'Trump is for sale': Conservatives outraged over ex-president's TikTok flip-flop

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 325 points –
'Trump is for sale': Conservatives outraged over ex-president's TikTok flip-flop

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How many are “outraged?” And are they so outraged as to consider not voting for him? If not, this story is meaningless.

Hold on, they're not that outraged, let's not get crazy here. After all, every single one of them flip flops every single day. How else can they be okay with being followers of Christ that support a racist rapist felon?

It's still an interesting story. Even if 99% of his cultists stick with him every bad decision he makes peels some away.

I mean I know some conservatives who already were feeling very lost about the election since they can't bring themselves to vote for a felon. I think the cracks have started appearing for some people.