Does anyone know the website that breaks down that Trump could potentially be the Antichrist? to No Stupid – 149 points –

I remember this site years ago - maybe in 2018 or so. It had like 50 or so references to scriptures and how they could be interpreted to Trump being the Antichrist.

Now if I’m searching for “Donald trump Antichrist” I just get pages and pages of news articles.

Does anyone remember that site and if so could you share the url?


I think this is the one you were looking for. At least, this is the one I recall based on your description and rough publish date.

There are so many adds on that website, I struggle to read it

What's an ad? lol

If I see an ad on any device on my network, I treat it as a security breach.

Hah same. I get unreasonably ragey now if I see or hear an ad anywhere. I internalize it because making a scene at the mall because I heard an ad jingle on the radio is something only crazy people do, but it’s there.

I have google ads blocked, but that doesn't stop them from appearing in search results. If you click on one, you get an error.

My wife got mad at me, because she was saying how she just wants to click on the first result. She's like "I basically have to ignore the first page of google search results." Yes, that is the point. "I don't care if I'm clicking on the thing that Google wants me to click on." Yes, that is the point. "Why even use Google if the results are just ads?" Yes, that is the point.

Try out a searxng instance like its a meta search engine that acts as a middle man between you and google (and others) that queries the results and scrapes off all the ads and tracking crap without google ever touching your connection.

Shout out to adguard's DNS, I don't get ads even on Jerboa Connect, which unlike Jerboa uses its own web browser instead of hitching a ride on my default (Firefox)

Use an Adblocker?

I thought I put ublock origin on my Firefox. I listened to the lemmards and switched from Chrome recently. Still learning.

Stop googling! Try your search 'Donald trump Antichrist' at duckduckgo. The link at my first DDG result pointed out this article:

What's weird to me is that people think that a 2000-year-old story of mixed historicity (a story which fell into the control of the Romans and their church ... and 2000 years later the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' fell into the hands of scholars who failed to publish for decades) ... that has been translated and interpreted and re-interpreted by anyone/everyone that whole time ... can be relied on for any clues at all. The prophesy may have already happened, or simply be a horror story to scare children.

You're so close. Why do you assume people living thousands of years ago wrote a book that would predict the future at all?

So I wasn’t the only one who suspects trump being the Antichrist?

I was convinced when I saw that massive golden Statue the evangelicals created of him…

I can't imagine a bigger repudiation of Christianity than thinking that idiot is somehow the final boss.

I mean, sure, if he gets elected again he could very well end the world, or at least democracy, but it'd be in a Homer Simpson "D'oh" kinda way, not in an evil, cosmic plan kind of way.

"never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity"

he might not be the antichrist we expect, but he's certainly the one we deserve.

That’s weird. Someone else already commented with the website earlier and I replied to thank them but now both of those comments are gone. Strange! I wish I could remember who replied earlier stating something along the line of they found it via search with some Reddit results.

Dear original replier, if you see this please respond to let me know I’m not going crazy lol

Revelations 13:5 has to be there somewhere, although Trump went full term