. Let's be honest, probably only the one, the other only really loves my SO. Normal stuff I guess.

Or if it's summer festival time maybe countering with beer might be another option to kill a hangover.

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You essentially argue that the brutal invader has to win his illegal invasion during which they bomb and kill countless civilians, because otherwise other civilians that support the illegal and brutal invasion might suffer some consequences?

You can't be for real, noone could argue this in good faith.

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Financial success.

Who does he think bribery laws bind if not legislators?

That is a de facto state of war between NATO and Russia.

Repeating this doesn't make it any more true.
Which Russian politician would throw away his new reign for an attack on NATO which might mean WW3, but which definitely will mean the total and utter destruction of Russia as a nation.

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That's not what OP said.

They will never grow a conscience, but they will happily throw Trump under the bus if it serves them.
He is not one of them so he can easily be made part of the out group.

The very second dumping Trump is better for their aspirations of power than holding on to him they will do just that.
Not for moral reasons though, those don't even fall into consideration.

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Alabama, a state I wouldn't even want to fly over for the chance that the plane could crash and I might survive.

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That would be the end of the free press.

But yeah a wet dream for politicians.

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Bullshit Apples and bullshit Oranges.

Mild pressure is put on the catholic church as an organization (!) to stop actively aiding the still ongoing mass rape of children over multiple continents through their clergy.

That is not even close to the same as expecting all people of Muslim believe to denounce things that completely independent people do that just so happen to also be Muslim.

And don't get me wrong, Islam might be even more stupid and archaic than Christianity, but your argument just doesn't hold water at all.
I would go so far as to say that it is likely that this very argument was conceived as a racist fig leaf to have some reasonable sounding argument to not like brown people.
Not that this is necessarily your motivation, but you just publicly repeated it.

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It's crazy how german media is only reporting on its economy being super bad rn.

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Right to jail.

Believe it or not... jail.

On the one hand I totally agree, on the other hand I spent like 40€ on PoE for everything I wanted and got way more gameplay out of it than of many full price games.

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Is that Chris Brown pasta not a thing around here?

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