
2 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming

You're an inspiration to us all. Well done, sir!

I on the other hand may have crossed the threshold where I have more games than time to live. I'd better get a move on.

It's not the cost. I've not pirated anything since Steam and GOG came along. It's just that games nowadays want you to be online all the time, force you to open accounts you don't want, try to sell you in game items (that's a brilliant idea to get money from certain types of people, a bit like religion, do congratulations to whoever came up with that).

I want games to be single player playable, offline, start to finish. I'll buy expansion packs if the game is worth it. It's it too much to ask?

I understand that.

I upvote insightful, educational or newsworthy content and downvote clickbait. Especially YouTube clickbait.

I read the first paragraph and saw your prerequisites included working with nvidia.

That is a non-starter, right there. You can blame Linux for a whole lot of little flaws, but most of the blame should go to your hardware vendor for providing shitty support for Linux.

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Former CEO gathers 20-30 of us in the board room, talks about the difficult economy, proceeds to fire everyone.

The silence was deafening.

The meeting ends, he stands at the door expecting us to shake his hand as we leave.

Not a single person shook his hand.

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I keep seeing this question pop up. "Why doesn't [closed/proprietary technology] work well in Linux?"

This question should be asked at whoever makes said technology. You are their client, why don't they support your operating system?

That responsibility should not fall on the shoulders of the thankless volunteers that do their best to create an awesome OS.

Alternatively you can buy one of the commercial distributions and become a client. Then you can ask your supplier why don't they support that technology.

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Constantine - 46%

Predator - 34%

Ghost in the Shell - 43%

Hellboy - 17%

Robocop (2016) - 49%

Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.

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Achievement unlocked.

If you can fix it you unlock another one. If you manage to boot the system without using a rescue USB pen you unlock another one.

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Did you know that "Terminate" is not an appropriate way to stop an AWS EC2 instance? I sure as hell didn't.

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Usually I'd grab my bucket of popcorn and watch another 4 years of the shitshow that is US politics.

Unfortunately, this time the same kind of shitshow is happening across the pond in quite a few countries (not just the usual eastern ex-soviet states), including my country. Populist morons fueled by the Trump, Bolsonaro, Le pen, Orbán cookbook.

People are eating this up on social networks and voting for them. I feel it's going to get real nasty.

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She should abide by the company rules, use company provided software and follow company policies if she likes working there.

Otherwise she should move. Bypassing the rules is very unprofessional and can get you in trouble.

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"Here Come The Test Results: 'You Are A Horrible Person.' That’s What It Says, 'A Horrible Person.' We Weren’t Even Testing For That."

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Finally, my life is complete. We have achieved feature parity with Windows.

Seriously, the BSOD QR-code is a great way to have a more inclusive system. Hardened geeks can still sift through the boot log to find problems and newbies can just get help online. Win-win.

You can and should use whatever OS fits your use case. Right tool for the job and all that.

What you should not do is post a clickbait video to trigger the penguins into giving you views.

Noob was told to change some parameters on an AWS EC2 instance, requiring a stop/start. Selected terminate instead, killing the instance.

Crappy company, running production infrastructure in AWS without giving proper training and securing a suitable backup process.

Xfce is rock solid.

  1. Tries to use Windows conventions on Linux, without bothering to learn the differences. A 30 second Google search would suffice.
  2. Fails.
  3. Posts a rant blaming Linux for "not working properly".
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I enjoy Tarantino movies. It all boils down to: are they solid fun entertainment or not, and to me the answer is yes.

Someone else did it better elsewhere? Sure, and he is very forthcoming about his influences. So if you're a fan, you'll likely find his sources and enjoy those too. Win win.

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Download a widely supported Linux distribution like Ubuntu and put it on a USB stick.

Now boot from that stick. It will load (slowly) but it will not touch your disk.

You can have a look around and kick the tires. Check out the default apps. Install some more apps.

You can reboot and remove the USB pen to get back home to Windows.

Now download something else and repeat.

Do this until you feel that Windows is not your home anymore.

That was my journey, maybe it is yours too.

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Oh look, Netscape Navigator is back.

They used to say that every product evolves until it can send mail. In that sense, this is now a mature product.

Of course nowadays no product is finished without built-in LLM functionality, so I'll wait for that

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After a while you'll realise that it's just healthy competition, not wars.

I use a bunch of distros, just like I have a lot of different tools in my toolbox. Each serves a slightly different function.

Keep in mind that the motto is "World domination," not "Internal quarrelling".

I don't pay more than 20€ for a game.

I have a very long backlog to play and feel no pressure to play the very latest releases. Being a patient game does have some perks. One of them is that I get to buy a lot more games (ence the backlog).


Exactly. Boring stability is good.


We've been doing our own thing since 1143. People are mostly nice, crime is very low, most social unrest culminates in barbecues instead of burning vehicles, like is usual in France or Spain.

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It's fine for most uses.

For server or enterprise cases you want to separate /usr, /var and /tmp to prevent a rogue process from filling the / volume and crashing the machine.

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Stop buying delicious plants.

Or sacrifice one of your cats to appease the plant god. That should get the message through to the other cats.

Computing history, obscure operating systems, movies and music my friends never heard about, fringe humour nobody gets.

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Found out the hard way that if you edit /etc/sudoers with anything other than visudo you best be absolutely sure the syntax is correct, otherwise sudo will refuse to read it and you'll be locked out.

Also learned to add -rf to the rm command at the end, after I re-read it to make sure it does what it should do. Something like rm /path -rf instead of rm -fr /path. That protects you from your fat fingers hitting the enter key half way through.

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When moving over from that other site it was the first instance I tried, for no particular reason.

They made me write a statement why I would want to join the instance (okay, you need to filter the bots, fair enough) so I wrote a nice little text to let them know. I guess I failed to write the keywords they were looking for, so they denied my application.

That told me all I needed to know about the mods.

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1997 Ford Fiesta 1.2.

Still being driven by my offspring.

Kudos to the XFCE developers for creating and maintaining a sleek, fast, sane desktop all these years.

It has served me well after the Gnome 3 debacle pushed me overboard.

Here I am writing my opinion, only to realise that many of you have already posted most of the valid points I was going to make. So now my comment is pretty much worthless and adds nothing to the discussion.

I cancel most of the time, but today I'll open an exception to prove my point.

Have you somehow become more enlightened by my post? Yeah, should have cancelled it.

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Lazy people tend to be creative people, which is good, especially when confronted with boring activities.

I'd solve it in hardware, maybe an ESP32 dongle with a mic pretending to be a keyboard.

Seriously though, sounds like you need a more creative or fulfilling job.

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Some games you sometimes load just to hang around. This is one of those. Lovely game.

I'd add Valley and Sable to this group.

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It would not be created if existing plumbing covered all use cases.

Don't assume you know better and that developers are simply reinventing the wheel.

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I understand the rationale behind you doing this, I've done it myself.

Your company sends you abroad for a week or two. You want to access your Netflix account but don't want to do it on the company computer. On the other hand you don't want to carry two laptops with you.

As others have said, tampering company hardware can get you in trouble with the IT department, and it's enough to get you fired in some cases.

If you value your job get permission to do it or get yourself a tablet.

This is the sentence that I needed to read today. Thank you

The damn thing Just Works™. That's why the developers aren't being pestered. It's a pretty great piece of software.

Every couple of years I install other desktops to check out what the cool guys use nowadays, then go right back to XFCE.

It's like having a hot cup of tea on a cold day while sitting in a comfy chair by the fire with your slippers on.