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Joined 11 months ago

Grabs popcorn let's find out

Who ever ordered the burn should be charged with environmental terrorism, willful negligence and every other charge that applies

I did the same and this comment made me look again. Was bout ready to say does this guy have a news kink? Lmfao

Perhaps it is just me being pessimistic antisemitic.



I'm pressing X to Doubt this post

Hey Nintendo, FUCK YOU

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The asshole has literally (not figuratively) admitted to this on many streams

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Should be 86.8 bil to Ukraine and 0 to the terrorist organisation of Isreal

Not a feature but I do miss phones having side bezels. You could firmly hold your phone and not disturb the content on your phone. I can barely use youtube now because i keep touching my screen apparently

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What ad companies is this fuckwit invested in?

Malls have food, I'd be that gorillas personal chef for 24 hours

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They are rising from rock bottom, I just bought a 4tb gen 3 nvme for $230 Cad

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Other than her songs she literally has not said anything about politics this round but everyone is freaking the fuck out.

So much stupidity

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Truth social, Facebook's meth head relative nobody likes to talk about

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And we reject your rejection, now what mother fucker?

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This clock has never worked, why believe the fear mongering?

How to launder money 101

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Windows, it would look like windows....

They keep inching me towards Linux with all this bullshit

May you all be touched by thy noodley appendage

Guns can't be the problem, its most definitely the preschools fault for hiring a nut job. Yes, that's the problem ban all preschools!

::: spoiler In case you didn't get it /s :::

Straight to jail for corruption

Calling the cybertruck a Pickup is hularious, you cant fit jack shit in there. So it is more comparable to the bolt than a f150 IMO

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I may have just jizzed in my pants

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id Software provided development assistance on Fallout 76, in the form of additional programmers. Specifically, they assisted with netcode from Quake Champions to support the multiplayer functionality needed to realize the game.

The creation engine is the disaster

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She has a brain, they jusy read whatever is on the teleprompter

Bayer made its bed when they bought Monsanto, fuck em

That family can eat shit and die for all I care

And don't over price it, I can buy a copy for myself and a friend for less than a shitty "AAA"/"AAAA" Title

Who ever tabeled this needs to run for your president. Seriously

Is every QR code individually serialized? What's the mechanism to verify authenticity?

I know Der8auer uses individually printed one time use codes that can be used to verify thermal grizzly paste authenticity

A simple QR code w/hologram ain't gonna do shit alone. Fuck I didn't even know HDMI had their own app and I've been building computers for 20+ years at this point

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Plundering, it's petfect

Hey Microsoft, listen clearly...


There are things called down chain audits, like how Nestle knows all about the forced child labour that goes on in their supply chains and still refuses to part with said companies because it will make chocolate more expensive

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10x safer than a human!

// added a fun link

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10 micron!

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Hey, embracer group, FUCK YOU

I doubt it, SLI is hard enough and thats in the same system yet alone over a network

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