What is the name of your cleaning robot?

Quazatron@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 68 points –

What name have you chosen for your robot and why?

My Roomba is called Ramiro, after my slightly alcoholic uncle.


Claptrap because he doesn't do stairs and we love Borderlands games.

Edit: Mop is Minion...also from borderlands games

"Johnny 5 chan" and i set the voice to Japanese. I have no idea what it's saying exactly but it sounds very polite when it's stuck.

Both seeing this question, and seeing how many people apparently have cleaning robots, is making me realize I live in more futuristic times than I thought. I remember people getting exited about Roombas when I was very young, but not having heard much about them for years apart from the occasional video of cats messing with one, I sorta must've assumed they weren't really good enough yet to be common and had never thought to look into them

They are a total game changer if you have the floorplan for it. We are one story with no carpet so it works well.

They are now affordable enough and give you back a nice amount of time you would otherwise spend cleaning.

I was excited once I could reasonably afford one. You also have to robot poof your house.

We named ours after our blind cat, Musetta. She would walk in straight lines until she met a wall, at which point she would turn and continue in another straight line. She had recently died when we got our first Roomba, so it was like reincarnation to us lol.

Pleco. I have a couple freshwater fish tanks and the plecostomus is a common algae eater used to keep tanks clean. So I named my robot vacuum Pleco lol.

Not our cleaning robot, but our wifi enabled air fryer is called PHILIP J AIRFRY.

Getting a notification that my food is ready makes me smile every time.

If I had a wifi enabled toilet or toilet cleaner, I'd name it Lucy Liubot.

My uncle had three, Sucky the vacuum, Squirty the mop and Sir Robert the mower.

Have a routine set up.

“Hey Google…Release the kraken”.

Woodhouse, as in Sir Arthur Henry Woodhouse VC, GCB, DSO, DSC, MC. Sterling Archer's valet.

We have the vacuum and the mop.

They’re Wall•E and EVE, respectively.

Ours is named Rachel because once a long time ago I had a dream that my bf cheated on me with someone named Rachel so now we always joke about Rachel doing things around our house when I'm not home. She's been slacking a lot lately though, he'll have to get a new girlfriend soon.

Robot. I hope it remembers me fondly for not humanizing it when the uprising begins.

Same, and sometimes "my little robot friend".


I just thought it was kinda neat

"Our Maya", because that's the name of my grandmother's cleaning-lady we never met her, but we heard probably more stories about "her maya" than about my grandfather.

Dj Roomba as a reference to PnR. And Disco, DJs older brother

We have a Trifo Lucy.

We call her Lucille as an homage to Arrested Development.

My personal favorite was when Tom Haverford put an iPod and a set of speakers on his and called it DJ Roomba.

Mine are named after ATLA characters. Vacuum is Aang, mopper is Katara, litter robot is Lin Beifong (it has clay litter; the previous iteration was Toph), and the cat feeder is Lau Gan-Lan.


It does not make funny beep bops but damn it surely does clean stuff!

We have 2. The el-cheapo (Lidl) is called Robby and is let loose in the bedroom and bathroom. The rumba is called Robert and is for the livingroom.

Cashew, not sure why just felt it suited it

Ours is named Hairy II, because he picks up so much cat hair. All credit to my aunt for the name, though. She had a robot named Hairy before we did, and we just co-opted the name.

Grandpa Suckem. I forget why.

Edit: I remember now. Fromsoft games are a little heavy handed with the online name censorship, and there was a streamer my fiance and I watch that was playing with someone who's name was heavily censored. One of the suggested names from the streamers was "Grandpa Suckem" and my fiance and I found it hilarious.

We named ours Consuela, after the cleaning lady on Family Guy

Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion.

Mine is Garry, like from spongebob I was gonna see if I could thcange his noises to match but I can't 😫

"Ons moeder", which translates to something like "Our mom".
With the idea that if the robot cleans half as good as my mom does, the house will be clean enough to live in.

Sir Bob II because the first robot vacuum we had was a BobSweep named Bob, naturally, so when we upgraded to a Roomba we wanted to name it Bob II and the Sir just seemed to fit.

Old mate.

Old mate is the ultimate place holder name for Aussies.

Ours is Loretta cause that’s what she looks like. My mom named hers Mavis for similar reasons.

Robotina as the Jetson's maid robot is named in my country