
8 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Never liked coffee. I usually drink Yorkshire tea in the morning, but sometimes mix it up with other black teas. If I drink any during the day, it’s green tea. Evenings are for herbal teas if I have any.

Seems like a lot of responses think a movie needs a twist to be thought provoking. Not saying they’re wrong, but what about things that make you think about how screwed we are like “The Big Short” or “The Laundromat?” Movies like “Schindler’s List” make you think about human capacity for evil and compassion. “Blade Runner” brings up questions of what makes you a human.

Make no mistake, all the “twist” movies mentioned so far are great. Just trying to introduce another thread to the discussion.

This is the best answer IMO. There’s no counter because Project 2025 is one part party platform (which the Democratic Party will vote on its own at the convention), and one part formula to remake the executive branch to prop up the president as a dictator. Technically, the counter to the second part would be the Constitution, existing (read: not yet gutted by the current SCOTUS) legal precedent, and existing federal law.

How many are “outraged?” And are they so outraged as to consider not voting for him? If not, this story is meaningless.

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the first priority of our country is our border.

Oh is it now!? If only there was some sweetheart deal chock full of concessions from the Dems that even your Senate brethren favored that you could push through the House in your role as Speaker. Gosh, all those do-nothing Liberals, amiright!?

“Take care of your teeth” is my go-to “old person’s advice to young people.” Once you realize that dentists can’t really “fix” (as in permanently fix) most problems with your teeth (that you get one set for your whole life), that 5-10 minutes a day to take care of them doesn’t seem like so much.

Seriously, once you have a cavity, there’s a pretty good chance that tooth will eventually become a crown or implant. Once a tooth cracks, it will eventually get worse and have to go. Dentistry is mostly preventative, and for the most part they can really only apply a band-aid to serious problems.

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The problem is that #10 in this article is why 99% of people won’t leave Xitter for Mastodon. Most of the people with lots of followers on X aren’t on Mastodon. It’s really that simple. Some “influencers” need to be convinced to open up Mastodon accounts and advertise exclusive content on there for their followers. Until then, we will be stuck with a handful of journalists, Flipboard, and Stephen Fry.

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  1. Because Disney/Marvel wants more women going to see MCU content. 2. Because it mostly takes place in Africa… And they want more black people going to see MCU content.

I thought this guy was a businessman. He should understand this stuff.

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This is something I’ve been wondering for awhile: if I were a mod on Reddit, and was being threatened by the admins to bend the knee, as it were, my response would likely be to remove any and all tools i had put in place to help me moderate, and say, “goodbye.”

I’m sure there’s something I’m just not understanding, but why isn’t this happening?

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Isn’t “getting owned” basically this douche’s job?

I mean, it was about what people could and couldn’t do… Like buying, selling, & OWNING PEOPLE.

No. If you don’t like what Elon’s doing with Xitter, STOP GOING THERE.

It’s simple. It’s a social network. If people don’t use it, it fails. Who cares if some, or even a lot, of people use it. You don’t have to.

I promise you, he doesn’t care what you or I think. If Xitter fails and is forced to shutter, he’ll move on to the next exercise in ego inflation.

So one of his reasons for not prosecuting criminal behavior by the sitting President is, “the country doesn’t feel like it!?”

  1. Says who?
  2. When you say shit like that, it’s really hard to believe the myth that nobody is above the law.
  3. You no longer get to say you’re the “law and order” anything.

Title of this post is a bit misleading. You’re suggesting the article spells out how Disney’s, and other companies’, rabid protection of its IP is a Bad Thing, when it’s really more of a history and primer on what’s changed with Steamboat Willie entering PD.

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Specifically the part about suing one of the conspirators instead of the actual guy in power who did the thing.

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Might be a bit controversial, but I really enjoyed sense8.

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In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

I also hate this.

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I work around a lot of technical people. From software to devops, sys admins to hardware engineers, entry level to exec suite; and I have contacts around the world from my job. It’s a mixed bag as to which phone they all use, and it’s never had any effect on how I view their technical abilities. My personal phone is an iPhone, and my work one is a pixel 7 pro. It’s been that way for over a decade. There are things I like and dislike about both platforms. At the end of the day the “technical” things I do have little, if anything, to do with my phone.

Any personal judgement a stranger makes based on phone, OS, sportsball team, etc really only highlights their own childishness, need for something to lord over others, and propensity towards tribalism. I have no time for that BS.

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There’s a lot of depth to this reply, and it hits the nail on the head.

Seriously, as an emotional being, the guy is just empty. From his comment about not understanding why soldiers would go to war when they get nothing out of it, to his never ending willingness (eagerness, even) to toss literally anyone under the bus to save his own ass. This guy really has no earthly concept of sacrifice, honor, duty, community… seriously pull out a fucking thesaurus.

I think he is the single most self-centered person I’ve ever seen, heard of, or read about. I’m not even being hyperbolic. The greatest writers in history wouldn’t put a character like him to paper because readers wouldn’t buy it!

You say that’s how he understands friendship, and I agree. I’d only add that he genuinely thinks everyone else is just wrong about it. It’s kind of sad, and also kind of amazing to watch.

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scheming with other dudes how they can work together to trick women into having sex with earning money for them.


Call him what he is: a pimp. He made his money pimping women online. They're not full blown prostitutes, AFAIK, but he's still just a pimp. The dangerous part is he's successfully parlayed this into a "hustle mindset" to get rich, when pimping and conning people into paying him for his "wisdom" is how he got rich. So he's also a conman.

