24 Post – 541 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I did not think Trump could win in 2016. I actually agree with all your points. I’m just a little baffled myself from this nonsense.

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Probably not lol

Wonder how much those 2 ad slots are going for lol

More expensive than a Super Bowl commercial?

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Well said, Little Miss. You can’t be wrong.

What a weirdass timeline. I really don’t even know what to make of RFK Jr’s platform at all. Seems like a melting pot of nonsense.

Do you feel like your vote was swayed at all?

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What in the world? 🌎

Never heard this one before. That was a wild ride!

You’ve sold me

Proof? Source?

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What timeline is this again? Psychics are on news channels now? Not mention one with an extremely large user base that would have this go against their theology? I can’t even.

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Well I’m glad to hear more people stating the obvious. Well done Bern.

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Why would you do this? I would just get a marker and label each one with an “S” so you don’t make this same mistake in the future.

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My company just officially closed our office and made everyone permanent WFH. Best news I’ve had all year!

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I’m browsing from an app via and haven’t noticed any issue yet. Testing to see if this actually posts.

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Of course CNN leaves a key point out of the article: Shroyer had previously gotten probabtion for a protest way before all the Jan 6th mess. Part of his punishment for that was he was not allowed at all on capitol grounds - so that played a role in the charges/sentencing as well.

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Am I weird to think that the fediverse will eventually succumb to enshitification in its own ways? As in, if it does pick up then any easy to sign up and popular instances will have a certain concentration of power and if they try to cater to the masses, they might just end up becoming their own silos if defederated from other instances en masse.

I’m just kinda posting here to air some thoughts. I’m sure I’m not the first to think about this and of course I understand this is a feature not a bug.

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Horrible conclusion to a desperate situation. The article didn’t mention it but the dog was in the bedroom with him and also died as well.

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For those that just wanna see the vid directly and don’t feel like dealing with the paywall

These dang leftists just aren’t gonna understand the context of agreeing that some people should be murdered! It’s just what cancel culture breeds!

Is it odd that he switched to public defender instead of acquiring his own representation?

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Well the join lemmy ad made it until the end at least

The Beatles were overrated.

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Following reports of Bowman pulling the fire alarm, his spokesperson released a statement claiming he “did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion.”

I don’t even understand how this non-answer even makes any logical sense.

Dial tone still exists. Pretty much every business phone that’s most likely a VoIP line still generates dial tone to the user’s headset.

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Also drive very defensively on the road. Car ego isn’t worth it behind a 2 ton death machine.

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The other thread got deleted but threw down this gem that cracked me up

Coincidence that he just also appeared as a guest on Tucker’s show for the first time ever? I think Alex is getting some kind of push somehow/somewhere to spew his bile back into the limelight.

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Organize a local Lemmy meetup for 40+ year olds! Lol

I am in my mid 40s myself. I think the default advice is to just find social hobby groups and meet people that way. The more you put yourself out there, the more chance you have to make a connection. Also, I don’t think it’s a problem to be the “odd old lady” - wear that badge with pride IMO.

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If election theater motivates this policy and makes this happen then I’m all for it. I wonder what our criminal AG in Texas thinks about all this, considering he’s trying to do the opposite in cities with lax marijuana enforcement.

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Have a fire extinguisher. Just in case.

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I’ve never done this and I guess I need to go yell at a cloud somewhere if this is about to become a thing.

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There certainly are some nasty people out there. Like ones who tell inappropriate sexual anecdotes in professional settings throughout their career.

Thanks for saving me a click bud

I’d rather see more “fuck Reddit” on there than spez. Spez isn’t the only one to blame for their issues, he’s just been at the forefront. He’ll get his golden parachute and bounce if all this anger is directly specifically towards him. My 3 pennies

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This was the one thing that pushed you over the edge?

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If this starts getting too steamy, I must let you know that I am in Texas and over 18, in case anyone needs to verify my age for adult content.

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I dunno. I’ve seen some pretty abhorrent shit over Facebook throughout the years.

I have no experience but I was dating a lady who knew a dude into “sounding”. Kinda blew my mind that that was a thing.

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🙋‍♂️ - count me in that camp. I feel like a peasant if I have to shit on anything else. Splurge for the heated seat and heated water if you can afford it and prepare to be spoiled.

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