4 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is that white Morgan Freeman?

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The picture probably is. I don't think Garfield was ever this unhinged though.

I mean I would assume so. I primarily played inquisition and origins on console and never actually played the second. I would assume there's a modding community but don't really know.

This is my favorite genre of tweet. Just utterly absurd situations that are somehow still accurate.

I like how Appletini is farther along self hatred than rubbing alcohol is.

I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.

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"Dude Where's My Car?" It has a truly in depth and beautiful meaning to it that only becomes obvious on a third viewing.

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Just cause it's illegal hasn't stopped plenty of shitty bosses

Common Bernie Sanders W

TBF it's from 1988.

Keep this guy away from the kids

Not that I'll ever buy a home but I would never buy one in an HOA

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You realize that 'CCCP' is the Russian initialism for the USSR?

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Although almost all bees you actually ever see are female

I think most homeowners insurance policies cover 'acts of God' aka phenomena that can't be controlled and that would likely be covered under that.

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We're human because we can change our nature. Don't excuse it because some people are too weak to do so.

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Be the change you want to see in the world.

Genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. What do you mean?

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That's a contradiction. HOA's are by definition Normieville.

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OP obviously means that gender is a construct

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Me in online orders (I do everything): 💪

It's just a phatic expression. It's largely a generational difference which one is considered the more polite one.

I'm ngl I've got a little heated with those automated call bots before.

It sounds kinda like federated Myspace

I'm a little suspicious of a Fable made by anybody other than Lionshead and especially a studio that primarily makes racing games. I've been wanting a new Fable since forever, so I hope it's good but I'm prepared for it not to be.

In the DnD campaign I'm currently playing, um playing a Barbarian named Baer. And he got the opportunity to register the party name with the adventuring guild. He named the party, "Great Baerierr Beef"

Don't mind if I do.

Expecting them to fail is somehow better?

You can just admit to being wrong dude

Yes, because chopper hasn't been adapted yet.

Honestly, the only Civ I've ever played was Civilization Revolution 2. I enjoyed that one quite a bit. Figured for 3 smackaroons, I'll get at least that much enjoyment out of Civ 6.

I interpreted that as how likely you are to fight somebody while drinking that.