That's the dangerous thing about him. My step-kids think he's worth listening to because, "it's just different for men, you know?" No I don't know, and I've been a man a lot longer than this asshole or them. Any time I ask them to explain it to me, they can't. "It's just different." It's not that I think my step kids are going to start grooming women for sex work, but it's entirely possible that they're subconsciously seeing women as "less than" and painting it as "men's responsibility to protect and provide." And that's pretty toxic IMO.

It feels like partitioning off the NSFW stuff is maybe not a bad idea. Seriously, this might be an area where having multiple Lemmy instances is a good thing. It’s still there, and accessible to anyone who wants it, but folks scrolling Lemmy at work don’t have to worry about something they don’t want to see at the moment showing up. Nobody is saying it can’t exist, but most people don’t have their porn in the same place as their regular reading! So why should it be included in the SFW instances?

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I think we should have “PW;DR” for “Paywall; didn’t read”. Am I late to the party and this acronym already exists?

To sanitize it and remove the negative connotations. It’s something that happened instead of something this guy did.

Same reasons reporters bend over backwards calling most politicians everything but liars.

They took their first (arguably second after Charlottesville or the Bible photo op BS) shot on Jan 6. Don’t think there won’t be a second attempt. They view this guy as a messiah and they view themselves as religious. Him not getting what they want is a dangerous combination. He’s already shown the “greater good” has no place in his world.

Currently Reddit has significantly more users than Lemmy. Has that stopped people from signing up to Lemmy? Twitter has has significantly more users than Mastodon since forever. Has that stopped people from signing up for Mastodon? Has it killed Mastodon?

The common error I see in all the "Threads will kill the Fediverse" mania is that it assumes the same people who sign up for Threads would have otherwise signed up for Mastodon/Lemmy/Kdin/etc. 99.9% of them probably never would have. They want something that's easy and just works; and they're willing to let a company profit off their data to have it.

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… and he will rack up millions in legal fees, that he’ll never pay, in appealing it. When you don’t pay your bills, anything is affordable!

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For me, it kind of depends. If Rogan is interviewing an actor, comedian, or MMA/UFC fighter, he’s more in his element, and the interview can be alright. The problem is he’s kind of an “all sides” show and he doesn’t really understand all the stuff some of his guests pedal. This is problematic when he has folks on pedaling stuff where he doesn’t recognize and call out the potential toxicity. A good example is someone like Jordan Petersen. A guy whose credentials would seem to indicate he knows what he’s talking about. In reality, a lot of the MRA-adjacent BS he spews sounds somewhat reasonable, if a bit “edgy,” on its surface. Petersen knows it isn’t actually backed up by any research (which is where his credentials are), it’s just his musings that he’s found an audience, and quite a bit of money, espousing. This is a problem because Rogan doesn’t usually call this stuff out for the dog whistle that it is, and he has a massive audience.

FWIW, I haven’t listened to him in years, and didn’t listen to him very long to begin with.

Adobe and Microsoft only kinda care about you. You’re one person. All the freelancers out there are still a fairly small part of their respective balance sheets. If you’re a freelance worker, some of your customers might require you to show valid licenses for the software you use, because they want to make sure their partners are ethical (at least, in this regard). Alternatively, you could use FOSS apps.

As someone else already said, if you are making money using commercial software, you really should be paying for it. The cost of your software should be factored into what you charge your customers. They should understand that.

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Thank you! All the effort people are making to make Lemmy like Reddit. With the bots reposting content here to “seed communities.” FFS, why did these people leave, then!? Same with, “but I want to see all the content on Threads!” Then join Threads. Lemmy is Lemmy. Please let it stay that way. People lose sight of the main point of the protest: the community of users. Those folks moved here and elsewhere. It’s those people, not bots or astroturfing communities, who are going to make Lemmy/Squabbles/Spyke/etc. great places.

I keep wondering why we have regulations like this, but having headlights come on when the wipers are turned on is still not required.

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Not really sure what you’re getting at here. I’ve had a network outage for the past 2 days and was able to watch stuff on my local NAS just fine. I haven’t done anything special to make it do that.

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Not like that

No one’s saying it’s not, but one plus the other is worse all around that just the one (still Bad Thing) alone.

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In fairness they do that because the Constitution, and legal precedent surrounding it, is the cornerstone of all federal law, supersedes all state and local laws, and is pretty close to impossible to change in the current political climate. It’s pretty hard to change in more “normal” times!

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Well, I’ll be damned. Piece of shit turns out to be a piece of shit. Color me surprised!

One thing to consider: you feel like not being able to reply means the other person “won.” You didn’t mention the context of the discussion, but I find that approaching most conversations like that (win/lose), you’re already too involved. Conversations, debates, etc. are ways we exchange thoughts and ideas. Winning vs losing implies you think you are right and the other person is wrong. If that’s the case, why bother with the convo at all?

The likelihood that you will convince the other pererson they are wrong is very low, especially when you approach it thinking they are wrong. Instead, approach it trying to learn the ins and outs of their argument. Ask questions that make the person really think about their position. People change their own minds. You can’t force them or do it for them.

I hit me hard when i did the math and realized how old my grandparents were when I was a kid.

So, besides Russia, who DIDNT know Russia was in danger of a terrorist (or FSB false flag, if recent rumors/conspiracies are to be believed) attack?

The IT company I work for purchased me, along with some number of my coworkers and our product line from my former employer. Leading up to the cut over, we’re told that on midnight of the change, our company email will stop working. No forwarders or anything. BUT, we will get a new email that consists of gibberish@stupidsubdomain.company.com. When the password on this new account expires, because we can’t change it because we’re no longer employees, we have to go to a website to request a password change. This emails us a link to our new company email address, but we can’t use that link. We have to manually change part of the URL for it to work. I had them manually change my password twice before I gave up on the whole process. Figured I didn’t work for them anymore. What would they do if I stopped using this bogus account/email address, fire me?

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